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Violante HW 3 Code

This gist contains the code used to define the utilities needed to complete homework 3 for Gianluca Violante's first year macro course and NYU.

Various routines to discretize AR(1) processes
@author : Spencer Lyon <>
@date : 2014-04-10 23:55:05
norm_cdf{T <: Real}(x::Union(T, Array{T})) = 0.5 * erfc(-x/sqrt(2))
function tauchen(N::Int64, ρ::Real, σ::Real, μ::Real=0.0, n_std::Int64=3)
Use Tauchen's (1986) method to produce finite state Markov
approximation of the AR(1) processes
y_t = μ + ρ y_{t-1} + ε_t,
where ε_t ~ N (0, σ^2)
N : int
Number of points in markov process
ρ : float
Persistence parameter in AR(1) process
σ : float
Standard deviation of random component of AR(1) process
μ : float, optional(default=0.0)
Mean of AR(1) process
n_std : int, optional(default=3)
The number of standard deviations to each side the processes
should span
y : array(dtype=float, ndim=1)
1d-Array of nodes in the state space
Π : array(dtype=float, ndim=2)
Matrix transition probabilities for Markov Process
# Get discretized space
a_bar = n_std * sqrt(σ^2 / (1 - ρ^2))
y = linspace(-a_bar, a_bar, N)
d = y[2] - y[1]
# Get transition probabilities
Π = zeros(N, N)
for row = 1:N
# Do end points first
Π[row, 1] = norm_cdf((y[1] - ρ*y[row] + d/2) / σ)
Π[row, N] = 1 - norm_cdf((y[N] - ρ*y[row] - d/2) / σ)
# fill in the middle columns
for col = 2:N-1
Π[row, col] = (norm_cdf((y[col] - ρ*y[row] + d/2) / σ) -
norm_cdf((y[col] - ρ*y[row] - d/2) / σ))
# NOTE: I need to shift this vector after finding probabilities
# because when finding the probabilities I use a function norm_cdf
# that assumes its input argument is distributed N(0, 1). After
# adding the mean E[y] is no longer 0, so I would be passing
# elements with the wrong distribution.
# It is ok to do after the fact because adding this constant to each
# term effectively shifts the entire distribution. Because the
# normal distribution is symmetric and we just care about relative
# distances between points, the probabilities will be the same.
# I could have shifted it before, but then I would need to evaluate
# the cdf with a function that allows the distribution of input
# arguments to be [μ/(1 - ρ), 1] instead of [0, 1]
y .+= μ / (1 - ρ) # center process around its mean (wbar / (1 - rho))
return y, Π
function rouwenhorst(N::Int, ρ::Real, σ::Real, μ::Real=0.0)
Use Rouwenhorst's method to produce finite state Markov
approximation of the AR(1) processes
y_t = μ + ρ y_{t-1} + ε_t,
where ε_t ~ N (0, σ^2)
N : int
Number of points in markov process
ρ : float
Persistence parameter in AR(1) process
σ : float
Standard deviation of random component of AR(1) process
μ : float, optional(default=0.0)
Mean of AR(1) process
y : array(dtype=float, ndim=1)
1d-Array of nodes in the state space
Θ : array(dtype=float, ndim=2)
Matrix transition probabilities for Markov Process
σ_y = σ / sqrt(1-ρ^2)
p = (1+ρ)/2
Θ = [p 1-p; 1-p p]
for n = 3:N
z_vec = zeros(n-1,1)
z_vec_long = zeros(1, n)
Θ = p.*[Θ z_vec; z_vec_long] +
(1-p).*[z_vec Θ; z_vec_long] +
(1-p).*[z_vec_long; Θ z_vec] +
p.*[z_vec_long; z_vec Θ]
Θ[2:end-1,:] ./= 2.0
ψ = sqrt(N-1) * σ_y
w = linspace(-ψ, ψ, N)
w .+= μ / (1 - ρ) # center process around its mean (wbar / (1 - rho))
return w, Θ
# Run this file by calling the command `julia -p 7 -L endog_grid driver`
standard_mod = IFP()
models = {standard_mod, # Part a (and b/c) -- standard parameters
IFP(gamma=1.0), # part b
IFP(gamma=5.0), # part b
IFP(sig_eps=0.01), # part c
IFP(sig_eps=0.12), # part c
IFP(a_min=-minimum(standard_mod.y)/standard_mod.r), # part d
# solve each model in parallel
models = pmap(endog_grid!, models)
# simulate each model in parallel
@everywhere sim_pan(m::IFP) = simulation(m, N=250, T=500, burn=99);
sims = pmap(sim_pan, models)
Solving the consumption savings (income fluctuation) problem using the
endogenous grid method proposed by Carroll (2005)
@author : Spencer Lyon <>
@date : 2014-04-14 17:38:35
using Grid
# Define utility function and marginal utility and its inverse
# NOTE: These will all be inlined
u{T <: Real}(c::Union(T, Array{T}), γ::Float64) = c.^(1.0 - γ) ./ (1.0 - γ)
up{T <: Real}(c::Union(T, Array{T}), γ::Float64) = c.^(- γ)
up_inv{T <: Real}(b::Union(T, Array{T}), γ::Float64) = b.^(- 1.0 / γ)
Set up the initial guess for the policy function of c.
