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Created March 2, 2011 07:57
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Save sgonyea/850629 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sgonyea@skg:~/Sites/string_stubber$ rvm exec "ruby -v && rake spec"
rubinius 1.2.3dev (1.8.7 2c952b20 yyyy-mm-dd JI) [x86_64-apple-darwin10.6.0]
(in /Users/sgonyea/Sites/string_stubber)
/Users/sgonyea/.rvm/rubies/rbx-head/bin/rbx -S bundle exec rspec --color spec/quality_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/base_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/readme_spec.rb
The application itself
has no malformed whitespace
The Base module should behave like a proper mix-in ;)
should have class methods available
The stubbing methods should behave as documented
Methods: stub_words, scan_words
should return the expected number of words
should always return a string
should never have trailing spaces
Should only have trailing non-words if they immediately follow words
Methods: stub_text, scan_text
should return fewer chars than specified, if the offset is in the middle of a word
should return the same number of chars specified, if the offset lands on a punctuation character
should return fewer chars than specified, if the position lands in white-space
should return the whole string, if the ammt of text exceeds the amount of actual text
should return a copy of the whole string, if the ammt of text exceeds the amount of actual text
should always return a string
Methods: scan_word
should scan ahead exactly one word
should return the correct word
scan_word should return a string, unless there is no more to scan
The CoreExt module should be mixed into String (via stubber.rb)
should have class methods available
The stubbing methods should behave as documented
should return a StringScanner instance, when calling String#scanner
should act upon the String instance, itself
Method: stub_words
should retain its position
should always return a string
should correctly act on negative offsets (FAILED - 1)
should never have trailing spaces (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
should return the expected number of words (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
Method: stub_at_most
should retain its position, relative to what was returned
should always return a string
should correctly act on negative offsets
should never have trailing spaces (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
Method: stub_at_least
should retain its position
should always return a string
should correctly act on negative offsets
should never have trailing spaces (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
shouldn't make me look bad (FAILED - 2)
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_words should never have trailing spaces
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:52
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_words should return the expected number of words
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:53
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_at_most should never have trailing spaces
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:75
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_at_least should never have trailing spaces
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:106
1) Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_words should correctly act on negative offsets
Failure/Error: @text.stub_words( -1).should eql("placerat. ")
expected "placerat. "
got "meroL"
(compared using eql?)
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:47:in `__script__'
# kernel/common/eval.rb:164:in `instance_eval'
# kernel/common/throw_catch.rb:34:in `catch'
# kernel/common/throw_catch.rb:13:in `register'
# kernel/common/throw_catch.rb:33:in `catch'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:71:in `each'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:71:in `each'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:71:in `each'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:71:in `each'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/loader.rb:614:in `epilogue'
# kernel/loader.rb:705:in `main'
# kernel/loader.rb:715:in `main'
# kernel/loader.rb:726:in `__script__'
2) Stubber::Readme shouldn't make me look bad
Failure/Error: str.stub_words(-5).should == "risus vitae lorem iaculis placerat."
expected: "risus vitae lorem iaculis placerat."
got: "tema tis rolod muspi meroL" (using ==)
# ./spec/string_stubber/readme_spec.rb:20:in `__script__'
# kernel/common/eval.rb:164:in `instance_eval'
# kernel/common/throw_catch.rb:34:in `catch'
# kernel/common/throw_catch.rb:13:in `register'
# kernel/common/throw_catch.rb:33:in `catch'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:71:in `each'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:71:in `each'
# kernel/bootstrap/array.rb:90:in `map'
# kernel/loader.rb:614:in `epilogue'
# kernel/loader.rb:705:in `main'
# kernel/loader.rb:715:in `main'
# kernel/loader.rb:726:in `__script__'
Finished in 1.47 seconds
32 examples, 2 failures, 4 pending
rake aborted!
