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Created June 13, 2012 02:18
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Save sgammon/2921423 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Updated Cakefile w/Widgets
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
util = require 'util'
wrench = require 'wrench'
{exec, spawn} = require 'child_process'
fixpath = (fragments...) =>
return path.normalize(path.join(fragments...))
defaults =
output: '~\\WorkspaceTest'
colorize: false
compass: true
coffee: false
python: 'python' ## python interpreter to use for buildout\\bootstrap
skeleton: 'py27-base' ## skeleton we're using (this should be the name of a branch available at gitsource.skeleton...)
apptools: '' ## the core apptools library, with webapp/protorpc/ndb abstractions + utils
toolkit: '' ## the whole and complete toolkit, with tools for project management + workflow
skeleton: '' ## the app skeleton (the stuff that's actually deployed to GAE)
out =
header: '\033[95m'
blue: '\033[94m'
green: '\033[92m'
yellow: '\033[93m'
red: '\033[91m'
end: '\033[0m'
wrap: (message, flag) ->
if defaults.colorize
return flag+message+@end
return message
whisper: (message) ->
if message?
console.log message.toString().replace('\n', "")
say: (module, message) ->
if message?
console.log '['+@flags.wrap(module.toString(),']: '+message.toString()
console.log module.toString()
shout: (module, message, loud=false) ->
if loud
console.log ''
console.log @flags.wrap('[############### ===== '+message.toString()+' ===== ###############]', @flags.yellow)
console.log ''
console.log '['+@flags.wrap(module.toString(),']: '+@flags.wrap(message.toString(),
console.log ''
error: (module, message, warning=true) ->
console.log ''
if warning
console.log out.flags.wrap '[############### WARNING: '+module.toString()+' ###############]',
console.log message.toString()
console.log out.flags.wrap('[############### ERROR: '+module.toString()+' ###############]',
console.log message.toString()
console.log ''
spawn: (name, command, flags, callback, stdout=false, stderr=false) ->
if not command?
command = name
if typeof command == 'function'
callback = command
command = name
if not flags?
flags = []
if typeof flags == 'function'
callback = flags
flags = []
op = spawn command, flags || []
if stderr
op.stderr.on 'data', stderr
op.stderr.on 'data', (data) =>
out.error name, data.toString(), false
if stdout
op.stdout.on 'data', stdout
op.stdout.on 'data', (data) =>
out.say name, data.toString()
op.on 'exit', (code) =>
callback?() if code is 0
exec: (command, callback) ->
return exec command, (error, stdout, stderr) =>
if error is null
@error('execute', 'Problem encountered executing the command: "'+command+'". Error details: '+error)
## Script Options
option 'v', '--verbose', 'be loud about what\'s going on'
option 'b', '--boring', 'no colorized output'
option 'f', '--force', 'force dangerous operations to succeed'
option 'c', '--config [STR]', 'path to project feature/skeleton config (defaults to \''+defaults.config+'\')'
option 's', '--skeleton [STR]', 'different skeleton branch to install (defaults to \'py27-base\')'
option 'cm', '--compass', 'enable compass support, if it\'s set to off by default'
option 'cs', '--coffee', 'enable coffeescript support, if it\'s set to off by default'
task 'echo', 'i am rubber and you are glue...', (options) =>
out.shout 'HELLO', "HELLO!"
######### ======= Project Tools ========== #########
task 'init', 'start a new project and run the dev server', (options) =>
out.shout 'install', 'Starting Project Init', true
out.say 'install', 'Downloading project scaffolding...'
invoke 'scaffold'
task 'make', 'download dependencies and prepare dev environment', (options) ->
out.shout 'make', 'Starting Envrionment Setup'
out.say 'install', 'Running bootstrap...'
invoke 'project:bootstrap'
out.say 'install', 'Updating GAE libs...'
invoke 'clean:gaelibs'
invoke 'update:gaelibs'
out.shout 'install', 'GAE libs updated.'
out.say 'install', 'Installing apptools...'
invoke 'update:apptools'
out.shout 'install', 'AppTools udpated.'
out.say 'make', 'Running buildout...'
invoke 'project:buildout'
out.say 'make', 'Compiling SASS...'
invoke 'compile:sass'
out.say 'make', 'Compiling CoffeeScript...'
invoke 'compile:coffee'
out.shout 'make', 'Environment setup complete.'
