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Created March 6, 2009 15:04
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Save sgoguen/74934 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/// <summary>
/// This snippet extends Matthias Hertel's Difference algorithm and extends it to a
/// LINQ provider proof-of-concept. To run, simply copy+paste into LINQPad.
/// Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel,
/// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See
/// </summary>
void Main()
var d1 = "HELLO cruel world".Split(' ');
var d2 = "Hello happy world".Split(' ');
var s = from item in DiffList(d1, d2)
where item != ""
select Regex.Replace(item.ToLower().Trim(), @"\s+", " ");
public DiffSource<T> DiffList<T>(IEnumerable<T> list1, IEnumerable<T> list2) {
return new DiffSource<T>(list1, list2);
public class DiffSource<T> : IEnumerable<Change<T>> {
IEnumerable<T> _input, _output;
public DiffSource(IEnumerable<T> input, IEnumerable<T> output) {
_input = input; _output = output;
public DiffSource<TNew> Select<TNew>(Func<T, TNew> f) {
return new DiffSource<TNew>(_input.Select(f), _output.Select(f));
public IEnumerator<Change<T>> GetEnumerator() {
return FullDiff<T>(_input, _output).GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
return this.GetEnumerator();
// public IEnumerable<Change<T>> Diff() {
// return FullDiff<T>(_input, _output);
// }
public DiffSource<T> Where(Func<T, bool> pred) {
return new DiffSource<T>(_input.Where(pred).AsEnumerable(), _output.Where(pred).AsEnumerable());
void TestStringGeneric() {
var h = new Hashtable();
var d = new Diff();
var list1 = "1,2,5,6,8".Dump().Split(',').ToArray();
var list2 = "1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9".Dump().Split(',').ToArray();
var results = Diff.DiffT(list1, list2).Dump();
var q1 = Report(results, list1, list2).Dump();
struct Status<T> {
public bool exists;
public T value;
public Status(T value, bool exists) {
if(this.exists = exists) {
this.value = value;
} else {
this.value = default(T);
public struct Change<T> {
public int? left_index, right_index;
public T left, right;
public bool deleted, inserted, same;
public bool left_exists, right_exists;
public Change(int? left_index, int? right_index, T left, bool left_exists, T right, bool right_exists, bool same) {
this.same = same;
this.left_index = (left_exists) ? left_index : null;
this.right_index = (right_exists) ? right_index : null;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.left_exists = left_exists;
this.right_exists = right_exists;
this.deleted = (!same && left_exists);
this.inserted = (!same && right_exists);
static IEnumerable<Change<T>> FullDiff<T>(IEnumerable<T> input, IEnumerable<T> output) {
var _input = input.ToArray();
var _output = output.ToArray();
return Report<T>( Diff.DiffT<T>(_input, _output), _input, _output);
IEnumerable<Change<T>> UniqueDiff<T>(IEnumerable<T> input, IEnumerable<T> output) {
var _input = input.ToArray();
var _output = output.ToArray();
var union = _input.Union(_output);
// return (from item in union
// let left_exists = _input.Contains(item)
// let left_index = _input.E
// let right_exists = _output.Contains(item)
// select new Change<T>(
return Report<T>( Diff.DiffT<T>(_input, _output), _input, _output);
static IEnumerable<Change<T>> Report<T>(Diff.Item[] items, T[] input, T[] output) {
var StartA = 0;
var StartB = 0;
var q1 = from item_index in Enumerable.Range(0, items.Count())
let item = items[item_index]
let last = item_index + 1 == items.Length
let steps = Math.Max(item.deletedA, item.insertedB)
let NextA = item.StartA + item.deletedA
let NextB = item.StartB + item.insertedB
let Prev = (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, item.StartA - StartA)
let left_index = StartA + i
let right_index = StartB + i
let left = input[left_index]
let right = output[right_index]
select new Change<T>(left_index, right_index, left, true, right, true, true))
let Diff = (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, steps)
let left_index = item.StartA + i
let right_index = item.StartB + i
let left_exists = (i < item.deletedA)
let right_exists = (i < item.insertedB)
let left = (!left_exists) ? default(T) : input[left_index]
let right = (!right_exists) ? default(T) : output[right_index]
select new Change<T>(left_index, right_index, left, left_exists, right, right_exists, false))
let Next = (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, input.Length - NextA)
let left_index = NextA + i
let right_index = NextB + i
let left = input[left_index]
let right = output[right_index]
select new Change<T>(left_index, right_index, left, true, right, true, true))
let Finish = (last) ? Next : Enumerable.Empty<Change<T>>()
let Changes = Prev.Concat(Diff).Concat(Finish).ToArray()
select new {
nextStartA = (StartA = NextA),
