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Created December 11, 2016 22:24
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Customized visualization class based on osmnx integrating smopy
import os
from urllib2 import URLError
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import smopy
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
class GraphPlotter(object):
def __init__(self, g, config):
# data
self._g = g
self._points = np.array(nx.get_node_attributes(g, 'pos').values())
# dimensions
self._bbox = config['bbox']
self._fig_width = config['fig_width']
self._fig_height = config['fig_height']
self._margin = config['margin']
# node aesthetics:
self._node_color = config['node_color']
self._node_size = config['node_size']
self._node_alpha = config['node_alpha']
self._node_edge_color = config['node_edge_color']
# edge aesthetics
self._edge_widths = config['edge_widths']
self._edge_color = config['edge_color']
self._edge_alpha = config['edge_alpha']
# route line aesthetics
self._route_line_width = config['route_line_width']
self._route_color = config['route_color']
self._route_alpha = config['route_alpha']
# route orig/dest aesthetics
self._origin_point_color = config['origin_point_color']
self._origin_node_color = config['origin_node_color']
self._dest_point_color = config['dest_point_color']
self._dest_node_color = config['dest_node_color']
self._orig_dest_node_alpha = config['orig_dest_point_alpha']
self._orig_dest_node_size = config['orig_dest_node_size']
# save/show info
self._axis = config['axis']
self._image_folder = config['image_folder']
# initialize the plot
self._fig, self._ax = None, None
def _init_plot(self):
if self._bbox is None:
west = min(self._points[:, 0])
east = max(self._points[:, 0])
north = max(self._points[:, 1])
south = min(self._points[:, 1])
self._bbox = south, east, north, west
south, east, north, west = self._bbox
bbox_aspect_ratio = (north - south) / (east - west)
if self._fig_width is None:
self._fig_width = self._fig_height / bbox_aspect_ratio
self._fig, self._ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(self._fig_width, self._fig_height))
self.osm_map = smopy.Map((south, east, north, west), z=13)
except URLError as err:
print "URL error: {}, skipping map background...".format(err)
self._ax = self.osm_map.show_mpl(self._ax)
w, n = self.osm_map.to_pixels(north, west)
e, s = self.osm_map.to_pixels(south, east)
margin_ns = (n - s) * self._margin
margin_ew = (e - w) * self._margin
self._ax.set_ylim((s - margin_ns, n + margin_ns))
self._ax.set_xlim((w - margin_ew, e + margin_ew))
if not self._axis:
def plot_graph(self, ec=None):
node_Xs = self._points[:, 0]
node_Ys = self._points[:, 1]
lines = []
for u, v in self._g.edges():
x1 = self._g.node[u]['pos'][0]
y1 = self._g.node[u]['pos'][1]
x2 = self._g.node[v]['pos'][0]
y2 = self._g.node[v]['pos'][1]
p1 = self.osm_map.to_pixels(y1, x1)
p2 = self.osm_map.to_pixels(y2, x2)
line = [p1, p2]
lc = LineCollection(lines, colors=ec, linewidths=self._edge_widths, alpha=self._edge_alpha,
self._ax.scatter(node_Xs, node_Ys, s=self._node_size, c=self._node_color, alpha=self._node_alpha,
def plot_graph_route(self, route, route_color='r', origin_point=None, destination_point=None):
origin_node = route[0]
destination_node = route[-1]
if origin_point is None or destination_point is None:
dest_coords = self.osm_map.to_pixels(list(reversed(self._g.node[destination_node]['pos'])))
origin_coords = self.osm_map.to_pixels(list(reversed(self._g.node[origin_node]['pos'])))
origin_coords = self.osm_map.to_pixels(origin_point[0], origin_point[1])
dest_coords = self.osm_map.to_pixels(destination_point[0], destination_point[1])
self._origin_node_color = self._origin_point_color
self._dest_node_color = self._dest_point_color
self._ax.scatter(origin_coords[0], origin_coords[1], s=self._orig_dest_node_size,
c=self._origin_node_color, alpha=self._orig_dest_node_alpha,
edgecolor=self._node_edge_color, zorder=4)
self._ax.scatter(dest_coords[0], dest_coords[1], s=self._orig_dest_node_size,
c=self._dest_node_color, alpha=self._orig_dest_node_alpha,
edgecolor=self._node_edge_color, zorder=4)
edge_nodes = list(zip(route[:-1], route[1:]))
lines = []
for u, v in edge_nodes:
x1 = self._g.node[u]['pos'][0]
y1 = self._g.node[u]['pos'][1]
x2 = self._g.node[v]['pos'][0]
y2 = self._g.node[v]['pos'][1]
p1 = self.osm_map.to_pixels(y1, x1)
p2 = self.osm_map.to_pixels(y2, x2)
line = [p1, p2]
lc = LineCollection(lines, colors=route_color, linewidths=self._route_line_width, alpha=self._route_alpha,
def save_and_show(self, show=True, save=True, filename='temp', file_format='png', dpi=150):
if save:
if not os.path.exists(self._image_folder):
path_filename = '{}/{}.{}'.format(self._image_folder, filename, file_format)
if file_format == 'svg':
# if the file_format is svg, prep the fig/ax a bit for saving
self._ax.set_position([0, 0, 1, 1])
self._fig.savefig(path_filename, bbox_inches=0, transparent=True, format=file_format)
self._fig.savefig(path_filename, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', format=file_format)
if show:
def make_default_config():
config = {'bbox': None, 'fig_width': None, 'fig_height': 6, 'margin': 0.02, 'edge_color': '#8F8F8F',
'edge_alpha': 0.75,
'node_color': 'none', 'node_size': 15, 'node_alpha': 1,
'node_edge_color': 'none', 'edge_widths': 1.5, 'route_line_width': 4,
'route_color': 'r', 'route_alpha': 0.5, 'dest_point_color': 'g', 'dest_node_color': 'g',
'origin_point_color': 'm',
'origin_node_color': 'm',
'orig_dest_point_alpha': 0.5, 'orig_dest_node_size': 100,
'axis': False, 'image_folder': 'images'}
return config
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