task 'bake', 'compile and minify all js, templates, and coffeescript', (options) ->
out.shout 'bake', 'Starting Compilation'
## 1) Compile/minify SASS
if defaults.compass or options.compass
out.say 'bake', 'Compiling SASS...'
invoke 'compile:sass'
out.say 'bake', 'Minifying SASS...'
invoke 'minify:sass'
## 2) Compile/minify Coffee
if or
out.say 'bake', 'Compiling CoffeeScript...'
invoke 'compile:coffee'
out.say 'bake', 'Minifying CoffeeScript...'
invoke 'minify:coffee'
## 3) Jinja2 Templates
out.say 'bake', 'Compiling Jinja2 templates...'
invoke 'compile:templates'
task 'run', 'run apptools\' local dev server', (options) ->
devserver_done = (code) =>
out.shout 'devserver', 'Server exited with code '+code+'.'
compass_done = (code) =>
out.shout 'compass', 'Compass exited with code '+code+'.'
compass_data = (data) =>
data = data.toString().split(' ')
line = []
for i in data
if /.css/.test(i.toString())
out.whisper line.join(' ')
line = []
compass_err = (data) =>
devserver_data = (data) =>
if defaults.colorize and not options.boring
data = data.toString().split(' ')
go = (chunks, output, flag) =>
logline = []
endline = []
prefixfinish = false
## Piece together output logline from split chunks
for chunk in chunks
chunk = chunk.toString()
if chunk in ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING']
if flag isnt null
logline.push('['+out.flags.wrap(chunk, flag))
else if chunk.length == 10 and chunk.split('-').length == 3
continue ## filter out today's date... people own clocks
else if chunk.length == 12 and chunk.split(':').length == 3
continue ## filter out the timestamp for regular log messages
else if /.py:/i.test(chunk) and chunk.split(':').length == 2
logline.push(out.flags.wrap(chunk, flag).replace(']', '')+']')
prefixfinish = true
else if chunk in [' ', '', "\n"]
if prefixfinish
continue ## skip multiple spaces in the prefix
## Assemble back into a string and output
output([logline.join(' '), endline.join(' ')].join(' '))
goerror = (chunks, output) =>
output 'Runtime Error', chunks.join(' ')
switch data[0] ## should be log level severity, for log messages
when "DEBUG" then go data, out.whisper,
when "INFO" then go data, out.whisper,
when "WARNING" then go data, out.whisper, out.flags.yellow
when "ERROR" then goerror data, out.error
when "CRITICAL" then goerror data, out.error
else out.whisper data
out.whisper data
devserver_err = (data) =>
devserver_data data
out.spawn 'devserver', fixpath(__dirname, 'tools', 'bin', 'dev_appserver'), ['app'], devserver_done, devserver_data, devserver_err
if options.compass or defaults.compass
out.say 'compass', 'Compass support enabled. Watching.'
out.spawn 'compass', 'compass', ['watch'], compass_done, compass_data, compass_err
task 'serve', 'deploy fatcatmap to appengine', (options) ->
appcfg_done = (code) =>
out.shout 'serve', 'Appcfg exited with code '+code+'.'
appcfg_data = (data) =>
out.whisper data
appcfg_err = (data) =>
out.whisper data
invoke 'compile:sass'
invoke 'compile:coffee'
invoke 'clean:templates'
invoke 'compile:templates'
invoke 'minify:sass'
invoke 'minify:coffee'
out.spawn 'appcfg', fixpath('tools', 'bin', 'appcfg'), ['update', 'app'], appcfg_done, appcfg_data, appcfg_err
task 'clean', 'remove managed libraries (ndb, mapreduce, pipeline, everything in lib/dist), delete cached files (*.py[c|o], sass-cache, etc)', (option) ->
out.say 'lean', 'Cleaning libraries...'
invoke 'clean:gaelibs'
invoke 'clean:distlibs'
invoke 'clean:templates'
invoke 'clean:apptools'
task 'scaffold', 'download a skeleton from git and install it', (options) =>
## 1: Copy skeleton over first
skeleton_dir = fixpath(__dirname, 'app')
out.say 'skeleton', 'Cloning project skeleton...'
out.say 'skeleton', 'Target directory: "'+skeleton_dir+'".'
gitfinish = () =>
wrench.chmodSyncRecursive(skeleton_dir, 0755);
out.say 'install', 'Installation complete at: app/'
out.shout 'skeleton', 'Finished skeleton installation.'
invoke 'update:gaelibs'
invoke 'update:apptools'
invoke 'project:bootstrap'
gitdata = (data) =>
giterr = (data) =>
gitclone = out.spawn 'gitclone', 'git', ['clone', '-b', options.skeleton || defaults.skeleton, defaults.gitsource.skeleton, 'app'], gitfinish, gitdata, giterr
gitclone.on 'exit', (code) =>
if code == 128
out.error 'skeleton', 'The app/ directory already exists and is not empty. Please remove the directory if you wish to clone a new skeleton.'
out.shout 'skeleton:gitclone', 'Gitclone complete. Exited with code '+code+'.'