nextStartB = (StartB = NextB),
var q2 = (from item in q1
from change in item.Changes
select change);
return q2;
IEnumerable<int> FromTo(int start, int end) {
return Enumerable.Range(start, end - start);
void Test() {
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
string a, b;
System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener ctl = new System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener(false);
System.Console.WriteLine("Diff Self Test...");
// test all changes
a = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l".Replace(',', '\n');
b = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9".Replace(',', '\n');
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestHelper(Diff.DiffText(a, b, false, false, false))
== "*",
"all-changes test failed.");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("all-changes test passed.");
// test all same
a = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l".Replace(',', '\n');
b = a;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestHelper(Diff.DiffText(a, b, false, false, false))
== "",
"all-same test failed.");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("all-same test passed.");
// test snake
a = "a,b,c,d,e,f".Replace(',', '\n');
b = "b,c,d,e,f,x".Replace(',', '\n');
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestHelper(Diff.DiffText(a, b, false, false, false))
== "**",
"snake test failed.");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("snake test passed.");
// 2002.09.20 - repro
a = "c1,a,c2,b,c,d,e,g,h,i,j,c3,k,l".Replace(',', '\n');
b = "C1,a,C2,b,c,d,e,I1,e,g,h,i,j,C3,k,I2,l".Replace(',', '\n');
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestHelper(Diff.DiffText(a, b, false, false, false))
== "*****",
"repro20020920 test failed.");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("repro20020920 test passed.");
// 2003.02.07 - repro
a = "F".Replace(',', '\n');
b = "0,F,1,2,3,4,5,6,7".Replace(',', '\n');
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestHelper(Diff.DiffText(a, b, false, false, false))
== "**",
"repro20030207 test failed.");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("repro20030207 test passed.");
// Muegel - repro
b = "\n\nhello\n\n\n\nworld\n";
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestHelper(Diff.DiffText(a, b, false, false, false))
== "*",
"repro20030409 test failed.");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("repro20030409 test passed.");
// test some differences
a = "a,b,-,c,d,e,f,f".Replace(',', '\n');
b = "a,b,x,c,e,f".Replace(',', '\n');
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestHelper(Diff.DiffText(a, b, false, false, false))
== "***",
"some-changes test failed.");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("some-changes test passed.");
// test one change within long chain of repeats
a = "a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a".Replace(',', '\n');
b = "a,a,a,a,-,a,a,a,a,a".Replace(',', '\n');
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestHelper(Diff.DiffText(a, b, false, false, false))
== "**",
"long chain of repeats test failed.");
public static string TestHelper(Diff.Item []f) {
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
for (int n = 0; n < f.Length; n++) {
ret.Append(f[n].deletedA.ToString() + "." + f[n].insertedB.ToString() + "." + f[n].StartA.ToString() + "." + f[n].StartB.ToString() + "*");
// Debug.Write(5, "TestHelper", ret.ToString());
return (ret.ToString());
public class Diff
/// <summary>details of one difference.</summary>
public struct Item
/// <summary>Start Line number in Data A.</summary>
public int StartA;
/// <summary>Start Line number in Data B.</summary>
public int StartB;
/// <summary>Number of changes in Data A.</summary>
public int deletedA;
/// <summary>Number of changes in Data B.</summary>
public int insertedB;
} // Item
/// <summary>
/// Shortest Middle Snake Return Data
/// </summary>
private struct SMSRD
internal int x, y;
// internal int u, v; // 2002.09.20: no need for 2 points
#region self-Test
/// <summary>
/// start a self- / box-test for some diff cases and report to the debug output.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">not used</param>
/// <returns>always 0</returns>
public static int Main(string[] args) {
/// <summary>
/// Find the difference in 2 texts, comparing by textlines.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="TextA">A-version of the text (usualy the old one)</param>
/// <param name="TextB">B-version of the text (usualy the new one)</param>
/// <returns>Returns a array of Items that describe the differences.</returns>
public Item[] DiffText(string TextA, string TextB) {
return (DiffText(TextA, TextB, false, false, false));
} // DiffText
/// <summary>
/// Find the difference in 2 text documents, comparing by textlines.
