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Created November 5, 2017 12:36
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Iterate through an Elm list and compare each element against all the others
Iterate through a list and compare each element to all the others to decide what to keep
Run at
import Html exposing (text, div, br)
import String exposing (..)
initial = ["a", "ab", "c", "cdb", "cd"]
isChild i j = String.startsWith i j && not (i == j)
hasParentIn item list = List.any (\i -> isChild i item) list
parents = List.filter (\i -> not (hasParentIn i initial)) initial
main = div [] [
"initial: " ++ toString initial |> text, br[][],
"parents: " ++ toString parents |> text, br[][],
"isChild a ab: " ++ toString (isChild "a" "ab") |> text, br[][],
"isChild ab a: " ++ toString (isChild "ab" "a") |> text, br[][],
"isChild a a: " ++ toString (isChild "a" "a") |> text, br[][],
"hasParentIn ab initial: " ++ toString (hasParentIn "ab" initial) |> text, br[][],
"hasParentIn b initial: " ++ toString (hasParentIn "b" initial) |> text, br[][]
Should see the following output:
initial: ["a","ab","c","cdb","cd"]
parents: ["a","c"]
isChild a ab: True
isChild ab a: False
isChild a a: False
hasParentIn ab initial: True
hasParentIn b initial: False
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