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Created January 10, 2023 21:21
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Converting Natural Numbers to Recursive Data Structures with Active Patterns
module NatPatterns =
type nat = int64
let nat(x) = int64(x)
// Rosenberg-Strong unpairing function (balances better than Cantor's)
// A true total function when you replace int64 with bigint
let unpair(z: nat): (nat * nat) =
let m = nat(floor (sqrt (double z)))
let ml = z - (m * m)
if ml < m then (ml, m)
else (m, (m * m) + m + m - z)
// Our unpairing function makes for a nice total active pattern
let (|Pair|) z = unpair z
// An AP for alternating between partitions
let inline (|Part1of2|Part2of2|) z =
if z % 2 = 0 then Part1of2(z / 2) else Part2of2(z / 2)
// An AP for alternating between 3 paritions
let inline (|Part1of3|Part2of3|Part3of3|) z =
match z % 3L with
| 0L -> Part1of3(z / 3L)
| 1L -> Part2of3(z / 3L)
| _ -> Part3of3(z / 3L)
// Here we're going to partition based on some type of max value
type NHead = Head of nat | Tail of nat
let takeMax m = function
| n when n <= m -> Head(n)
| n -> Tail(n - (m + 1L))
module NatPatternExamples =
open NatPatterns
type BTree<'a> =
| Empty
| Node of Value:'a * Left:BTree<'a> * Right:BTree<'a>
// Can we construct an AP that converts an integer into a binary-tree?
let rec (|BTree|) = takeMax 0 >> function
| Head (n) -> Empty
| Tail (Pair(value, Pair(BTree (left), BTree (right)))) -> Node(value, left, right)
// Let's convert an int64 into a BTree
let (BTree(t)) = 10
printfn "Tree: %A" t
type Expr<'a> =
| Var of 'a
| Lam of 'a * Expr<'a>
| App of Expr<'a> * Expr<'a>
// Let's convert an int64 into a Lambda expression
let rec (|Expr|) = function
| Part1of3(n) -> Var(n)
| Part2of3(Pair(v, Expr(e))) -> Lam(v, e)
| Part3of3(Pair(Expr(e1), Expr(e2))) -> App(e1, e2)
let (Expr(e)) = 10
printfn "Expression: %A" e
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tromp commented Jan 14, 2024

Since natural numbers are in a simple 1-1 correspondence with binary strings, you can also look for the best way to represent arbitrary computable objects as binary strings. There exist provably optimal ways to do so, as Algorithmic Information Theory teaches us [1].


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sgoguen commented Jan 16, 2024

@tromp - Thank you for your suggestions and encouragement.

While I've been meaning to explore efficient binary encoding systems, my interest in viewing recursive data structures through the lens of natural numbers has been mostly motivated by nagging questions around defining bijections with recursive data types and how to define these bijections so they are complete for the datatype or for invariant constraints. To demonstrate this, I've included an example (unlike the above snippet) where I create a bijection from Nat <==> closed lambda terms and I show how it corresponds to BLC.

As I'm sure you already appreciate, from a runtime efficiency standpoint, using pairing functions (I prefer balanced over Cantor's) isn't great because constructing larger terms from very big integers incurs a lot of square root calls for large sets, but I do like it from a Kolmogorov complexity point of view because I can encode λ0 as 0 and everything other closed term is accounted for with its own unique natural number. To your point, always being able to represent 2^N closed terms with N bits is nice.

As much as I'd love to explore more optimal ways of encoding it with Algorithmic Information Theory, I'm a self-taught programmer who hasn't added that to my curriculum yet, but I look forward to reading up on it!

Anyway, I've attached my bijective code for counting closed terms. (The above code was only supposed to demonstrate F#'s Active Pattern feature) I haven't proven this code is bijective yet as I'm still learning the Lean theorem prover, but I've run it for very large integers (I have a bigint implementation somewhere)

Again, thank you for the link and suggestions!

type nat = int

//  Unpair two integers with Rosenberg-Strong
let unpair (z: nat): nat * nat = 
    let m = int(Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(z)))
    let m2 = m * m
    if z - m2 < m then
        (z - m2, m)
        (m, m2  + 2 * m - z)

//  Pair two integers with Rosenberg-Strong
let pair (x: nat) (y: nat): nat =
    let m = max x y
    m * m + m + x - y        

// Inspired from Olivier Danvy's meta-circular evaluator
type term = 
    | IDX of int
    | ABS of term
    | APP of term * term