/// The algorithm itself is comparing 2 arrays of numbers so when comparing 2 text documents
/// each line is converted into a (hash) number. This hash-value is computed by storing all
/// textlines into a common hashtable so i can find dublicates in there, and generating a
/// new number each time a new textline is inserted.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="TextA">A-version of the text (usualy the old one)</param>
/// <param name="TextB">B-version of the text (usualy the new one)</param>
/// <param name="trimSpace">When set to true, all leading and trailing whitespace characters are stripped out before the comparation is done.</param>
/// <param name="ignoreSpace">When set to true, all whitespace characters are converted to a single space character before the comparation is done.</param>
/// <param name="ignoreCase">When set to true, all characters are converted to their lowercase equivivalence before the comparation is done.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a array of Items that describe the differences.</returns>
public static Item[] DiffText(string TextA, string TextB, bool trimSpace, bool ignoreSpace, bool ignoreCase) {
// prepare the input-text and convert to comparable numbers.
Hashtable h = new Hashtable(TextA.Length + TextB.Length);
// The A-Version of the data (original data) to be compared.
DiffData DataA = new DiffData(DiffCodes(TextA, h, trimSpace, ignoreSpace, ignoreCase));
// The B-Version of the data (modified data) to be compared.
DiffData DataB = new DiffData(DiffCodes(TextB, h, trimSpace, ignoreSpace, ignoreCase));
h = null; // free up hashtable memory (maybe)
int MAX = DataA.Length + DataB.Length + 1;
/// vector for the (0,0) to (x,y) search
int[] DownVector = new int[2 * MAX + 2];
/// vector for the (u,v) to (N,M) search
int[] UpVector = new int[2 * MAX + 2];
LCS(DataA, 0, DataA.Length, DataB, 0, DataB.Length, DownVector, UpVector);
return CreateDiffs(DataA, DataB);
} // DiffText
public static Item[] DiffT<T>(T[] ListA, T[] ListB) {
// prepare the input-text and convert to comparable numbers.
Hashtable h = new Hashtable(ListA.Length + ListB.Length);
// The A-Version of the data (original data) to be compared.
DiffData DataA = new DiffData(DiffCodes(ListA, h));
// The B-Version of the data (modified data) to be compared.
DiffData DataB = new DiffData(DiffCodes(ListB, h));
h = null; // free up hashtable memory (maybe)
int MAX = DataA.Length + DataB.Length + 1;
/// vector for the (0,0) to (x,y) search
int[] DownVector = new int[2 * MAX + 2];
/// vector for the (u,v) to (N,M) search
int[] UpVector = new int[2 * MAX + 2];
LCS(DataA, 0, DataA.Length, DataB, 0, DataB.Length, DownVector, UpVector);
return CreateDiffs(DataA, DataB);
} // DiffText
/// <summary>
/// If a sequence of modified lines starts with a line that contains the same content
/// as the line that appends the changes, the difference sequence is modified so that the
/// appended line and not the starting line is marked as modified.
/// This leads to more readable diff sequences when comparing text files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Data">A Diff data buffer containing the identified changes.</param>
private static void Optimize(DiffData Data) {
int StartPos, EndPos;
StartPos = 0;
while (StartPos < Data.Length) {
while ((StartPos < Data.Length) && (Data.modified[StartPos] == false))
EndPos = StartPos;
while ((EndPos < Data.Length) && (Data.modified[EndPos] == true))
if ((EndPos < Data.Length) && ([StartPos] ==[EndPos])) {
Data.modified[StartPos] = false;
Data.modified[EndPos] = true;
} else {
StartPos = EndPos;
} // if
} // while
} // Optimize
/// <summary>
/// Find the difference in 2 arrays of integers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ArrayA">A-version of the numbers (usualy the old one)</param>
/// <param name="ArrayB">B-version of the numbers (usualy the new one)</param>
/// <returns>Returns a array of Items that describe the differences.</returns>
public static Item[] DiffInt(int[] ArrayA, int[] ArrayB) {
// The A-Version of the data (original data) to be compared.
