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Created February 10, 2012 23:07
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Hack for Flash's security policy for cross-domain JSON
package lib
* AS3 Wrapper for jsonp
* Hack around flash's cross-domain security policy for
* loading json on remote servers. ONLY works when flash is in a browser.
* example:
* JSONP.get("",
* "{screen_name:'puppybits', count:'1'}",
* function(data):void{
* trace('flash recieved cross-domain json:'+data)
* });
* Test in FF and Webkit with twitter api. Will add IE support as needed.
* Licensed under WTFGPL
* © Bobby Schultz 2011
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
public class JSONP {
public static function get(url:String, params:String, callback:Function):void {
var proxy:String = "flashCallback"+Math.random()*100000000000000000;
//json returns to flash
ExternalInterface.addCallback(proxy, function(results:Object):void{
ExternalInterface.addCallback(proxy, null);
//calls remote service on other domain via javascript
var jsonp_get:String = "(function(flashurl, flashparams, flashcallback) {" +
" var jsonp, key," +
" proxy = 'jsonp_proxy' + Math.random() * 10000000000000000000," +
" " +
" query = '?';" +
" for(key in flashparams) {" +
" if(flashparams.hasOwnProperty(key)) {" +
" query += key + '=' + flashparams[key] + '&';" +
" }" +
" }" +
" flashurl += encodeURI(query += '&callback='+ proxy);" +
" " +
" /*callback wrapper to remove script from dom*/" +
" window[proxy] = function (data) {" +
" if(document.getElementsByTagName('object').hasOwnProperty(0)) {" +
" document.getElementsByTagName('object')[0][flashcallback](data);" +
" }" +
" jsonp.parentNode.removeChild( jsonp );" +
" try {" +
" delete window[proxy];" +
" } catch(e){}" +
" window[proxy] = null;" +
" };" +
" " +
" /*load json*/" +
" jsonp = document.createElement('script');" +
" jsonp.src = flashurl;" +
" jsonp.language = 'application/json';" +
" jsonp.async = true;" +
" " +
" document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(jsonp);" +
"})('" + url + "' , " + params + " , '" + proxy + "')";"eval", jsonp_get);
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