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Last active September 3, 2021 07:37
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Golang deps enumeration
package main
import (
const Debug = false
const WriteToFile = true
const OutputFileName = "dependency_tree.txt"
const RootModulePlaceholderVersion = "master"
const ULimitMax = 1 << 15 //32k
type Module struct {
Path string
Version string
type ModuleDep struct {
Parent Module
Child Module
type DependencyTree struct {
Mod Module
Dependencies []DependencyTree
func runCommand(ctx context.Context, executable string, command ...string) ([]byte, error) {
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, executable, command...)
outputBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
cmd.Stderr = outputBuf
cmdOutput, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("ERROR! `go mod why` failed to execute: %s: %v", outputBuf.String(), err)
return cmdOutput, nil
func getRootModule(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
goModOutput, err := runCommand(ctx, "go", "mod", "why")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return strings.Split(string(goModOutput), "\n")[1], nil
func runGraph(ctx context.Context, rootModule string) ([]ModuleDep, []string, error) {
goModOutput, err := runCommand(ctx, "go", "mod", "graph")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
outputScannerFunc := func(handlerFunc func(string, string)) error {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewBuffer(goModOutput))
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
fields := strings.Split(line, " ")
if len(fields) != 2 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR! Line didn't have 2 fields: %v\n", line)
handlerFunc(fields[0], fields[1])
return scanner.Err()
modules := []ModuleDep{}
moduleNames := map[string]interface{}{}
err = outputScannerFunc(func(parent string, child string) {
parentPath, parentVersion := modInfo(parent)
childPath, childVersion := modInfo(child)
if parentPath == rootModule {
parentVersion = RootModulePlaceholderVersion
parentModule := Module{
Path: parentPath,
Version: parentVersion,
childModule := Module{
Path: childPath,
Version: childVersion,
dependency := ModuleDep{
Parent: parentModule,
Child: childModule,
modules = append(modules, dependency)
moduleNames[parentPath] = nil
moduleNames[childPath] = nil
moduleNamesArr := make([]string, 0, len(moduleNames))
for k := range moduleNames {
moduleNamesArr = append(moduleNamesArr, k)
return modules, moduleNamesArr, err
func modInfo(modDesc string) (string, string) {
splitIdx := strings.Index(modDesc, "@")
if splitIdx < 0 {
return modDesc, ""
return modDesc[0:splitIdx], modDesc[splitIdx+1:]
func getActualModuleVersion(ctx context.Context, moduleName string) (Module, error) {
modWhyOutput, err := runCommand(ctx, "go", "list", "-m", moduleName)
if err != nil {
return Module{}, err
modWhyOutputStr := string(modWhyOutput)
// If we find the root package, tack on a placeholder version
if len(strings.Fields(modWhyOutputStr)) == 1 {
modWhyOutputStr = modWhyOutputStr + " " + RootModulePlaceholderVersion
// If we have a replacement, we need to figure out what to do with it
if replaceIdx := strings.Index(modWhyOutputStr, "=>"); replaceIdx >= 0 {
replacementFields := strings.Fields(modWhyOutputStr)
if len(replacementFields) == 5 {
// When a regular replacement is encountered, we will have the id and version in fields
// 3 and 4 (0-based) respectively.
modWhyOutputStr = replacementFields[3] + " " + replacementFields[4]
} else if len(replacementFields) == 4 {
// If we have a local replacement, we will have the path in field 3 but version in field
// 2 (0-based).
modWhyOutputStr = replacementFields[3] + " " + replacementFields[1]
modWhyFields := strings.Fields(modWhyOutputStr)
module := Module{
Path: modWhyFields[0],
Version: modWhyFields[1],
return module, nil
func increaseOpenfileULimit() error {
var rLimit syscall.Rlimit
err := syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rLimit)
if err != nil {
return err
if rLimit.Cur < ULimitMax {
rLimit.Cur = ULimitMax
return syscall.Setrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rLimit)
return nil
func resolveActualVersions(ctx context.Context, moduleNames []string) (map[string]Module, error) {
modVersionMapping := map[string]Module{}
// Single-thread this for now - `go list -m <modname>` seems lock-enclosed
// writeLock := sync.Mutex{}
// wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for idx, modName := range moduleNames {
// Single-thread this for now - `go list -m <modname>` seems lock-enclosed
//go func(index int, moduleName string) {
// wg.Add(1)
// defer wg.Done()
// runCtx, _ := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
moduleName := modName
index := idx
runCtx := ctx
moduleVersion, err := getActualModuleVersion(runCtx, moduleName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v", err)
if moduleVersion.Path == "" || moduleVersion.Version == "" {
fmt.Printf("ERROR! Module %s had an unresolved real version (%v)!", moduleVersion)
// Single-thread this for now - `go list -m <modname>` seems lock-enclosed
// writeLock.Lock()
modVersionMapping[moduleName] = moduleVersion
// writeLock.Unlock()
fmt.Printf("(%3d/%3d) %s -> %s\n", index+1, len(moduleNames), moduleName, moduleVersion)
//}(idx, modName)
// Single-thread this for now - `go list -m <modname>` seems lock-enclosed
// wg.Wait()
// fmt.Println("Collected all version remappings!")
