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Created January 29, 2014 00:03
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SQL to JSON | SQL Server T-SQL script
set nocount on
declare @TableViewName nvarchar(128),
@Columns nvarchar(max),
@Columns_ nvarchar(max),
@ColumnName nvarchar(max),
@SQLColumns nvarchar(max),
@SQLQuery nvarchar(max),
@SQLString nvarchar(max),
@LastRecord int,
@StartPos int,
@Length int;
declare @TableColumn table(TableColumn nvarchar(max));
declare @TableJSON table(ID int identity(1,1), JSON nvarchar(max));
-- Input variable for Table or View
set @TableViewName = 'NameOfViewOrTableGoesHere';
-- Input variable for columns, comma seperated...
set @Columns = 'CommaSeparatedListOfAttributesGoesHere';
set @Columns_ = @Columns;
while len(@Columns) > 0
if right(rtrim(@Columns), 1) <> ','
set @Columns = @Columns + ','
set @StartPos = charindex(',', @Columns)
if (@StartPos) < 0
set @StartPos = 0
set @Length = (len(@Columns) - @StartPos - 1)
if (@Length) < 0
set @Length = 0
if (@StartPos) > 0
set @ColumnName = ltrim(substring(@Columns, 1, @StartPos - 1))
-- Build string Column logic (core)
set @ColumnName = '''"' + @ColumnName + '":''' + ' + case
when isdate(isnull(' + @ColumnName + ', null)) = 1 then + ''"'' + coalesce(convert(nvarchar(30),' + @ColumnName + ', 121), ''null'') + ''"''
when isnumeric(isnull(' + @ColumnName + ', 0)) = 1 then coalesce(cast(' + @ColumnName + ' as nvarchar(max)), ''null'')
when '+ @ColumnName + ' = ''true'' then ''true'' when ' + @ColumnName + ' = ''false'' then ''false''
else + ''"'' + coalesce(cast(' + @ColumnName + ' as nvarchar(max)), ''null'') + ''"'' end + '','''
set @Columns = substring(@Columns, @StartPos + 1, len(@Columns) - @StartPos)
set @ColumnName = @Columns
set @Columns = ''
insert @TableColumn (TableColumn) values(@ColumnName)
-- Take care of NULL columns
select @SQLColumns = coalesce(@SQLColumns + ' + ','') + TableColumn from @TableColumn;
--Remove the last five trailing characters (+ ',')
set @SQLColumns = left(@SQLColumns, len(@SQLColumns) - 5);
-- Prepare CTE statement
set @SQLQuery = 'select' + ' ' + @Columns_ + ' ' + 'from ' + @TableViewName;
set @SQLString = 'with SQLtoJSON_CTE (' + @Columns_ + ')' + ' ' +
'as (' + @SQLQuery + ')' + 'select ''{'' +' + @SQLColumns + '+ ''},''' + ' ' + 'from SQLtoJSON_CTE';
-- Insert returned SQLtoJSON_CTE records
insert into @TableJSON exec sp_executesql @SQLString;
-- Get the ID of the last record
select @LastRecord = max(ID) from @TableJSON;
-- Remove the trailing comma (,) at the end of the last record
update @TableJSON
set JSON = left(JSON, len(JSON) - 1)
where ID = @LastRecord;
-- Return Valide JSON
select valid.JSON as 'ValidJSON' from (select '[' as 'JSON' union all select JSON from @TableJSON union all select ']' as 'JSON') valid;
set nocount off
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