DiffData DataA = new DiffData(ArrayA);
// The B-Version of the data (modified data) to be compared.
DiffData DataB = new DiffData(ArrayB);
int MAX = DataA.Length + DataB.Length + 1;
/// vector for the (0,0) to (x,y) search
int[] DownVector = new int[2 * MAX + 2];
/// vector for the (u,v) to (N,M) search
int[] UpVector = new int[2 * MAX + 2];
LCS(DataA, 0, DataA.Length, DataB, 0, DataB.Length, DownVector, UpVector);
return CreateDiffs(DataA, DataB);
} // Diff
/// <summary>
/// This function converts all textlines of the text into unique numbers for every unique textline
/// so further work can work only with simple numbers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aText">the input text</param>
/// <param name="h">This extern initialized hashtable is used for storing all ever used textlines.</param>
/// <param name="trimSpace">ignore leading and trailing space characters</param>
/// <returns>a array of integers.</returns>
public static int[] DiffCodes<T>(T[] Lines) {
var h = new Hashtable();
return DiffCodes<T>(Lines, h);
public static int[] DiffCodes<T>(T[] Lines, Hashtable h) {
// get all codes of the text
int[] Codes;
int lastUsedCode = h.Count;
object aCode;
//string s;
// strip off all cr, only use lf as textline separator.
Codes = new int[Lines.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; ++i) {
var s = Lines[i];
aCode = h[s];
if (aCode == null) {
h[s] = lastUsedCode;
Codes[i] = lastUsedCode;
} else {
Codes[i] = (int)aCode;
} // if
} // for
return (Codes);
} // DiffCodes
/// <summary>
/// This function converts all textlines of the text into unique numbers for every unique textline
/// so further work can work only with simple numbers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aText">the input text</param>
/// <param name="h">This extern initialized hashtable is used for storing all ever used textlines.</param>
/// <param name="trimSpace">ignore leading and trailing space characters</param>
/// <returns>a array of integers.</returns>
private static int[] DiffCodes(string aText, Hashtable h, bool trimSpace, bool ignoreSpace, bool ignoreCase) {
// get all codes of the text
string[] Lines;
int[] Codes;
int lastUsedCode = h.Count;
object aCode;
string s;
// strip off all cr, only use lf as textline separator.
aText = aText.Replace("\r", "");
Lines = aText.Split('\n');
Codes = new int[Lines.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; ++i) {
s = Lines[i];
if (trimSpace)
s = s.Trim();
if (ignoreSpace) {
s = Regex.Replace(s, "\\s+", " "); // TODO: optimization: faster blank removal.