######## ======= Project Tools ========== ########
task 'project:bootstrap', 'generate a buildout executable', (options) =>
#f = fs.openSync(fixpath(__dirname, '.installed.cfg'), 'a+')
#fs.chmodSync(fixpath(__dirname, '.installed.cfg'), 0777)
bootstrap_done = () =>
out.say 'bootstrap', out.flags.wrap('Bootstrap complete.',' From now on, you can use `'+out.flags.wrap('cake make','` to update dependencies.'
out.say 'bootstrap', 'Kicking off first buildout...'
invoke 'project:buildout'
bootstrap_data = (data) =>
out.whisper data
bootstrap_err = (data) =>
out.error 'bootstrap', data
## Run bootstrap
out.say 'bootstrap', 'Executing bootstrap...'
out.spawn 'bootstrap', options.python || defaults.python, [fixpath(__dirname, 'tools', ''), '-c', fixpath(__dirname, 'buildout.cfg'), '--eggs', fixpath(__dirname, '/var/eggs')], bootstrap_done, bootstrap_data, bootstrap_err
task 'project:buildout', 'download and install GAE environment, supporting libraries, etc', (options) =>
buildout_done = (code) =>
out.shout 'buildout', 'Buildout complete. Exited with code '+code+'.'
buildout_data = (data) =>
out.whisper data
buildout_err = (data) =>
out.error 'Buildout Error', data
out.spawn 'buildout', fixpath(__dirname, "tools", "bin", "buildout"), ['-c', fixpath(__dirname, 'buildout.cfg')], buildout_done, buildout_data, buildout_err
######## ======= Libraries ========== ########
task 'update:gaelibs', 'download and install GAE libraries, directly from source control (ndb, pipelines, mapreduce & protorpc)', (options) ->
update_say = (data) =>
out.whisper data
update_err = (data) =>
out.error 'Update Error', data, false
out.shout 'update', 'Updating GAE libs...', true
out.say 'update', 'Updating NDB...'
out.spawn('ndbclone', 'hg', ['clone', '', fixpath(__dirname, 'var', 'parts', 'ndb')], (code) =>
out.say 'update:ndb', 'Download complete. Copying NDB to project.'
wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'var', 'parts', 'ndb', 'ndb'), fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'ndb')
out.shout 'update:ndb', 'NDB update complete.'
out.say 'update', 'Updating Map/Reduce...'
out.spawn('mrclone', 'svn', ['checkout', '', fixpath(__dirname, 'var', 'parts', 'mapreduce'), '--force'], (code) =>
## Copy to project
out.say 'update:mapreduce', 'Download complete. Copying Map/Reduce to project.'
wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'var', 'parts', 'mapreduce', 'mapreduce'), fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'mapreduce')
out.shout 'update:mapreduce', 'Map/Reduce update complete.'
out.say 'update', 'Updating Pipelines...'
out.spawn('pipelineclone', 'svn', ['checkout', '', fixpath(__dirname, 'var', 'parts', 'pipelines'), '--force'], (code) =>
## Copy to project
out.say 'update:pipelines', 'Download complete. Copying Pipelines to project.'
wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'var', 'parts', 'pipelines', 'pipeline'), fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'pipeline')
out.shout 'update:pipelines', 'Pipelines update complete.'
out.say 'update', 'Cleaning downloaded update parts...'
wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'var', 'parts', 'ndb')
wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'var', 'parts', 'mapreduce')
wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'var', 'parts', 'pipelines')
out.shout 'update', 'Update complete.', true
, update_say, update_err)
, update_say, update_err)
, update_say, update_err)
task 'update:apptools', 'download and install apptools library', (options) ->
## 1: Copy skeleton over first
apptools_dir = fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'lib', 'apptools')
out.say 'apptools', 'Cloning apptools from git...'
out.say 'apptools', 'Target directory: "'+apptools_dir+'".'
