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Last active December 17, 2015 18:39
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Save sgoblin/5654586 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Servo and Motor controlled by a knob
// Copyright sgoblin
// Released under the GNU LGPL v3
// Many thanks to Arduino for creating this great open hardware,
// Sparkfun for selling it with some examples and a manual,
// and the authors of the arduino examples for writing amazing examples.
//This imports the servo library; adding some code that was prewritten to make servos easier to use
#include <Servo.h>
//This assigns the number 10 to the constant integer variable motorPin
const int motorPin = 10;
//Basically the same thing
const int servoPin = 9;
//The pin that I am going to use for the knob
const int knobPin = 0;
//Creates a servo object from the servo library that
//has functions that will be used to control the servo
Servo myservo;
//This creates an empty integer variable that can be changed
int knobVal;
void setup()
//This will set up the motor pin as an output
pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);
//This sets the servoPin as the pin that the servo is going to get info from
//This sets up a serial port so thst you can control it from your computer
void loop()
//Finds the value that the knob is giving
knobVal = analogRead(knobPin);
//Runs the servomove function
//Runs the motorSpeed function
void servomove(int knobval)
//This code is from an arduino example that comes with the arduino SDK.
//Thanks to Michal Rinott for some of this code.
knobval = map(knobval, 0, 1023, 0, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 1 and 180)
myservo.write(knobval); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value
delay(15); // waits for the servo to get there (the number is in milliseconds)
void motorSpeed(int knobval)
//NOTE: The code that is grayed out here is the code that would send a speed to
//the motor instead of an on/off command.
//This code was inspired by and based off of a Sparkfun Inventor's Kit project.
//Sparkfun released this code into the public domain.
//int speedstart = analogRead(knobPin);
////This changing of knobVal doesn't affect the one in servomove because it is within a function.
//This scales the value from the knob(0-1023) to a range between 0 and 255.
//int speed1 = map(speedstart, 65, (1023+65), 65, 255);
//That is the range of speeds for the motor.
//This puts the value (0-255) into the motor, and the speed changes accordingly.
//analogWrite(motorPin, speed1);
//Just a small delay to smooth things out.
//The value coming from the knob can be from 1-1024
//This just checks if it's below or equal to 512.
//If it is, then it turns the motor off.
if (knobval <= 512){
digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW);//If it is anything else, it turns the motor on.
digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH);
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