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Created July 10, 2015 11:24
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# Available languages: en, de, br, cz, pl, fr, ru, hu, sk, es, zhtw, fi, zhcn, lt, it, ko, pt
language: en
# Do you want to enable the registration on the server?
enabled: true
# Do you want to force players to register before playing?
force: true
# Maximum Registration per IP
maxRegPerIp: 1
# Maximum allowed username length
maxUsernameLength: 30
# Minimum required username length
minUsernameLength: 4
# Regex syntax allowed in player's username
allowedNicknameCharacters: '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
# Do you want to kick players after a successful registration?
# Do not use this option with the loginAfterRegister feature below!
kickAfterRegistration: false
# Do you want to force the player to login after a successful registration?
loginAfterRegister: false
# Do you want to replace the Password registration with an Email registration method?
enableEmailRegistration: false
# Do you want to enable the double check of the email address during a player registration?
# When it's true, registration require that kind of command:
# /register <email> <confirmEmail>
doubleEmailCheck: true
# Like maxRegPerIp but with emails
maxRegPerEmail: 1
# Do you want to recall players to add an email to their accounts?
recallPlayers: true
# Delay in minute for the recall scheduler
delayRecall: 5
# Recovery password length
RecoveryPasswordLength: 8
# Recovery Email subject
mailSubject: 'Your new AuthMe Password'
# Recovery Email text
mailText: 'Dear <playername>, <br /><br /> This is your new AuthMe password for the server <br /><br /> <servername> : <br /><br /> <generatedpass><br /><br />Do not forget to change password after login! <br /> /changepassword <generatedpass> newPassword'
# SMTP server host
# SMTP server port
mailPort: 465
# Email account that sends the mails
mailAccount: ''
# Email account's password
mailPassword: ''
# Custom SenderName, that replace the mailAccount name in the emails
mailSenderName: ''
# Blacklisted domains for emails
# Do you like a Whitelist instead of a Blacklist?
blacklistAsWhitelist: false
# How many players per IP can join the server concurrently?
maxInstanceForIP: 1
# Should not registered players be kicked immediately?
kickNonRegistered: false
# Should the players be kicked immediately on wrong password?
kickOnWrongPassword: false
# Send every X seconds a message to a player to remind him that he has to login/register
messageInterval: 5
# How many second a player can login or register before being kicked? Set this to 0 to disable.
timeout: 30
# Teleport the player to the world's Spawn after login
teleportToSpawnAfterLogin: true
# Teleport provisionally not logged player to world's Spawn.
# After the login, if teleportToSpawnAfterLogin is set to false the player will be teleported to his last location.
teleportToSpawnBeforeLogin: true
# ForceSurvivalMode to player when join?
forceSurvivalMode: false
# Do we need to force the survival mode ONLY after /login process?
forceSurvivalOnlyAfterLogin: false
# Reset every time the player's inventory?
resetInventory: false
# If player join with CreativeMode and ForceSurvivalMode: true inventory will be wiped.
resetInventoryIfCreative: false
# Should we protect the player inventory before logging in?
protectInventoryBeforeLogIn: true
# minimum Length of password
minPasswordLength: 5
# Regex sintax for allowed Chars in passwords.
allowedPasswordCharacters: '[\x21-\x7E]*'
# Enable double check of password when you register or change password.
# When it's true, registration require that kind of command:
# /register <password> <confirmPassword>
doublePasswordCheck: true
# Deny unsafe passwords for being used, put them on lowercase!
- '123456'
- '12345'
- 'qwerty'
- 'password'
# Enable some server protection systems (country based login, antibot)
enableProtection: false
# Countries allowed to join the server and register, see for countries' codes
- US
- GB
# Countries blacklisted automatically (It works also with enableProtection set to false)
- A1
# Do you like to enable the automatic antibot system?
enableAntiBot: false
# Max number of player allowed to join in 5 secs before the AntiBot activates
antiBotSensibility: 5
# Duration in minutes of the antibot protection
antiBotDuration: 10
# These features are only available on the VeryGames Server Provider
enableIpCheck: false
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