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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
apptools2: model API
| |
| `apptools.model` |
| |
| a general-purpose, minimalist toolkit for |
| extensible pythonic data modelling. |
| |
| authors: |
| -- sam gammon ( |
| changelog: |
| -- apr 1, 2013: initial draft |
# stdlib
import abc
import base64
import weakref
import operator
import collections
# relative imports
from . import adapter
from .adapter import concrete
# apptools util
from apptools import util
from apptools.util import json
# apptools datastructures
from apptools.util.datastructures import _EMPTY
## == protorpc support == ##
import protorpc
from protorpc import messages as pmessages
from protorpc import message_types as pmessage_types
except ImportError as e:
# flag as unavailable
_PROTORPC, _root_message_class = False, object
# flag as available
_PROTORPC, _root_message_class = True, pmessages.Message
## == appengine support == ##
# try to find appengine pipelines
import pipeline
from pipeline import common as _pcommon
from pipeline import pipeline as _pipeline
except ImportError as e:
# flag as unavailable
_PIPELINE, _pipeline_root_class = False, object
# flag as available
_PIPELINE, _pipeline_root_class = True, _pipeline.Pipeline
# try to find appengine's NDB
from google.appengine.ext import ndb as nndb
# if it's not available, redirect key/model parents to native <object>
except ImportError as e:
_NDB, _key_parent, _model_parent = False, lambda: object, lambda: object
# if it *is* available, we need to inherit from NDB's key and model classes
_NDB, _key_parent, _model_parent = True, lambda: nndb.Key, lambda: nndb.MetaModel
# Globals / Sentinels
_MULTITENANCY = False # toggle multitenant key namespaces
_DEFAULT_KEY_SCHEMA = frozenset(['id', 'kind', 'parent', 'app']) # default schema for key classes
## == Metaclasses == ##
## MetaFactory
# Abstract metaclass parent that provides common construction methods.
class MetaFactory(type):
''' Abstract parent for model metaclasses. '''
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
## = Internal Methods = ##
def __new__(cls, name, bases, properties):
''' Factory for model metaclasses. '''
# pass up the inheritance chain to `type`, which properly enforces metaclasses
return super(MetaFactory, cls).__new__(cls, *cls.initialize(name, bases, properties))
## = Exported Methods = ##
def resolve(cls, name, bases, properties):
''' Resolve a suitable adapter set for a given class. '''
## @TODO: Implement actual driver/adapter resolution
if '__adapter__' in properties:
for available in available_adapters:
if available is properties.get('__adapter__') or available.__name__ == properties.get('__adapter__'):
return available.acquire()
available_adapters = []
for option in adapter.concrete:
if option.is_supported():
# we only have one adapter, the choice is easy
return available_adapters[0].acquire()
## = Abstract Methods = ##
def initialize(cls, name, bases, properties):
''' Initialize a subclass. Must be overridden by child metaclasses. '''
raise NotImplemented()
## == Abstract Classes == ##
## AbstractKey
# Metaclass for a datamodel key class.
class AbstractKey(_key_parent()):
''' Abstract Key class. '''
__schema__ = _DEFAULT_KEY_SCHEMA if not _MULTITENANCY else frozenset(['id', 'kind', 'parent', 'namespace', 'app'])
## = Encapsulated Classes = ##
## AbstractKey.__metaclass__
# Constructs and prepares Key classes for use in the AppTools model subsystem.
class __metaclass__(MetaFactory):
''' Metaclass for model keys. '''
__schema__ = _DEFAULT_KEY_SCHEMA
def initialize(cls, name, bases, properties):
''' Initialize a Key class. '''
# build initial key class structure
key_class = {
'__slots__': set(), # seal object attributes, keys don't need any new space
'__format__': set(), # store the format for a key at the class level (allows easy de-serialization)
# provision each key schema point in our format pointer and slots allocation
for name in properties.get('__schema__', cls.__schema__):
key_class['__format__'].add(name) # regular name goes into format (for example, `id`)
key_class['__slots__'].add('__%s__' % name) # special name goes into slots (for example, `__id__`)
# return an argset for `type`
return name, bases, key_class
## AbstractModel
# Metaclass for a datamodel class.
class AbstractModel(_model_parent()):
''' Abstract Model class. '''
__slots__ = tuple()
## = Encapsulated Classes = ##
## AbstractModel.__metaclass__
# Initializes class-level property descriptors and re-writes model internals.
class __metaclass__(MetaFactory):
''' Metaclass for data models. '''
def initialize(cls, name, bases, properties):
''' Initialize a Model class. '''
if name not in frozenset(['AbstractModel', 'Model']):
# parse property spec (`name = <basetype>` or `name = <basetype>, <options>`)
property_map = {}
# model properties that start with '_' are ignored
for prop, spec in filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('_'), properties.items()):
if isinstance(spec, tuple):
basetype, options = spec
basetype, options = spec, {}
# build a descriptor object and data slot
property_map[prop] = Property(prop, basetype, **options)
