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Last active September 22, 2021 23:38
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Transform some coordinates from source to target frame
#include <tf2_geometry_msgs/tf2_geometry_msgs.h>
#include <tf2_eigen/tf2_eigen.h>
bool transformCoordinates(const std_msgs::Float32MultiArray& points,
const std_msgs::Header& header,
std::vector<geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped>& transformed_points);
Eigen::Matrix4d GridMappingNodelet::to_homogeneous_matrix(geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transform)
// get the quaternion
geometry_msgs::Quaternion orientation = transform.transform.rotation;
Eigen::Quaterniond q;
tf2::convert(orientation, q);
// tranform the quaternion to a rotation matrix
Eigen::Matrix3d R = q.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
// get the translation vector
geometry_msgs::Vector3 translation = transform.transform.translation;
geometry_msgs::Point point;
point.x = translation.x;
point.y = translation.y;
point.z = translation.z;
Eigen::Vector3d T;
tf2::convert(point, T);
// use the rotation matrix and translation vector
Eigen::Matrix4d h_mat;
h_mat.setIdentity(); // Set to Identity to make bottom row of Matrix 0,0,0,1
h_mat.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = R;
h_mat.block<3, 1>(0, 3) = T;
return h_mat;
bool GridMappingNodelet::transformCoordinates(const std_msgs::Float32MultiArray& points,
const std_msgs::Header& header,
std::vector<geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped>& transformed_points)
// sanity check
if ( % 3 != 0)
ROS_WARN_STREAM(ros::this_node::getName() + ": Error: Invalid cluster info points received; " +
"updates must be flattened tuples of {x, y, z}");
return false;
// constants
const std::string target_frame = "map";
const ros::Duration timeout = ros::Duration(0.01);
// Get the transformation to the target frame from the data frame at the time of the data
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transform;
transform = tf_buffer_.lookupTransform(target_frame, header.frame_id, header.stamp, timeout);
catch (tf2::TransformException& ex)
ROS_WARN_STREAM(ros::this_node::getName() + ": Error: " << ex.what() << "; skipping update");
return false;
// Turn the transform into an Eigen matrix
Eigen::Matrix4d transform_matrix = to_homogeneous_matrix(transform);
// Transform the points
size_t num_points = / 3;
// Index into transformed_points
size_t i = 0;
for (auto it =; it <; std::advance(it, 3))
Eigen::Vector4d v_in_matrix(*it, *std::next(it), *std::next(it + 1), 1.0);
Eigen::Vector4d v_out_matrix = transform_matrix * v_in_matrix;
transformed_points[i].header = header;
transformed_points[i].vector.x = v_out_matrix(0);
transformed_points[i].vector.y = v_out_matrix(1);
transformed_points[i].vector.z = v_out_matrix(2);
// Increment the index
return true;
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In case you need it as well, get the yaw from the quaternion:

  geometry_msgs::Quaternion camera_orientation = camera_pose.transform.rotation;
  Eigen::Quaterniond q;
  tf2::convert(camera_orientation, q);
  Eigen::Matrix3d R = q.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
  Eigen::Vector3d euler_angles = q.toRotationMatrix().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2);
  const float camera_yaw_rad = euler_angles[0];

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