// Encodes an integer into a *closed* lambda term
let intToTerm n =
    let rec termFromIntRec l n =
        if n < 0 then 
            failwith "Negative integer cannot be converted to a term"
        elif n <= l then IDX n
            let n = n - (l + 1)
            let opt = n % 2
            if opt = 0 then
                ABS (termFromIntRec (l + 1) (n / 2))
                let n = n / 2
                let (x, y) = unpair n
                APP (termFromIntRec l x, termFromIntRec l y)

    termFromIntRec -1 n
// Encodes a closed lambda term back into an integer, completing the bijection
let rec closedTermToInt t = 
    let rec closedTermToIntRec d t =
        match t with
        | IDX i -> (if i > d then failwithf "Invalid term" else i)
        | ABS b -> (closedTermToIntRec (d + 1) b) * 2 + d + 1
        | APP(x, y) -> 
            let x = (closedTermToIntRec (d) x)
            let y = (closedTermToIntRec (d) y)
            let n = pair x y
            n * 2 + d + 2

    let r = match t with
            | IDX i -> failwithf "Invalid term"
            | ABS b -> (closedTermToIntRec 0 b) * 2
            | APP(x, y) -> 
                let x = closedTermToIntRec -1 x
                let y = closedTermToIntRec -1 y
                let n = pair x y
                n * 2 + 1
let rec termToString (t: term): string = 
    match t with
        | IDX i -> string (i)
        | ABS t' -> "" + termToString t' + ")"
        | APP (f, a) -> "(" + termToString f + "" + termToString a + ")"
let rec encodeBLC (e: term) = 
    match e with
    | ABS b -> "00" + encodeBLC b
    | APP (x, y) -> "01" + encodeBLC x + encodeBLC y
    | IDX index -> String.replicate index "1" + "0"

for i in 0..10 do
    let t = intToTerm i
    let s = termToString t
    //  Verify our bijection
    let i2 = closedTermToInt t
    let blc = encodeBLC t
    printfn "Term: %i -- De Bruijn: %s -- BLC: %s" i s blc

Term: 0 -- De Bruijn: (λ0) -- BLC: 000
Term: 1 -- De Bruijn: ((λ0)(λ0)) -- BLC: 01000000
Term: 2 -- De Bruijn: (λ(λ0)) -- BLC: 00000
Term: 3 -- De Bruijn: ((λ0)((λ0)(λ0))) -- BLC: 0100001000000
Term: 4 -- De Bruijn: (λ(00)) -- BLC: 000100
Term: 5 -- De Bruijn: (((λ0)(λ0))((λ0)(λ0))) -- BLC: 010100000001000000
Term: 6 -- De Bruijn: (λ(λ1)) -- BLC: 000010
Term: 7 -- De Bruijn: (((λ0)(λ0))(λ0)) -- BLC: 0101000000000
Term: 8 -- De Bruijn: (λ(0(λ0))) -- BLC: 00010000
Term: 9 -- De Bruijn: ((λ0)(λ(λ0))) -- BLC: 0100000000
Term: 10 -- De Bruijn: (λ(λ(λ0))) -- BLC: 0000000

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tromp commented Jan 17, 2024

Your bijection works but has exponential overhead for common terms like Church numerals,
whose nested applications have one side of always constant size. Allow me to suggest a more balanced approach.

The number of closed terms of size n bits in a simple encoding is given by using the formula

a(n) = N(0,n) with
  N(k,0) = N(k,1) = 0
  N(k,n+2) = (if k>n then 1 else 0) +
             N(k+1,n) +
             Sum_{i=0..n} N(k,i) * N(k,n-i)

which suggests the following total ordering of closed terms, equivalent to a bijection:

data T = V Int | L T | A T T deriving (Eq,Show)

closed :: Int -> Int -> [T]
closed k n = if n < 2 then [] else 
             [V (n-2) | n>=2]
          ++ [L t | t <- closed (k+1) (n-2)]
          ++ [A t1 t2 | i <- [0..n-2], t1 <- closed k i, t2 <- closed k (n-2-i)] 

allclosed = [0..] >>= closed 0

main = mapM_ print . take 42 $ allclosed

with output

V 0
V 1
V 2
L (V 0)
V 3
L (V 1)
V 4
L (V 2)
L (L (V 0))
A (V 0) (V 0)
V 5
L (V 3)
L (L (V 1))
A (V 0) (V 1)
A (V 1) (V 0)
V 6
L (V 4)
L (L (V 2))
L (L (L (V 0)))
L (A (V 0) (V 0))
A (V 0) (V 2)
A (V 0) (L (V 0))
A (V 1) (V 1)
A (V 2) (V 0)
A (L (V 0)) (V 0)
V 7
L (V 5)
L (L (V 3))
L (L (L (V 1)))
L (A (V 0) (V 1))
L (A (V 1) (V 0))
A (V 0) (V 3)
A (V 0) (L (V 1))
A (V 1) (V 2)
A (V 1) (L (V 0))
A (V 2) (V 1)
A (L (V 0)) (V 1)
A (V 3) (V 0)
A (L (V 1)) (V 0)
V 8
L (V 6)
L (L (V 4))

The index of any term in this sequence, written in binary, is always less than its simple binary encoding. For example, Church numeral 5 = L (L (A (V 1) (A (V 1) (A (V 1) (A (V 1) (A (V 1) (V 0))))))))
appears at index 8194786 in this list, while its simple encoding is
00 00 01 110 01 110 01 110 01 110 01 110 10 corresponding to 2208098105.
This is because the simple encoding also leaves room for encoding open terms.

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