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Created June 2, 2011 20:38
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<^..^> | | BETA
| Navigate Washington with your own personal politics GPS. |
== ==
== Table of Contents: ==
== ==
== -app: application root, where all code is stored ==
== -bin: compiled binaries, dev tools, GAE tools, local interpreter ==
== -docs: documentation, development & installation tips ==
== -graphics: front end source graphics and wireframe and such ==
== -version: current version of fatcatmap & platform ==
== -changelog: history of code changes to the code tree ==
== ==
== ==
== Notable Files & Folders Listing: ==
== ==
== -app: application root ==
== -app.yaml: google app engine's main application config ==
== -assets: static assets (styles, scripts, images) ==
== -backends.yaml: configuration for app engine backends ==
== main application-level configuration ==
== -errors: static error pages (404, 500, etc) ==
== -index.yaml: datastore index configuration (auto-generated) ==
== -lib: manually installed library dependencies ==
== -dist: automatically installed libraries ==
== -Providence/Clarity: local installation of P/C ==
== -locale: for i8n, not yet implemented ==
== entry point for front end tipfy-based handlers ==
== -momentum: fatcatmap & platform app code! :) ==
== -__init__: main abstract handler + service classes ==
== -platform: code for the back-end, private side ==
== -fatcatmap: front-end code for the public side ==
== -ndb: brand new, bleeding edge datastore library ==
== -pipeline: task-based procedural workflow library ==
== -queue.yaml: configuration for app engine task queues API ==
== entry point for back end protorpc-based services ==
== -static: basic files like favicon and cache manifest ==
== -templates: jinja2 and json template source files ==
== handler for preloading instance memory ==
== -bin: binaries for development, deployment and testing tools ==
== -appcfg: app engine management script (generated by buildout) ==
== -buildout: installs dependencies & dev (generated by bootstrap) ==
== -dev_appserver: runs local dev server (generated by buildout) ==
== -python: dedicated python interpreter (generated by buildout) ==
== -update_libraries: updates map/reduce & pipelines libraries ==
== ==
| |
| NOTE: Always be careful working on the code base. If you want to mess |
| around on your own and commit changes, that's fine, but do it in |
| your own branch so you don't mess up the main repository. |
| |
| Always test your code. Always test the graph. |
| Don't push to production unless you know what you're doing. |
| |
| |
| Authors: |
| - Sam Gammon <> - Main author, architect |
| |
| Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Political Momentum. All Rights Reserved. |
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