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Created January 24, 2019 19:01
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How to cancel an agent
#load "LoadServer.fsx"
open System
open System.Threading
open LoadServer.Watcher
// Agents can be cancelled if you want to stop a runaway
// process
type Agent<'a> = MailboxProcessor<'a>
// This start function will create an agent and provide it
// with a cancellation token so we can stop it.
let startAgent(f) =
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
let agent = new Agent<_>(f, cts.Token)
// We return the agent and the token
(agent, cts)
// Now lets create the agent and capture the token
let (agent1, cancelToken) = startAgent<int> <| fun inbox ->
async {
for x in 1..1000 do
do! Async.Sleep(1000)
print(("Agent", x)) |> ignore
// Let's call the cancel method
// That's it. Do you have any questions about Agents
// you'd like to see demoed? Just mention me.
// 1. Create a project and add Steego.FsPad as a Nuget dependency
// 2. Build your project and set this folder to your output
#I "bin/Debug/net461/"
#r "FSharp.Core.dll"
#r "Suave.dll"
#r "Steego.FsPad.dll"
module Watcher =
// Start the web server (websockets)
let web = FsPad.Web(3000)
// Define a hacky printer function
let print(x) = web.Dump(x, 5); web.Dump(x, 5); sprintf "%A" x
// Register it with fsi
do fsi.AddPrinter(print)
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