# build class layout
modelclass = {
# initialize core model class attributes.
'__impl__': {}, # holds cached implementation classes generated from this model
'__kind__': name, # kindname defaults to model class name (keep track of it here so we have it if __name__ changes)
'__bases__': bases, # stores a model class's bases, so proper MRO can work
'__lookup__': frozenset(property_map.keys()), # frozenset of allocated attributes, for quick lookup
'__adapter__': cls.resolve(name, bases, properties), # resolves default adapter class for this key/model
'__slots__': () # seal-off object attributes (but allow weakrefs and explicit flag)
# update at class-level with descriptor map
# inject our own property map, pass-through to `type`
return name, bases, modelclass
# pass-through to `type`
return name, bases, properties
## AbstractModel.PropertyValue
# Small, ultra-lightweight datastructure responsible for holding a property value bundle for an entity attribute.
class _PropertyValue(tuple):
''' Named-tuple class for property value bundles. '''
__slots__ = tuple()
__fields__ = ('dirty', 'data')
def __new__(_cls, data, dirty=False):
''' Create a new `PropertyValue` instance. '''
# pass up-the-chain to `tuple`
return tuple.__new__(_cls, (data, dirty))
def _from_iterable(cls, iterable, new=tuple.__new__, len=len):
''' Make a new `PropertyValue` object from a sequence or iterable. '''
result = new(cls, iterable)
if len(result) != 2:
raise TypeError('`PropertyValue` expected 2 arguments, got %s.' % len(result))
return result
def __repr__(self):
''' Return a nicely-formatted representation string. '''
return "Value(data=\"%s\", dirty=%s)" % self
def _as_dict(self):
''' Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values. '''
return collections.OrderedDict(zip(self.__fields__, self))
__dict__ = property(_as_dict)
def _replace(self, **kwargs):
''' Re-create this `PropertyValue` with a new value and dirty flag. '''
result = self._from_iterable(map(kwargs.pop, self.__fields__), self)
if kwargs:
raise ValueError("`PropertyValue` got unexpected field names \"%r\"." % kwargs.keys())
return result
def __getnewargs__(self):
''' Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy/deepcopy/pickle. '''
return tuple(self)
data = property(operator.itemgetter(0), doc='Alias for `` at index 0.')
dirty = property(operator.itemgetter(1), doc='Alias for `PropertyValue.dirty` at index 1.')
# = Internal Methods = #
def __repr__(self):
''' Generate a string representation of this Entity. '''
return "<%s at ID %s>" % (self.__kind__, 'TEST')
__str__ = __unicode__ = __repr__
## == Concrete Classes == ##
## Key
# Model datastore key concrete class.
class Key(AbstractKey):
''' Concrete Key class. '''
__separator__ = u':'
## = Internal Methods = ##
def __new__(cls, urlsafe=None, raw=None, json=None, *parts):
''' Constructs keys from various formats. '''
# delegate full-key decoding to classmethods
if raw:
return cls.from_raw(raw) # raw, deserialized keys
elif urlsafe:
return cls.from_urlsafe(urlsafe) # URL-encoded keys
elif json:
return cls.from_json(json) # JSON-formatted keys
# delegate ordinal/positional decoding to parent class
return cls(*parts)
## = Internal Methods = ##
def __init__(self, _persisted=False, *parts):
''' Initialize this Key. '''
# if we're handed initial parts, fill them up in order...
if parts:
for name, value in zip(self.__schema__, parts):
setattr(self, '__%s__' % name, value) # fill each schema item with a value, if available, in order
self.__persisted__ = _persisted # if we *know* this is an existing key, this should be `true`
def __repr__(self):
''' Generate a string representation of this Key. '''
return "<Key of kind '%s' at ID '%s'>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))
__str__ = __unicode__ = __repr__
def _set_id(self, id):
''' Set the ID of this Key. '''
if self.__persisted__: # disallow changing ID after persistence is achieved
raise AttributeError('Cannot set the ID of an already-persisted key.')
