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Created June 29, 2018 00:01
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Saturation Vapor Pressure Comparisons
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from metpy.units import units
from metpy.calc import saturation_vapor_pressure
import timeit
def goffgratch46(Tin):
"""Computes saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature using the
Goff and Gratch (1946) formulation as quoted by Alduchov and Eskridge
T ='degK').m
Ts = 373.16
ews = 1013.246
loge = -7.90298*(Ts/T-1) + 5.02808*np.log10(Ts/T) - \
1.3816e-7*(10**(11.344*(1-T/Ts)) - 1) + \
8.1328e-3*(10**(-3.49149*(Ts/T-1)) - 1) + np.log10(ews)
return 10**loge * units.millibar
def goff65(Tin):
"""Computes saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature using the
Goff (1965) formulation as quoted by Gibbins (1990)"""
T ='degK').m
e1 = 1013.25
T01 = 273.16
T01T = T01/T
TT01 = T/T01
ew = 10.79586 * (1-T01T) - 5.02808*np.log10(TT01) + \
1.50474e-4*(1 - 10**(-8.29692*(TT01-1))) + \
0.42873e-3*(10**(4.76955*(1-T01T)) - 1) - 2.2195983
return e1 * 10**ew * units.millibar
def wexler76(Tin):
"""Computes saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature (K) using
Wexler's 1976 formula as quoted by Flatau et al. (1992)"""
g = (-0.29912729e4, -0.60170128e4, 0.1887643854e2, -0.28354721e-1,
0.17838301e-4, -0.84150417e-9, 0.44412543e-12, 0.2858487e1)
T ='degK').m
lne = (g[0] + (g[1] + (g[2] + g[7]*np.log(T)
+ (g[3] + (g[4] + (g[5] + g[6]*T)*T)*T)*T)*T)*T) / T**2
return .01 * np.exp(lne) * units.millibar
def eval_poly(a, x):
"""Evaluate polynomial at x with coefficients a via Horner's method"""
p = a[-1]
for i in range(len(a)-2, -1, -1):
p = p * x + a[i]
return p
def flatau6(T):
"""Compute saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature (K) using
the 6th-order polynomial fit (Table 3) from Flatau et al. (1992)"""
a = (6.11176750, 0.443986062, 0.143053301e-1,
0.265027242e-3, 0.302246994e-5, 0.203886313e-7, 0.638780966e-10)
x ='degC').m
# Surprisingly, eval_poly is faster than np.polyval
return eval_poly(a, x) * units.millibar
def gueymard7(T):
"""Compute saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature (K) using
the 6th-order polynomial fit (Table 3) from Flatau et al. (1992)"""
a = (6.1104546, 0.4442351, 1.4302099e-2, 2.6454708e-4,
3.0357098e-6, 2.0972268e-8, 6.0487594e-11, -1.469687e-13)
x ='degC').m
return eval_poly(a, x) * units.millibar
def murphykoop05(Tin):
"""Compute saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature (K) using
the Murphy and Koop (2005) formulation"""
T ='degK').m
res = np.exp(54.842763 - 6763.22/T - 4.21*np.log(T)
+ 0.000367*T + np.tanh(0.0415*(T-218.8)) * (53.878
- 1331.22/T - 9.44523*np.log(T) + 0.014025*T))
return .01 * res * units.millibar
def wagnerpruss02(Tin):
"""Compute saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature (K) using
the Wagner and Pruss (2002) formulation"""
T ='degK').m
Tc = 647.096
theta = 1 - T/Tc
pc = 22.064e6
a = (None, -7.85951783, 1.84408259, -11.7866497, 22.6807411, -15.9618719,
res = pc * np.exp(Tc * (a[1]*theta + a[2]*theta**1.5 + a[3]*theta**3
+ a[4]*theta**3.5 + a[5]*theta**4 + a[6]*theta**7.5) / T)
return .01 * res * units.millibar
def koutsoyiannis(Tin):
"""Compute saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature (K) using
the Koutsoyiannis (2012) formulation"""
T ='degK').m
T0 = 273.16
p0 = 6.11657
res = p0*np.exp(24.921*(1-T0/T)) * (T0/T)**5.06
return res * units.millibar
def romps17(Tin):
"""Compute saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature (K) using
the Romps (2017) formulation"""
T ='degK').m
cvv = 1418
ptrip = 611.65
Ttrip = 273.16
E0v = 2.374e6
E0s = 0.3337e6
Rv = 461
cvl = 4119
cvs = 1861
cpv = cvv + Rv
c1 = (cpv - cvl) / Rv