if (ignoreCase)
s = s.ToLower();
aCode = h[s];
if (aCode == null) {
h[s] = lastUsedCode;
Codes[i] = lastUsedCode;
} else {
Codes[i] = (int)aCode;
} // if
} // for
return (Codes);
} // DiffCodes
/// <summary>
/// This is the algorithm to find the Shortest Middle Snake (SMS).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="DataA">sequence A</param>
/// <param name="LowerA">lower bound of the actual range in DataA</param>
/// <param name="UpperA">upper bound of the actual range in DataA (exclusive)</param>
/// <param name="DataB">sequence B</param>
/// <param name="LowerB">lower bound of the actual range in DataB</param>
/// <param name="UpperB">upper bound of the actual range in DataB (exclusive)</param>
/// <param name="DownVector">a vector for the (0,0) to (x,y) search. Passed as a parameter for speed reasons.</param>
/// <param name="UpVector">a vector for the (u,v) to (N,M) search. Passed as a parameter for speed reasons.</param>
/// <returns>a MiddleSnakeData record containing x,y and u,v</returns>
private static SMSRD SMS(DiffData DataA, int LowerA, int UpperA, DiffData DataB, int LowerB, int UpperB,
int[] DownVector, int[] UpVector) {
SMSRD ret;
int MAX = DataA.Length + DataB.Length + 1;
int DownK = LowerA - LowerB; // the k-line to start the forward search
int UpK = UpperA - UpperB; // the k-line to start the reverse search
int Delta = (UpperA - LowerA) - (UpperB - LowerB);
bool oddDelta = (Delta & 1) != 0;
// The vectors in the publication accepts negative indexes. the vectors implemented here are 0-based
// and are access using a specific offset: UpOffset UpVector and DownOffset for DownVektor
int DownOffset = MAX - DownK;
int UpOffset = MAX - UpK;
int MaxD = ((UpperA - LowerA + UpperB - LowerB) / 2) + 1;
// Debug.Write(2, "SMS", String.Format("Search the box: A[{0}-{1}] to B[{2}-{3}]", LowerA, UpperA, LowerB, UpperB));
// init vectors
DownVector[DownOffset + DownK + 1] = LowerA;
UpVector[UpOffset + UpK - 1] = UpperA;
for (int D = 0; D <= MaxD; D++) {
// Extend the forward path.
for (int k = DownK - D; k <= DownK + D; k += 2) {
// Debug.Write(0, "SMS", "extend forward path " + k.ToString());
// find the only or better starting point
int x, y;
if (k == DownK - D) {
x = DownVector[DownOffset + k + 1]; // down
} else {
x = DownVector[DownOffset + k - 1] + 1; // a step to the right
if ((k < DownK + D) && (DownVector[DownOffset + k + 1] >= x))
x = DownVector[DownOffset + k + 1]; // down
y = x - k;
// find the end of the furthest reaching forward D-path in diagonal k.
while ((x < UpperA) && (y < UpperB) && ([x] ==[y])) {
x++; y++;
DownVector[DownOffset + k] = x;
// overlap ?
if (oddDelta && (UpK - D < k) && (k < UpK + D)) {
if (UpVector[UpOffset + k] <= DownVector[DownOffset + k]) {
ret.x = DownVector[DownOffset + k];
ret.y = DownVector[DownOffset + k] - k;
// ret.u = UpVector[UpOffset + k]; // 2002.09.20: no need for 2 points
// ret.v = UpVector[UpOffset + k] - k;
return (ret);
} // if
} // if
} // for k
// Extend the reverse path.
for (int k = UpK - D; k <= UpK + D; k += 2) {
// Debug.Write(0, "SMS", "extend reverse path " + k.ToString());
// find the only or better starting point
int x, y;
if (k == UpK + D) {
x = UpVector[UpOffset + k - 1]; // up
} else {
x = UpVector[UpOffset + k + 1] - 1; // left
if ((k > UpK - D) && (UpVector[UpOffset + k - 1] < x))
x = UpVector[UpOffset + k - 1]; // up
} // if
y = x - k;
while ((x > LowerA) && (y > LowerB) && ([x - 1] ==[y - 1])) {
x--; y--; // diagonal
UpVector[UpOffset + k] = x;
// overlap ?
if (!oddDelta && (DownK - D <= k) && (k <= DownK + D)) {
if (UpVector[UpOffset + k] <= DownVector[DownOffset + k]) {
ret.x = DownVector[DownOffset + k];
ret.y = DownVector[DownOffset + k] - k;
// ret.u = UpVector[UpOffset + k]; // 2002.09.20: no need for 2 points
// ret.v = UpVector[UpOffset + k] - k;
return (ret);
} // if
} // if
} // for k
} // for D
throw new ApplicationException("the algorithm should never come here.");
} // SMS
/// <summary>
/// This is the divide-and-conquer implementation of the longes common-subsequence (LCS)
/// algorithm.
/// The published algorithm passes recursively parts of the A and B sequences.
