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Created August 7, 2010 03:51
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detect SQL injection - php
detect SQL injection php
ago/2010 - classe testada
class detectSQLinjection {
function ok() {
return count($this->er)==0;
function nEr($s) {
//cho '<hr>'.count($this->er).' = '.$s;
$this->er[count($this->er)] = $s;
function detectSQLinjection($strSql) {
$this->er = array();
$proibido = array('UNION','INSERT','DELETE','DROP');
$this->sq = strtoupper(trim($strSql));
$p = strpos($this->sq.' ',' ');
$this->cmd = trim(substr($this->sq,0,$p));
$this->sq = trim(substr($this->sq,$p)).' ';
$cb = false; $st = false; $p = ''; $fim = true;
for ($i=0;$i<strlen($this->sq);$i++) {
$c = $this->sq[$i];
//cho "<hr>$c";
if ($cb) {
$cb = false;
} else if ($c=="\\") {
if (!$st) {
$this->nEr("\\ fora de string");
$cb = true;
} else if ($st) {
if ($c=="'") {
//fim string
$st = false;
$p = '';
} else {
//$p .= $c;
} else if (($c>="A" && $c<="Z")
|| ($c>="0" && $c<="9")
|| $c=='_'
|| $c=='.'
) {
$p .= $c;
} else {
if ($c==";") {
$this->nEr("; fora de string");
} else if ($c=="'") {
$st = true;
} else if (strpos(" (),\t\r\n+-*=></",$c)===false) {
$this->nEr("char $c invalido fora de string");
//testar palavra?
for ($pp=0;$pp<count($proibido);$pp++) {
if ($p==$proibido[$pp]) {
$this->nEr("palavra ".$p);
if (substr($p,0,2)=='0X') {
$this->nEr('hexa '.$p);
$p = '';
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