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Last active February 17, 2023 21:17
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# Some setup for a python virtual environment
# python3 -m venv env
# source env/bin/activate
# pip install requests
# execute the script
# python
def xstr(s):
if s is None:
return ''
return str(s)
import requests
console_url = ""
access_key = ""
secret_key = ""
payload = {
#Generate a Token for access to Prisma Cloud Compute.
TOKEN ="/api/v1/authenticate", json=payload).json()['token']
#Set Prisma Cloud Headers for Login with token
pccHeaders = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer '+TOKEN,
'Accept': 'application/json'
limit = 50
offset = 0
response = True
while response:
payload = {
response = requests.get(console_url+"/api/v1/cloud-scan-rules", headers=pccHeaders, params=payload).json()
if response:
for i in response:
credential = i["credentialId"]
hub_account = ""
regions = ""
if "hubCredentialID" in i["agentlessScanSpec"]:
hub_account = i["agentlessScanSpec"]["hubCredentialID"]
if "regions" in i["agentlessScanSpec"]:
regions = i["agentlessScanSpec"]["regions"]
print(credential," --- ",hub_account," --- ",regions)
#del i["prismaLastModified"]
del i["modified"]
del i["credential"]
del i["agentlessScanSpec"]["accountState"]
i["agentlessScanSpec"]["hubCredentialID"] = ""
i["agentlessScanSpec"]["regions"] = ["us-east1", "us-east4"]
i["agentlessScanSpec"]["scanners"] = 5
#update = requests.put(console_url+"/api/v1/cloud-scan-rules", headers=pccHeaders, json=data)
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