/// To avoid copying these arrays the lower and upper bounds are passed while the sequences stay constant.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="DataA">sequence A</param>
/// <param name="LowerA">lower bound of the actual range in DataA</param>
/// <param name="UpperA">upper bound of the actual range in DataA (exclusive)</param>
/// <param name="DataB">sequence B</param>
/// <param name="LowerB">lower bound of the actual range in DataB</param>
/// <param name="UpperB">upper bound of the actual range in DataB (exclusive)</param>
/// <param name="DownVector">a vector for the (0,0) to (x,y) search. Passed as a parameter for speed reasons.</param>
/// <param name="UpVector">a vector for the (u,v) to (N,M) search. Passed as a parameter for speed reasons.</param>
private static void LCS(DiffData DataA, int LowerA, int UpperA, DiffData DataB, int LowerB, int UpperB, int[] DownVector, int[] UpVector) {
// Debug.Write(2, "LCS", String.Format("Analyse the box: A[{0}-{1}] to B[{2}-{3}]", LowerA, UpperA, LowerB, UpperB));
// Fast walkthrough equal lines at the start
while (LowerA < UpperA && LowerB < UpperB &&[LowerA] ==[LowerB]) {
LowerA++; LowerB++;
// Fast walkthrough equal lines at the end
while (LowerA < UpperA && LowerB < UpperB &&[UpperA - 1] ==[UpperB - 1]) {
--UpperA; --UpperB;
if (LowerA == UpperA) {
// mark as inserted lines.
while (LowerB < UpperB)
DataB.modified[LowerB++] = true;
} else if (LowerB == UpperB) {
// mark as deleted lines.
while (LowerA < UpperA)
DataA.modified[LowerA++] = true;
} else {
// Find the middle snakea and length of an optimal path for A and B
SMSRD smsrd = SMS(DataA, LowerA, UpperA, DataB, LowerB, UpperB, DownVector, UpVector);
// Debug.Write(2, "MiddleSnakeData", String.Format("{0},{1}", smsrd.x, smsrd.y));
// The path is from LowerX to (x,y) and (x,y) to UpperX
LCS(DataA, LowerA, smsrd.x, DataB, LowerB, smsrd.y, DownVector, UpVector);
LCS(DataA, smsrd.x, UpperA, DataB, smsrd.y, UpperB, DownVector, UpVector); // 2002.09.20: no need for 2 points
} // LCS()
/// <summary>Scan the tables of which lines are inserted and deleted,
/// producing an edit script in forward order.
/// </summary>
/// dynamic array
private static Item[] CreateDiffs(DiffData DataA, DiffData DataB) {
ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
Item aItem;
Item[] result;
int StartA, StartB;
int LineA, LineB;
LineA = 0;
LineB = 0;
while (LineA < DataA.Length || LineB < DataB.Length) {
if ((LineA < DataA.Length) && (!DataA.modified[LineA])
&& (LineB < DataB.Length) && (!DataB.modified[LineB])) {
// equal lines
} else {
// maybe deleted and/or inserted lines
StartA = LineA;
StartB = LineB;
while (LineA < DataA.Length && (LineB >= DataB.Length || DataA.modified[LineA]))
// while (LineA < DataA.Length && DataA.modified[LineA])
while (LineB < DataB.Length && (LineA >= DataA.Length || DataB.modified[LineB]))
// while (LineB < DataB.Length && DataB.modified[LineB])
if ((StartA < LineA) || (StartB < LineB)) {
// store a new difference-item
aItem = new Item();
aItem.StartA = StartA;
aItem.StartB = StartB;
aItem.deletedA = LineA - StartA;
aItem.insertedB = LineB - StartB;
} // if
} // if
} // while
result = new Item[a.Count];
return (result);
} // class Diff
/// <summary>Data on one input file being compared.
/// </summary>
internal class DiffData
/// <summary>Number of elements (lines).</summary>
internal int Length;
/// <summary>Buffer of numbers that will be compared.</summary>
internal int[] data;
/// <summary>
/// Array of booleans that flag for modified data.
/// This is the result of the diff.
/// This means deletedA in the first Data or inserted in the second Data.
/// </summary>
internal bool[] modified;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the Diff-Data buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">reference to the buffer</param>
internal DiffData(int[] initData) {
data = initData;
Length = initData.Length;
modified = new bool[Length + 2];
} // DiffData
} // class DiffData
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