It uses the analytical solution to the same problem with quadratic
utility and iid shocks.
function initialize_c(a::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64}, r::Float64)
n_a, n_y = map(length, {a, y})
c = Array(Float64, n_a, n_y)
for i=1:n_a, j=1:n_y
c[i, j] = r*a[i] + y[j]
return c
Update the guess for c using linear interpolation. This routine is
called at the end of each loop in the main endogenous grid
# Updates c_til_i inplace
function update_c!(a_star::Matrix{Float64}, c_til::Matrix{Float64},
c_til_i::Matrix{Float64}, a_star_1::Vector{Float64},
a::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64}, R::Float64)
num_bind::Int64 = 0
n_a, n_y = size(c_til)
for j=1:n_y # Do interpolation (step 7)
ig = InterpIrregular(a_star[:, j], c_til[:, j], BCnearest,
c_til_i[:, j] = ig[a]
# update boundary condition on lower end
for i=1:n_a
if a[i] < a_star_1[j]
num_bind += 1
c_til_i[i, j] = R * a[i] + y[j] - a[1]
return num_bind
Apply the endogenous grid method to solve for the policy functions
c(a, y) and a'(a, y) for a given specification of the coefficient of
absolute risk aversion. The return value is two (n_a, n_y) matrices
representing the optimal policy rules for each value on the grids
for a and y.
tol tolerance level for convergence
function endog_grid!(model::IFP; tol::Float64=1e-12, verbose=false)
# Unpack parameters from model object
n_a::Integer = model.n_a
n_y::Integer = model.n_y
a::Vector{Float64} = model.a
# step 1 (discretize process for y) was done when model obj was created
y::Vector{Float64} = model.y
P::Matrix{Float64} = model.P
beta::Float64 = model.beta
gamma::Float64 = model.gamma
r::Float64 = model.r
R::Float64 = model.R
# Allocate memory for arrays used in iteration
B = Array(Float64, n_a, n_y)
c_til = Array(Float64, n_a, n_y)
a_star = Array(Float64, n_a, n_y)
a_star_1 = Array(Float64, n_y)
c_til_i = Array(Float64, n_a, n_y)
c = initialize_c(a, y, r) # step 2
# set up iteration parameters
err = 1.0
it = 0
# Main algorithm
while err > tol
B[:] = beta * R .* (up(c, gamma) * P') # step 3
c_til[:] = up_inv(B, gamma)::Matrix{Float64} # step 4
a_star[:] = (c_til .+ a .- y') ./ R # step 5
a_star_1[:] = a_star[1, :] # step 6
bound = update_c!(a_star, c_til, c_til_i, a_star_1, a, y, R) # step 7
err = maximum(abs(c - c_til_i)) # step 8
# Update guess for c
c[:] = c_til_i
# print status, break if running too long
it += 1
if verbose && it % 5 == 0
if it > 300 break end
println("Converged. Total iterations: $it")
# compute a'(a, y) from budget constraint using c
ap = (R .* a) .+ y' - c
# Attach policy rules to model object
model.Sol = IFPSol(c, ap)
return model # don't return anything. Just update model inplace
Given a set of policy functions, the Markov process for y,
and a desired simulation length, simulate the economy for a
specified number of periods. The return value is three Vectors: one
for the path of consumption, one for the path of asset holdings,
and a third for the path of the endowment process.
a0_i is the index of the starting level of asset holdings.
burn is the burn in period. It is set to remove 10% of simulation
length by default.
seed is the seed for the random number generator. The default value
is a random number (what?!! bootstrapping the RNG?!)