c2 = (E0v - (cvv-cvl)*Ttrip) / Rv
res = ptrip * (T/Ttrip)**c1 * np.exp(c2 * (1/Ttrip - 1/T))
return .01 * res * units.millibar
def alduchov96(Tin):
"""Compute saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature using the
Alduchov and Eskridge (1996) formulation"""
T ='degC').m
return 6.1094 * np.exp(17.625*T/(243.04+T)) * units.millibar
def huang18(Tin):
"""Compute saturation vapor pressure (mb) from temperature using the
Huang (2018) formulation"""
T ='degC').m
res = np.exp(34.494 - 4924.99 / (T + 237.1)) / (T + 105)**1.57
return .01 * res * units.millibar
def compare(x, curves, names):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i, y in enumerate(curves):
ax.plot(x, y, label=names[i])
ax.set_title('Saturation Vapor Pressure [mb]')
def compare_abs(f, names, x, svp):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for n in names:
d = f[n]['svp'] - svp
ax.plot(x, d, label=n)
ax.axhline(color='k', ls='--')
ax.set_title('Difference of SVP from Reference Mean')
def compare_rel(f, names, x, svp):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for n in names:
err = 100*np.abs((f[n]['svp'] - svp) / svp)
ax.semilogy(x, err, label=n)
ax.set_title('Relative Error [%] using Reference Mean as Truth')
def calc_efficiency(f):
ref_fun = 'Flatau'
ref_call = f[ref_fun]['fun'].__name__ + '(Ts)'
t0 = timeit.timeit(ref_call, number=10, globals=globals())
print(f'Time for {ref_fun}: {t0:.4f}')
for name, g in f.items():
ref_call = g['fun'].__name__ + '(Ts)'
t = timeit.timeit(ref_call, number=10, globals=globals())
print(f"Time for {name} normalized by {ref_fun}: {t/t0:.2f}")
def compute_svps(f, T):
for g in f:
svp = f[g]['fun'](T)
f[g]['svp'] = svp
def compute_mean(f):
ref_vals = []
for g in f:
if f[g]['ref']:
ref_vals = np.asarray(ref_vals)
res = np.mean(ref_vals, axis=0)
return res * units.millibar
def table_diagnostics(f):
t = np.arange(-40,60,10) * units.celsius
print(' Saturation Vapor Pressure Table [mb]')
print(' Temperature [C]')
print(' Method | -40 | -30 | -20 | -10 | 0 | 10 |'
' 20 | 30 | 40 | 50')
svp_list = []
for name, fun in f.items():
if fun['ref']:
svp = fun['fun'](t).m
print(f'{name:^13}', end='')
for s in svp:
print(f'|{s:7.4f}', end='')
svp_mean = np.mean(np.asarray(svp_list), axis=0)
print(' Mean ', end='')
for s in svp_mean:
print(f'|{s:7.4f}', end='')
for name, fun in f.items():
if not fun['ref']:
svp = fun['fun'](t).m
print(f'{name:^13}', end='')
for s in svp:
print(f'|{s:7.4f}', end='')
print(' Errors [mb]')
print(' Method | -40 | -30 | -20 | -10 | 0 | 10 |'
' 20 | 30 | 40 | 50')
for name, fun in f.items():
svp = fun['fun'](t).m
print(f'{name:^13}', end='')
for i, s in enumerate(svp):
print(f'|{(s-svp_mean[i]):7.4f}', end='')
# Store info on the various functions
functions = {'Goff': {'fun': goff65, 'ref': True},
'Wexler': {'fun': wexler76, 'ref': True},
'Murphy Koop': {'fun': murphykoop05, 'ref': True},
'Wagner Pruss': {'fun': wagnerpruss02, 'ref': True},
'Flatau': {'fun': flatau6, 'ref': False},
'MetPy': {'fun': saturation_vapor_pressure, 'ref': False},
'Koutsoyiannis': {'fun': koutsoyiannis, 'ref': False},
'Romps': {'fun': romps17, 'ref': False},
'Alduchov': {'fun': alduchov96, 'ref': False},
'Gueymard': {'fun': gueymard7, 'ref': False},
'Huang': {'fun': huang18, 'ref': False}}
Ts = np.linspace(-55,55,4000000) * units.celsius
compute_svps(functions, Ts)
#for f in functions:
# print(functions[f]['svp'][999999])
ref_svp = compute_mean(functions)
ref_funs = [f for f in functions if functions[f]['ref']]
compare_abs(functions, ref_funs, Ts, ref_svp)
compare_rel(functions, ref_funs, Ts, ref_svp)
apx_funs = [f for f in functions if not functions[f]['ref']]
compare_abs(functions, apx_funs, Ts, ref_svp)
compare_rel(functions, apx_funs, Ts, ref_svp)
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