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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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hw2 for cogley's course
# load in the model and associated tools
# load packages we use
import Gadfly
import PyPlot
using Distributions
using DataFrames
# function plot_hpd(d::Distribution)
# fig, ax = subplots()
# x = 0.0:0.01:2.0
# a, b = hpd_cs(d)
# ax[:plot](x, pdf(d, x))
# ax[:vlines](a, 0.0, 3.5)
# ax[:vlines](b, 0.0, 3.5)
# end
function plot_post_sample(chains::Vector{MetropolisChain},
ti="Posterior sample from Metropolis algorithm")
fig, axis = PyPlot.subplots(4, 3)
axis = axis[:] # flatten
n_j = size(lots_of_chains, 1) # number of lots_of_chains
max_kde_j = min(n_j, 4) # only do kde for 4 lots_of_chains
n_params = lots_of_chains[1].task.model.size # number of parameters
# set up colors for fill_between
colors = PyPlot.plt.rcParams["axes.color_cycle"][1:max_kde_j]
# extract latex names for axis title
nms = tex_names(true_vals)
true_vals = vec(true_vals) # treat it as an array below
monster_chain = sum(lots_of_chains)
for i=1:n_params # assumes each column is a samples
# super ghetto, but I'm tired of wasting time on this...
x_max = i in [2, 3, 6, 7, 8] ? 1.1 : 2.1
x_max = i == 7 ? 4.1 : x_max
ax = axis[i]
data_max = 0.0
true_val = true_vals[i]
for j=1:max_kde_j # accross lots_of_chains
k = KernelDensity.kde(lots_of_chains[j].samples[:, i])
ax[:plot](k.x, k.density, alpha=0.4, lw=1., color=colors[j])
ax[:fill_between](k.x, 0.0, k.density, alpha=0.05, color=colors[j])
data_max = max(data_max, maximum(k.density))
ax[:vlines](true_val, 0, data_max, color="k", linestyle="--")
ax[:set_xlim](0.001, x_max)
big_k = KernelDensity.kde(monster_chain.samples[:, i])
ax[:plot](big_k.x, big_k.density, lw=2, color="k", linestyle=":",
ax[:legend](loc=0, fontsize=7)
fig[:suptitle](ti * " ($(n_j) chains)")
function plot_post_mode(J::MultivariateNormal, nms::Vector, true_vals)
data = rand(J, 10000)
fig, axis = PyPlot.subplots(4, 3)
axis = axis[:] # flatten
color = PyPlot.plt.rcParams["axes.color_cycle"][1]
for i=1:size(data, 1)
# super ghetto, but I'm tired of wasting time on this...
x_max = i in [2, 3, 6, 7, 8] ? 1.1 : 2.1
x_max = i == 7 ? 4.1 : x_max
ax = axis[i]
data_max = 0.0
true_val = true_vals[i]
k = kde(data[i, :][:])
ax[:plot](k.x, k.density, alpha=0.5, color=color)
ax[:fill_between](k.x, 0.0, k.density, color=color, alpha=0.2)
ax[:vlines](true_val, 0, maximum(k.density), color="k",
ax[:set_xlim](0.001, x_max)
fig[:suptitle]("Normal approximation to Posterior Mode")
return fig
function mpl_plot(p::Prior, θ::ModelParams=true_θ)
fig, axis = PyPlot.subplots(4, 3)
axis = axis[:] # flatten
N = 150
xd(d::Beta) = linspace(0.001, 1.1, N)
xd(d::InverseGamma) = linspace(0.001, 2.1, N)
dist_name(d::InverseGamma) = "IG($(d.shape), $(d.scale))"
dist_name(d::Beta) = "Beta" * "($(d.alpha), $(d.beta))"
color = PyPlot.plt.rcParams["axes.color_cycle"][1]
tex_θ_names = tex_names(θ)
for (i, nm) in enumerate(names(p))
true_val = getfield(θ, nm)
dist = getfield(p, nm)
std_dist = std(dist)
x = xd(dist)
if nm == :σ_i
x = linspace(0.001, 4.1, N)
pdf_x = pdf(dist, x)
axis[i][:plot](x, pdf_x)     
axis[i][:vlines](true_val, 0, maximum(pdf_x), color="k",
axis[i][:fill_between](x, 0.0, pdf_x, color=color, alpha=0.1)
ti = tex_θ_names[i] * ": " * dist_name(dist)
fig[:suptitle]("Prior Distributions")
return fig
function gadfly_plot(p::Prior, θ::ModelParams=true_θ)
N = 150
df = DataFrame();
x = linspace(0.001, 4.1, N)
df[:x] = x
for nm in names(the_prior)
true_val = getfield(true_θ, nm)
dist = getfield(the_prior, nm)
pdf_x = pdf(dist, x);
df[nm] = pdf_x
new_df = stack(df, [2:size(df, 2)])
p = Gadfly.plot(new_df, x=:x, y=:value, color=:variable, Gadfly.Geom.line,
Gadfly.Guide.title("Prior Distributions"))
return p
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