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Created October 21, 2019 17:54
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Salesforce Anon Apex to delete from connected object through lookup on child
//Make a list of ID's of addresses on Suppliers : List 1
List< Supplier__c > supList = [ SELECT Id,Address__c FROM Supplier__c ];
List<Id> supids = new List<Id>(new Map<Address__c,Supplier__c>(supList).keySet());
//Make a list of all address IDs : List 2
List< Address__c > AdrList = [ SELECT Id FROM Address__c ];
List<Id> adrids = new List<Id>(new Map<Id,Address__c>(AdrList).keySet());
//Make a list of ID's in List 2 which are not in List 1 : List 3
list< Id > List3 =[ SELECT Id FROM Address__c where Id not in:adrids Limit 1];
// Delete list 3
Database.DeleteResult[] deleteResults = Database.delete(List3, true);
for(Database.DeleteResult dr : deleteResults) {
if (!dr.isSuccess()) {
for(Database.Error err : dr.getErrors()) {
System.debug(LoggingLevel.Error, 'The following error has occurred.'
+ '\n' + err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage()
+ '\n fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields());
// Plus further error handling as required
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