self.__id__ = id
return self
def _set_kind(self, kind):
''' Set the kind of this Key. '''
if self.__persisted__: # disallow changing kind after persistence is achieved
raise AttributeError('Cannot set the kind of an already-persisted key.')
self.__kind__ = kind
return self
def _set_parent(self, parent):
''' Set the parent of this Key. '''
if self.__persisted__: # disallow changing parent after persistence is achieved
raise AttributeError('Cannot change the key parent of an already-persisted key.')
self.__parent__ = parent
return self
def _set_namespace(self, namespace):
''' Set the namespace of this Key, if supported. '''
if not _MULTITENANCY: # multitenancy must be allowed to enable namespaces
raise RuntimeError('Multitenant key namespaces are not supported in this environment.')
if self.__persisted__: # disallow changing namespace after persistence is achieved
raise AttributeError('Cannot change the key namespace of an already-persisted key.')
self.__namespace__ = namespace
return self
## = Bound Properties = ##
def id(self):
''' Retrieve this Key's ID. '''
return self.__id__
def kind(self):
''' Retrieve this Key's kind. '''
return self.__kind__
def ancestry(self):
''' Retrieve this Key's ancestry path. '''
# if we have a parent, yield to that
if self.__parent__:
yield self.__parent__.ancestry
# yield self to signify the end of the chain, and stop iteration
yield self
raise StopIteration()
## = Object Methods = ##
def get(self):
''' Retrieve a previously-constructed key from available persistence mechanisms. '''
return self.__class__.__adapter__.get_key(self)
def delete(self):
''' Delete a previously-constructed key from available persistence mechanisms. '''
return self.__class__.__adapter__.delete_key(self)
def flatten(self):
''' Flatten this Key into a basic structure suitable for transport or storage. '''
return tuple([getattr(self, i) for i in self.__schema__])
def urlsafe(self):
''' Generate an encoded version of this Key, suitable for use in URLs. '''
return base64.b64encode(self.__class__.__separator__.join([self.flatten()]))
## = Class Methods = ##
def from_raw(cls, encoded, _persisted=False):
''' Inflate a Key from a raw, internal representation. '''
return cls(*[chunk for chunk in encoded.split(cls.__separator__)], _persisted=_persisted)
def from_urlsafe(cls, encoded, _persisted=False):
''' Inflate a Key from a URL-encoded representation. '''
return cls.from_raw(base64.b64decode(encoded), _persisted)
## Property
# Data-descriptor property class.
class Property(object):
''' Concrete Property class. '''
## = Internals = ##
_name = None # owner property name
_default = None # default property value (if any)
_options = None # extra, implementation-specific options
_indexed = False # index this property, to make it queryable?
_required = False # except if this property is unset on put
_repeated = False # signifies an array of self._basetype(s)
_sentinel = _EMPTY # default sentinel for basetypes/values
_basetype = _sentinel # base datatype for the current property
## = Internal Methods = ##
def __init__(self, name, basetype,
''' Initialize this Property. '''
# copy in property name + basetype, self.basetype = name, basetype
# if we're passed any locally-supported options
if default is not None: self._default = default
if indexed is not None: self._indexed = indexed
if required is not False: self._required = required
if repeated is not False: self._repeated = repeated
# extra options
if options: self._options = options
## = Descriptor Methods = ##
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
''' Descriptor attribute access. '''
# Proxy to internal method.
return instance._get_value(
def __set__(self, instance, value):
''' Descriptor attribute write. '''
return instance._set_value(, value)
def __delete__(self, instance):
''' Delete the value of this Descriptor. '''
return instance._set_value(
def valid(self, instance):
''' Validate the value of this property, if any. '''
# check for subclass-defined validator
if hasattr(self, 'validate') and self.__class__ != Property:
return self.validate(instance)
value = instance._get_value(
return not any([
((value in (None, Property._sentinel)) and self._required), # check null-ness for required properties
((value is not Property._sentinel) and not isinstance(self._basetype, value)) # check isinstance for regular types
def validate(self, instance):
''' Child-overridable validate function. '''
# must be overridden by child classes
raise NotImplemented()
## Model
# Concrete class for a data model.
class Model(AbstractModel):
''' Concrete Model class. '''
## = Internal Methods = ##
def __init__(self, key=None, _persisted=False, **properties):
''' Initialize this Model. '''