function simulation(model::IFP; T::Integer=20000, a0::Number=model.a_min,
N::Integer=1, burn::Integer=2000,
seed::Number=int(500*rand()), use_df=false)
if ~isdefined(model, :Sol)
msg = "Sol field not found on model.\n"
msg *= "Must call endog_grid! before simulation"
msg *= "I'll try to do it for you"
endog_grid!(model, verbose=false)
# Pull out needed objects from model
c::Matrix{Float64} = model.Sol.c
a_prime::Matrix{Float64} = model.Sol.ap
m::Markov = model.m
n_a::Integer = model.n_a
n_y::Integer = model.n_y
R::Float64 = model.R
# Set up data storage
c_data = Array(Float64, T, N)
y_data = Array(Float64, T, N)
a_data = Array(Float64, T+1, N)
# seed RNG to get consistent simulation of Markov process
# Construct interpolator objects to use in computing c inside loop
igs = [InterpIrregular(a_prime[:, j], c[:, j], BCnearest, InterpLinear)
for j=1:n_y]
i_t = Array(Int8, T)
for i=1:N
# simulate markov process
y_t, i_t = simulate(m, T, ret_ind=true)
y_data[:, i] = y_t
# use initial condition to start income process
a_data[1, i] = a0
# simulate forward all T time periods
for t=1:T
c_data[t, i] = igs[i_t[t]][a_data[t, i]]
a_data[t+1, i] = R * a_data[t, i] + y_data[t, i] - c_data[t, i]
# if use_df # Convert to DataFrame at end
# c_data = convert(DataFrame, c_data)
# names!(c_data, [symbol("csim_$i") for i=1:50])
# y_data = convert(DataFrame, y_data)
# names!(y_data, [symbol("ysim_$i") for i=1:50])
# a_data = convert(DataFrame, a_data)
# names!(a_data, [symbol("asim_$i") for i=1:50])
# end
# burn = min(burn, int(0.1*T)) # Don't burn more than we have
return c_data[burn+1:end, :], a_data[burn+1:end, :], y_data[burn+1:end, :]
Computational homework assignment
@author : Spencer Lyon <>
@date : 2014-04-10 23:55:05
# Useful functions
logn_E(μ, σ) = μ + σ^2/2
logn_var(μ, σ) = (exp(σ^2) - 1) * exp(2μ + σ^2)
function sim_moments(m::Markov; T=50000, burn=2000)
Given an object of type Markov, simulate a markov process, compute
mean and variance of simulation, and compare to theoretical moments.
# Simulate and compute moments (throw out burn in period)
sim = simulate(m, T)
mu = mean(sim[burn:end])
sig2 = var(sim[burn:end])
# print nice string representation of moments
E_str = "\t" * rpad(@sprintf("E[y] = %.6f", mu), 17)
E_str *= "\t" * @sprintf("Expected = %.6f", μ_y)
E_str *= "\t" * @sprintf("Abs. Difference = %.6f", abs(mu - μ_y))
V_str = "\n\t" * rpad(@sprintf("Var[y] = %.6f", sig2), 17)
V_str *= "\t" * @sprintf("Expected = %.6f", σ2_y)
V_str *= "\t" * @sprintf("Abs. Difference = %.6f", abs(sig2 - σ2_y))
println(E_str * V_str)
return mu, sig2, sim
type Result
# Define parameters
ρ = 0.90
σ_ε = 0.06
wbar = - σ_ε^2 / (2 * (1 + ρ))
# theoretical moments
μ_w = wbar / (1 - ρ)
σ_w = sqrt(σ_ε ^2 / (1 - ρ^2))
μ_y = 1.0
σ2_y = logn_var(μ_w, σ_w)
## -------------------------- ##
#- Parts a, b: Tauchen Method -#
## -------------------------- ##
t_res = Dict{Int, Result}()
for N in [5, 10]
# Use tauchen method to estimate AR(1) with markov process
w, P = tauchen(N, ρ, σ_ε, wbar, 3)
println("Tauchen method with $N state Markov process:")
mu, sig2, sim = sim_moments(Markov(P, exp(w)))
# Add Result object to dict
t_res[N] = Result(w, P, mu, sig2)
## ---------------------------------- ##
#- Part c: 5 state Rouwenhorst Method -#
## ---------------------------------- ##
# Use rouwenhorst to approximate process
w_c, P_c = rouwenhorst(5, ρ, σ_ε, wbar)
println("Rouwenhorst method with 5 state Markov process:")
mu_c, sig2_c, sim_c = sim_moments(Markov(P_c, exp(w_c)))
## ----------------------------------- ##
#- Part d: Rouwenhorst, new parameters -#
## ----------------------------------- ##
# Define new parameters
ρ_d = 0.98