ruby -S bundle exec rspec --color spec/quality_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/base_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/readme_spec.rb failed
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [i686-darwin10.6.0]
(in /Users/sgonyea/Sites/string_stubber)
/Users/sgonyea/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p334/bin/ruby -S bundle exec rspec --color spec/quality_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/base_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/readme_spec.rb
The application itself
has no malformed whitespace
The Base module should behave like a proper mix-in ;)
should have class methods available
The stubbing methods should behave as documented
Methods: stub_words, scan_words
should return the expected number of words
should always return a string
should never have trailing spaces
Should only have trailing non-words if they immediately follow words
Methods: stub_text, scan_text
should return fewer chars than specified, if the offset is in the middle of a word
should return the same number of chars specified, if the offset lands on a punctuation character
should return fewer chars than specified, if the position lands in white-space
should return the whole string, if the ammt of text exceeds the amount of actual text
should return a copy of the whole string, if the ammt of text exceeds the amount of actual text
should always return a string
Methods: scan_word
should scan ahead exactly one word
should return the correct word
scan_word should return a string, unless there is no more to scan
The CoreExt module should be mixed into String (via stubber.rb)
should have class methods available
The stubbing methods should behave as documented
should return a StringScanner instance, when calling String#scanner
should act upon the String instance, itself
Method: stub_words
should retain its position
should always return a string
should correctly act on negative offsets
should never have trailing spaces (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
should return the expected number of words (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
Method: stub_at_most
should retain its position, relative to what was returned
should always return a string
should correctly act on negative offsets
should never have trailing spaces (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
Method: stub_at_least
should retain its position
should always return a string
should correctly act on negative offsets
should never have trailing spaces (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
shouldn't make me look bad
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_words should never have trailing spaces
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:52
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_words should return the expected number of words
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:53
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_at_most should never have trailing spaces
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:75
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_at_least should never have trailing spaces
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:106
Finished in 0.12271 seconds
32 examples, 0 failures, 4 pending
ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.6.0]
(in /Users/sgonyea/Sites/string_stubber)
/Users/sgonyea/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin/ruby -S bundle exec rspec --color spec/quality_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/base_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb spec/string_stubber/readme_spec.rb
The application itself
has no malformed whitespace
The Base module should behave like a proper mix-in ;)
should have class methods available
The stubbing methods should behave as documented
Methods: stub_words, scan_words
should return the expected number of words
should always return a string
should never have trailing spaces
Should only have trailing non-words if they immediately follow words
Methods: stub_text, scan_text
should return fewer chars than specified, if the offset is in the middle of a word
should return the same number of chars specified, if the offset lands on a punctuation character
should return fewer chars than specified, if the position lands in white-space
should return the whole string, if the ammt of text exceeds the amount of actual text
should return a copy of the whole string, if the ammt of text exceeds the amount of actual text
should always return a string
Methods: scan_word
should scan ahead exactly one word
should return the correct word
scan_word should return a string, unless there is no more to scan
The CoreExt module should be mixed into String (via stubber.rb)
should have class methods available
The stubbing methods should behave as documented
should return a StringScanner instance, when calling String#scanner
should act upon the String instance, itself
Method: stub_words
should retain its position
should always return a string
should correctly act on negative offsets
should never have trailing spaces (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
should return the expected number of words (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
Method: stub_at_most
should retain its position, relative to what was returned
should always return a string
should correctly act on negative offsets
should never have trailing spaces (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
Method: stub_at_least
should retain its position
should always return a string
should correctly act on negative offsets
should never have trailing spaces (PENDING: Not Yet Implemented)
shouldn't make me look bad
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_words should never have trailing spaces
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:52
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_words should return the expected number of words
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:53
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_at_most should never have trailing spaces
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:75
Stubber::CoreExt The stubbing methods should behave as documented Method: stub_at_least should never have trailing spaces
# Not Yet Implemented
# ./spec/string_stubber/core_ext_spec.rb:106
Finished in 0.07869 seconds
32 examples, 0 failures, 4 pending
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