gitfinish = () =>
wrench.chmodSyncRecursive(apptools_dir, 0755);
out.say 'apptools', 'Apptools installation complete at: app/lib/apptools'
out.shout 'apptools', 'Finished skeleton installation.'
gitdata = (data) =>
out.whisper data
giterr = (data) =>
out.whisper data
gitclone = out.spawn 'gitclone', 'git', ['clone' , defaults.gitsource.apptools, fixpath('app', 'lib', 'apptools')], gitfinish, gitdata, giterr
gitclone.on 'exit', (code) =>
if code == 128
out.error 'apptools', 'The app/lib/apptools directory already exists and is not empty. Please remove the directory if you wish to clone a new copy of the apptools core library.'
out.shout 'apptools:gitclone', 'Gitclone complete. Exited with code '+code+'.'
task 'install:npmdeps', 'install all NPM/nodeJS dependencies', (options) ->
out.shout 'install', 'Installing node modules...', true
npmfinish = (code) =>
out.say 'install', 'NPM exited with code "' + code + '".'
npmdata = (data) =>
out.whisper data
npmerr = (error) =>
out.whisper error
out.say 'install', 'Installing wrench.'
out.spawn 'install', 'npm', ['install', 'wrench'], npmfinish, npmdata, npmerr
out.say 'install', 'Installing uglify.'
out.spawn 'install', 'npm', ['install', 'uglify-js'], npmfinish, npmdata, npmerr
## Clean Tasks
task 'clean:gaelibs', 'clean GAE libraries (ndb, pipelines, mapreduce & protorpc)', (options) ->
out.shout 'clean', 'Cleaning GAE libs...', true
libs =
ndb: 'NDB'
mapreduce: 'Map/Reduce'
pipeline: 'Pipelines'
gaelibs_dir = fixpath(__dirname, 'app')
for lib of libs
out.say 'clean', 'Cleaning '+libs[lib]+'...'
lib_dir = fixpath(gaelibs_dir, lib)
sk = fs.readdirSync lib_dir
for file in sk
if file != ''
fs.unlinkSync fixpath(lib_dir, file)
out.say 'clean', 'Removed file "'+fixpath(lib_dir, file)+'".' if options.verbose
catch error
wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive fixpath(lib_dir, file), (status) =>
out.say 'clean', 'Removed folder "'+fixpath(lib_dir, file)+'".' if options.verbose
catch error
throw error
catch error
wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive lib_dir, 0777
out.say 'clean', 'Library "'+libs[lib]+'" not found. Creating empty lib directory.'
out.shout 'clean', 'GAE libs cleaned.'
task 'clean:distlibs', 'clean buildout-managed libs from lib/dist', (options) ->
out.shout 'clean', 'Cleaning distlibs.', true
out.say 'clean', 'Removing lib/dist...'
wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'lib', 'dist')
out.say 'clean', 'Creating empty lib/dist...'
wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'lib', 'dist')
catch error
out.say 'clean', 'Clean error: '+error
out.error 'clean', 'There was an error removing the current lib/dist. It probably doesn\'t exist.'
out.shout 'clean', 'Distlib clean finished.'
task 'clean:apptools', 'clean the currently installed version of the apptools library', (options) ->
out.shout 'clean', 'Cleaning AppTools...', true
out.say 'clean', 'Removing lib/apptools...'
wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'lib', 'apptools')
catch error
out.say 'clean', 'Clean error: '+error
out.error 'clean', 'There was an error removing the current lib/apptools. It probably doesn\'t exist.'
out.shout 'clean', 'AppTools clean complete.'
task 'clean:templates', 'clean compiled templates from app/templates/compiled', (options) ->
out.shout 'clean', 'Cleaning compiled templates.', true
out.say 'clean', 'Removing app/templates/compiled...'
sk = fs.readdirSync fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'templates', 'compiled')
for file in sk
out.say 'clean', 'Cleaning ...compiled/'+file
wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'templates', 'compiled', file)
catch error
fs.unlinkSync fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'templates', 'compiled', file)
catch error
out.say 'clean', 'Clean error: '+error
out.error 'clean', 'There was an error removing: '+file
catch error
out.say 'clean', 'Clean error: '+error
out.error 'clean', 'There was an error removing the current app/templates/compiled. It probably doesn\'t exist.'
out.shout 'clean', 'Template clean finished.'
