Save sgergely/3793166 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
----- Esc ----- | |
Quick change directory: Esc + c | |
Quick change directory history: Esc + c and then Esc + h | |
Quick change directory previous entry: Esc + c and then Esc + p | |
Command line history: Esc + h | |
Command line previous command: Esc + p | |
View change: Esc + t (each time you do this shortcut a new directory view will appear) | |
Print current working directory in command line: Esc + a | |
Switch between background command line and MC: Ctrl + o | |
Search/Go to directory in active panel: Esc + s / Ctrl + s then start typing directory name | |
Open same working directory in the inactive panel: Esc + i | |
Open parent working directory in the inactive panel: Esc + o | |
Go to top of directory in active pane: Esc + v / Esc + g | |
Go to bottom of directory in active pane: Esc + j / Ctrl + c | |
Go to previous directory: Esc + y | |
Search pop-up: Esc + ? | |
----- Ctrl ----- | |
Refresh active panel: Ctrl + r | |
Selecting files and directories: Ctrl + t | |
Switch active <-> inactive panels: Ctrl + i | |
Switch active <-> inactive panels content: Ctrl + u | |
Execute command / Open a directory: Ctrl + j | |
----- F ----- | |
F1: help | |
F2: user menu | |
F3: read file / open directory | |
F4: edit file | |
F5: copy file or direcotry | |
F6: move file or directory | |
F7: create directory | |
F8: delete file / directory | |
F9: open menu bar | |
F10: exit MC | |
Copied from: http://pastebin.com/i9kfVKT9 |
thanks @calinmiclaus - however, Select the text with the mouse, use Command+C to copy and Command+V to paste may not work ...
Select the text with the mouse and click the top bar (light blue) with the mouse (Fn+F9):
Edit > Copy to clipfile
Edit > Paste from clipfile
Any way to jump a page down in the viewer (F3) >> SOLVED >> FN + Arrow
Great!. thanks.
Ctrl-o - show/hide subshell
Anyone know how to bring up the rename file dialogue? It's supposed to be shift+F6. I have my function keys as regular function keys so I don't have to hold down shift, I only press F6. But shift+F6 doesn't do anything. F6 by itself brings up the move file dialogue.
I figured it out. I am using Karabiner-elements and when I was pressing shift+F6 it was sending shift+illumination_increment (even thought just F6 was sending F6). I updated my preferences to send F6 along with any modifier keys and now shift+F6 works fine.
Thank You Bro!
how to create new file?
@filinivan shift+f4
how to show content of current file instead inactive tab?
How to rename a folder? Shift+F6 doesn't work, it just opens create a new text
Shift + F6 works as expected. At least on external keyboard. MacOS 10.15.5
Wrong go to bottom of directory in active pane Ctrl + c, need to be Ctrl + v
When running MC under iTerm, then for copying to clipboard in MC editor hold Option ⌥
while selecting and then use CMD+C for copying the selected text (source - a comment in this SO post).
For what it's worth, started own gist for running MC on macOS under iTerm
Esc + Enter - copy currently selected file/folder name to the command line
Esc then A = copy panel path to command line
use Ctrl-t in place of the insert key to select multiple files, and Esc - 1-0 in place of the F keys.