# if we're handed a key at construction time, it's manually set...
if isinstance(key, basestring):
elif key:
# initialize internals and map any kwargs into data
self._initialize(_persisted)._set_value(properties, _dirty=(not _persisted))
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
''' Attribute write override. '''
if name.startswith('__') or name in self.__lookup__:
super(Model, self).__setattr__(name, value)
raise AttributeError("Cannot set nonexistent attribute \"%s\" of model class \"%s\"." % (name, self.kind))
def _initialize(self, _persisted):
''' Initialize core properties. '''
# initialize core properties
self.__data__, self.__dirty__, self.__persisted__, self.__explicit__, self.__initialized__ = {}, (not _persisted), _persisted, False, True
return self
def _set_key(self, urlsafe=None, constructed=None, raw=None):
''' Set this Entity's key manually. '''
if urlsafe:
self.__key__ = Key.from_urlsafe(urlsafe)
elif constructed:
self.__key__ = constructed
elif raw:
self.__key__ = Key.from_raw(raw)
def _get_value(self, name, sentinel=_EMPTY):
''' Retrieve the value of a named property on this Entity. '''
if name in self.__lookup__:
value = self.__data__.get(name, None)
if value:
# return sentinel in explicit mode, if property is unset
if self.__explicit__ and value is Property._sentinel:
return Property._sentinel
return None
raise AttributeError("Model \"%s\" has no property \"%s\"." % (self.kind, name))
def _set_value(self, name, value=_EMPTY, _dirty=True):
''' Set (or reset) the value of a named property on this Entity. '''
# empty strings or dicts or iterables return self
if not name:
return self
# allow a list of (name, value) pairs, just delegate to self and recurse
if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(name[0], tuple):
return (self._set_value(i, _dirty=_dirty) for i in name)
# allow a tuple of (name, value), for use in map/filter/etc
if isinstance(name, tuple):
name, value = name
# check property lookup
if name in self.__lookup__:
# if it's a valid property, create a namedtuple value placeholder
self.__data__[name] = self.__class__._PropertyValue(value, _dirty)
# set as dirty if this is after first construction
if not (value == _EMPTY) and not self.__dirty__ and _dirty:
self.__dirty__ = True
return self
raise AttributeError("Model \"%s\" has no property \"%s\"." % (self.kind, name))
## = Properties = ##
def key(self):
''' Retrieve this Model's Key, if any. '''
return self.__key__
## = Class Methods = ##
def kind(cls):
''' Retrieve this Model's kind name. '''
return cls.__name__
def get(cls, key=None, name=None):
''' Retrieve a persisted version of this model via the current datastore adapter. '''
if key:
if isinstance(key, basestring):
# assume URL-encoded key, this is user-facing
key = Key.from_urlsafe(key)
elif isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
# an ordered partslist is fine too
key = Key(*key)
return cls.__adapter__.get_key(key)
if name:
# if we're passed a name, construct a key with the local kind
return cls.__adapter__.get_key(Key(cls.kind(), name))
raise ValueError('Must pass either a Key or key name into `%s.get`.' % cls.kind())
## = Public Methods = ##
def put(self, adapter=None):
''' Persist this entity via the current datastore adapter. '''
if not adapter:
adapter = self.__class__.__adapter__
return adapter.put_entity(self)
def update(self, mapping={}, **kwargs):
''' Update properties on this model via a merged dict of mapping + kwargs. '''
if kwargs: mapping.update(kwargs)
map(lambda x: setattr(self, x[0], x[1]), mapping.items())
return self
def to_dict(self, exclude=tuple(), include=tuple(), filter_fn=lambda x: True, map_fn=lambda x: x):
''' Export this Entity as a dictionary, excluding/including/filtering/mapping as we go. '''
if not include: include = self.__lookup__
return dict([i for i in map(map_fn, filter(filter_fn, ((name, getattr(self, name)) for name in self.__lookup__ if (name in include and name not in exclude))))])
def to_json(self, exclude=tuple(), include=tuple(), filter_fn=lambda x: True, map_fn=lambda x: x):
''' Export this Entity as a JSON string, excluding/including/filtering/mapping as we go. '''
return json.dumps(self.to_dict(exclude, include, filter_fn, map_fn))
## == Test Models == ##
## Car
# Simple model simulating a car.
class Car(Model):
''' An automobile. '''
make = basestring, {'indexed': True}
model = basestring, {'indexed': True}
year = int, {'choices': xrange(1900, 2015)}
color = basestring, {'choices': ('blue', 'green', 'red', 'silver', 'white', 'black')}
## Person
# Simple model simulating a person.
class Person(Model):
''' A human being. '''
firstname = basestring
lastname = basestring
active = bool, {'default': True}
cars = Car, {'repeated': True}
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