######## ======= Stylesheets/SASS & CoffeeScript ========== ########
task 'compile:sass', 'compile SASS to CSS', (options) ->
out.shout 'compass', 'Compiling SASS', true
out.say 'compass', 'Compiling SASS to CSS...'
compass_done = (code) =>
out.shout 'compass', 'SASS compilation complete.'
compass_data = (data) =>
data = data.toString().split(' ')
line = []
for i in data
if /.css/.test(i.toString())
out.whisper line.join(' ')
line = []
compass_err = (data) =>
out.spawn 'sass2css', 'compass', ['compile', '--force'], compass_done, compass_data, compass_err
task 'compile:coffee', 'compile js codebase', (options) ->
total_ops = 0
total_done = 0
coffee_done = (code) =>
total_done = total_done + 1
if total_done == total_ops
out.shout 'coffee', 'CoffeeScript compilation complete.'
coffee_data = (data) =>
out.whisper data
coffee_err = (data) =>
out.whisper data
out.shout 'coffee', 'Compiling CoffeeScript...', true
out.say 'coffee', 'Compiling AppTools base...'
total_ops = total_ops + 1
node_bin = 'node'
js_prefix = fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'assets', 'js')
coffee_bin = fixpath(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'coffee-script', 'bin', 'coffee')
out.spawn 'coffee', node_bin, [ coffee_bin,
'--join', fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'apptools', 'base.js'),
'--compile', fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', 'widgets', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', 'widgets', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', '')]
out.spawn 'coffee', node_bin, [ coffee_bin,
'--join', fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'apptools', 'base.admin.js'),
'--compile', fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', 'widgets', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', 'admin', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', 'admin', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', 'admin', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', 'admin', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', 'admin', ''),
fixpath(js_prefix, 'source', 'apptools', '')]
out.say 'coffee', 'Done :)'
task 'minify:sass', 'minify SASS into production-ready CSS', (options) ->
out.shout 'compass', 'Minifying CSS...', true
out.say 'compass', 'Recompiling SASS...'
compass_done = (code) =>
out.shout 'compass', 'CSS minification complete.'
compass_data = (data) =>
data = data.toString().split(' ')
line = []
for i in data
if /.css/.test(i.toString())
out.whisper line.join(' ')
line = []
compass_err = (data) =>
out.spawn 'sass2css', 'compass', ['compile', '--force', '--config', fixpath('tools', 'config', 'compass_production.rb')], compass_done, compass_data, compass_err
task 'minify:coffee', 'minify js codebase', (options) ->
total_ops = 0
total_done = 0
minify_done = (code) =>
total_done = total_done + 1
if total_done == total_ops
out.shout 'uglifyjs', 'JS minification complete.'
minify_data = (data) =>
out.whisper data
minify_err = (data) =>
out.shout 'uglifyjs', 'Minifying JS...', true
js_prefix = fixpath(__dirname, 'app', 'assets', 'js')
files_to_minify = [
["AppTools Base", fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'apptools', 'base.min.js'), fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'apptools', 'base.js')],
["AppTools Admin", fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'apptools', 'base.admin.min.js'), fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'apptools', 'base.admin.js')],
["AmplifyJS", fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'amplify.min.js'), fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'amplify.js')],
["BackboneJS", fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'backbone.min.js'), fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'backbone.js')],
["jQuery", fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'jquery.min.js'), fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'jquery.js')],
["Lawnchair", fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'lawnchair.min.js'), fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'lawnchair.js')],
["Modernizr", fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'modernizr.min.js'), fixpath(js_prefix, 'static', 'core', 'modernizr.js')]
out.say 'uglifyjs', 'Minifying AppTools...'
for file in files_to_minify
total_ops = total_ops + 1
out.say 'uglifyjs', 'Minifying '+file[0]+'...'
out.spawn 'uglify', 'node', [fixpath(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'uglify-js', 'bin', 'uglifyjs'), '-o', file[1], file[2]], minify_done, minify_data, minify_err
######## ======= Templates ========== ########
task 'compile:templates', 'compile jinja2 templates to python modules', (options) ->
out.say 'templates', 'Compiling Jinja2 templates...'
compile_done = (code) =>
out.shout 'templates', 'Template compilation complete. Exited with code '+code+'.'
compile_data = (data) =>
out.whisper data
compile_err = (data) =>
out.spawn 'jinja2compile', defaults.python || options.python, [fixpath('tools', 'bin', 'compile_templates')], compile_done, compile_data, compile_err
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