return modVersionMapping, nil
func getDependencies(ctx context.Context) (string, []ModuleDep, map[string]Module, error) {
if Debug {
fmt.Println("Increasing ULimit for open files...")
err := increaseOpenfileULimit()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
if Debug {
fmt.Println("Resolving the root package name...")
rootModule, err := getRootModule(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("Root module resolved: %s\n", rootModule)
fmt.Println("Getting the dependency graph...")
depFlatGraph, moduleNames, err := runGraph(ctx, rootModule)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
if Debug {
for _, module := range depFlatGraph {
"%s@%s %s@%s\n",
fmt.Printf("Resolving the actual version used for modules (%d)...\n", len(moduleNames))
actualModuleVersions, err := resolveActualVersions(ctx, moduleNames)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("Resolved %d modules\n", len(actualModuleVersions))
return rootModule, depFlatGraph, actualModuleVersions, nil
func getModuleDependencies(depFlatGraph []ModuleDep, module Module) []Module {
dependencies := []Module{}
for _, moduleDep := range depFlatGraph {
if moduleDep.Parent == module {
dependencies = append(dependencies, moduleDep.Child)
return dependencies
func isCirccularDependency(module *Module, depPath *[]Module) bool {
for _, seenModule := range *depPath {
if (*module).Path == seenModule.Path {
return true
return false
func resolveRecursive(
module *Module,
level int,
rootDepPath []Module,
depFlatGraph []ModuleDep,
actualModuleVersions map[string]Module,
) (*DependencyTree, error) {
modPath := module.Path
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("Resolving dependency (Depth: %d) %s\n", level, modPath)
actualModule, ok := actualModuleVersions[modPath]
if !ok {
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("ERROR! Could not find actual module mapping for %s (level %d). Path: %+v", modPath, level, rootDepPath)
modDeps := getModuleDependencies(depFlatGraph, actualModule)
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("- Found %d dep(s) for module %s\n", len(modDeps), actualModule)
dependencies := []DependencyTree{}
for _, depModule := range modDeps {
// Circular dependencies are ignored once we encounter a loop
if isCirccularDependency(&depModule, &rootDepPath) {
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("WARN: Circular dependency breakout for %s\n", depModule.Path)
depPath := append(rootDepPath, *module)
depSubTree, err := resolveRecursive(&depModule, level+1, depPath, depFlatGraph, actualModuleVersions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("- Appending dep tree of %s to %s (%s)\n", depModule.Path, modPath, actualModule.Path)
dependencies = append(dependencies, *depSubTree)
return &DependencyTree{
Mod: actualModule,
Dependencies: dependencies,
}, nil
func recomputeDependencyTree(
rootModule *Module,
depFlatGraph []ModuleDep,
actualModuleVersions map[string]Module,
) (*DependencyTree, error) {
// Main root node
depTree := DependencyTree{
Mod: Module{
Path: "root",
Version: "root",
// Some deps have circular dependencies so we need to break out when
// we encounter them
rootDepPath := []Module{*rootModule}
// Queue up the main root node deps and recurseviley resolve
rootDeps := getModuleDependencies(depFlatGraph, *rootModule)
// maxCount := 2
for _, rootDep := range rootDeps {
// TODO: Use this for debugging to reduce the tree size
// maxCount = maxCount - 1
// if maxCount < 0 {
// break
// }
module := rootDep
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("Resolving root dependency %s\n", module)
depPath := append(rootDepPath, module)
depSubtree, err := resolveRecursive(&module, 0, depPath, depFlatGraph, actualModuleVersions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
depTree.Dependencies = append(depTree.Dependencies, *depSubtree)
return &depTree, nil
// TODO: Actually use `skipDuplicates` value
func printDepTree(buf *bufio.Writer, depTree *DependencyTree, level int, skipDuplicates bool) {
for idx := 0; idx < level; idx++ {
io.WriteString(buf, " ")
io.WriteString(buf, fmt.Sprintf("- %s@%s\n", (*depTree).Mod.Path, (*depTree).Mod.Version))
for _, depSubtree := range (*depTree).Dependencies {
printDepTree(buf, &depSubtree, level+1, skipDuplicates)
func main() {
ctx, _ := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
rootModuleName, depFlatGraph, actualModuleVersions, err := getDependencies(ctx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
rootModulePtr := &Module{
Path: rootModuleName,
Version: RootModulePlaceholderVersion,
fmt.Println("Computing actual dependency tree (this will take a while)...")
depTree, err := recomputeDependencyTree(rootModulePtr, depFlatGraph, actualModuleVersions)
skipDuplicates := false
var outputFile *os.File
if WriteToFile {
fmt.Printf("Writing output to '%s' (this may take a while)...\n", OutputFileName)
outputFile, err = os.OpenFile(OutputFileName, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("Printing dependency tree...")
outputFile = os.Stdout
if WriteToFile {
defer outputFile.Close()
writer := bufio.NewWriter(outputFile)
printDepTree(writer, depTree, 0, skipDuplicates)
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