σ_ε_d = σ_ε * sqrt(1 - ρ_d^2) / sqrt(1 - ρ^2)
wbar_d = - σ_ε_d^2 / (2 * (1 + ρ_d))
w_d, P_d = rouwenhorst(5, ρ_d, σ_ε_d, wbar_d)
println("Rouwenhorst method with 5 state Markov process (new params):")
mu_d, sig2_d, sim_d = sim_moments(Markov(P_d, exp(w_d)))
Type to define the income fluctuation problem (consumption-savings
@author : Spencer Lyon <>
@date : 2014-04-19 20:10:42
abstract Model
abstract Solution
type IFPSol <: Solution
function IFPSol(c::Matrix{Float64}, ap::Matrix{Float64})
new(c, ap)
type IFP{T <: FloatingPoint} <: Model
# Model parameters
# Grid parameters for a
# Parameters for y
# Hold the solution
# Incomplete initialization. Everything but Sol field
function IFP(rho::T, beta::T, r::T, R::T, gamma::T,
n_a::Integer, a_min::T, a_max::T, a::Vector{T},
n_y::Integer, sig_eps::T, y::Vector{T}, P::Matrix{T},
new(rho, beta, r, R, gamma, n_a, a_min, a_max, a,
n_y, sig_eps, y, P, m)
# Default constructor
function IFP(rho::T, beta::T, r::T, R::T, gamma::T,
n_a::Integer, a_min::T, a_max::T, a::Vector{T},
n_y::Integer, sig_eps::T, y::Vector{T}, P::Matrix{T},
m::Markov, Sol::IFPSol)
new(rho, beta, r, R, gamma, n_a, a_min, a_max, a, n_y,
sig_eps, y, P, m, Sol)
function IFP{T <: FloatingPoint}(;rho::T=0.90, beta::T=0.95, r::T=0.02,
n_a::Integer=300, a_min::T=0.0, a_max::T=100.,
n_y::Integer=5, sig_eps::T=0.06)
# Compute a
a::Vector{T} = linspace(a_min, a_max, n_a)
# Compute R
R = 1.0 + r
# compute P, y, m
wbar = - sig_eps^2 / (2 * (1 + rho))
w::Vector{T}, P::Matrix{T} = rouwenhorst(n_y, rho, sig_eps, wbar)
y::Vector{T} = exp(w)
m::Markov = Markov(P, y)
return IFP{T}(rho, beta, r, R, gamma, n_a, a_min, a_max, a, n_y, sig_eps,
y, P, m)
function show(io::IO, ifp::IFP)
msg = "Income Fluctuation Problem\n"
msg *= "-" ^ (length(msg) - 1)
param_str = ""
param_syms = names(ifp)
n = maximum(map(length, map(string, param_syms)))
for p in param_syms
if is(p, :Sol)
if isdefined(ifp, :Sol)
param_str *= "\t$(rpad("Sol", n)): Computed\n"
param_str *= "\t$(rpad("Sol", n)): Not yet computed\n"
f = getfield(ifp, p)
if isa(f, Array)
param_str *= "\t$(rpad(string(p), n)): $(summary(f))\n"
param_str *= "\t$(rpad(string(p), n)): $f\n"
msg *= "\n" * param_str
print(io, msg)
type Markov
y::Vector{Float64} # vector of state values
pi_0::Union(Vector{Float64}, Vector{Int64})
function Markov(P, y, pi_0)
if size(P, 1) != size(P, 2)
error("P must be a square matrix")
if size(pi_0, 1) != size(P, 1)
error("pi_0 must have same number of elements as each row of P")
if size(y, 1) != size(P, 1)
error("y must have same number of elements as each row of P")
new(P, y, pi_0)
function Markov(P::Matrix{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64})
pi_0 = zeros(size(P, 1))
pi_0[1] = 1.0
Markov(P, y, pi_0)
function Markov(P::Matrix{Float64})
y = [1.:size(P, 1)]
pi_0 = zeros(size(P, 1))
pi_0[1] = 1.0
Markov(P, y, pi_0)
function show(io::IO, m::Markov)
msg = "$(length(m.y)) state Markov Chain"
print(io, msg)
function simulate(mc::Markov, N::Int; ret_ind=false)
# take cumsum along each row of transition matrix
cs_P = cumsum(mc.P, 2)
# Draw N random numbers on U[0, 1) and allocate memory for draw
α = rand(N)
draw = Array(Int16, N)
# Compute starting value using initial distribution pi_0
draw[1] = findfirst(α[1] .< cumsum(mc.pi_0))
# Fill in chain using transition matrix
for j=2:N
draw[j] = findfirst(α[j] .< cs_P[draw[j-1], :])
if ret_ind
return mc.y[draw], draw
return mc.y[draw]
import Base.getindex
using Grid
## Vectorized evaluation at multiple points
function getindex{T,R<:Real}(G::InterpIrregular{T,1}, x::AbstractVector{R})
n = length(x)
v = Array(T, n)
for i = 1:n
v[i] = getindex(G, x[i])
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