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Created August 16, 2018 01:41
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''' Override certain function from built-in json module to allow formatting of JSON two container types
, arrays and objects, to be optionally specified separately by allowing `indent` to be a 2-tuple.
I copied this from Python 3.5.3 but looks about the same in 3.4-3.6. Probably wont work in >=3.7.
def _make_iterencode(markers, _default, _encoder, _indent, _floatstr,
_key_separator, _item_separator, _sort_keys, _skipkeys, _one_shot,
## HACK: hand-optimized bytecode; turn globals into locals
_array_indent = None
if isinstance(_indent, tuple):
(_indent, _array_indent) = _indent
_array_indent = _indent
if _indent is not None and not isinstance(_indent, str):
_indent = ' ' * _indent
if _array_indent is not None and not isinstance(_array_indent, str):
_array_indent = ' ' * _array_indent
def _iterencode_list(lst, _current_indent_level):
if not lst:
yield '[]'
if markers is not None:
markerid = id(lst)
if markerid in markers:
raise ValueError("Circular reference detected")
markers[markerid] = lst
buf = '['
if _array_indent is not None:
_current_indent_level += 1
newline_indent = '\n' + _array_indent * _current_indent_level
separator = _item_separator + newline_indent
buf += newline_indent
newline_indent = None
separator = _item_separator
first = True
for value in lst:
if first:
first = False
buf = separator
if isinstance(value, str):
yield buf + _encoder(value)
elif value is None:
yield buf + 'null'
elif value is True:
yield buf + 'true'
elif value is False:
yield buf + 'false'
elif isinstance(value, int):
# Subclasses of int/float may override __str__, but we still
# want to encode them as integers/floats in JSON. One example
# within the standard library is IntEnum.
yield buf + _intstr(value)
elif isinstance(value, float):
# see comment above for int
yield buf + _floatstr(value)
yield buf
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
chunks = _iterencode_list(value, _current_indent_level)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
chunks = _iterencode_dict(value, _current_indent_level)
chunks = _iterencode(value, _current_indent_level)
yield from chunks
if newline_indent is not None:
_current_indent_level -= 1
yield '\n' + _array_indent * _current_indent_level
yield ']'
if markers is not None:
del markers[markerid]
def _iterencode_dict(dct, _current_indent_level):
if not dct:
yield '{}'
if markers is not None:
markerid = id(dct)
if markerid in markers:
raise ValueError("Circular reference detected")
markers[markerid] = dct
yield '{'
if _indent is not None:
_current_indent_level += 1
newline_indent = '\n' + _indent * _current_indent_level
item_separator = _item_separator + newline_indent
yield newline_indent
newline_indent = None
item_separator = _item_separator
first = True
if _sort_keys:
items = sorted(dct.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0])
items = dct.items()
for key, value in items:
if isinstance(key, str):
# JavaScript is weakly typed for these, so it makes sense to
# also allow them. Many encoders seem to do something like this.
elif isinstance(key, float):
# see comment for int/float in _make_iterencode
key = _floatstr(key)
elif key is True:
key = 'true'
elif key is False:
key = 'false'
elif key is None:
key = 'null'
elif isinstance(key, int):
# see comment for int/float in _make_iterencode
key = _intstr(key)
elif _skipkeys:
raise TypeError("key " + repr(key) + " is not a string")
if first:
first = False
yield item_separator
yield _encoder(key)
yield _key_separator
if isinstance(value, str):
yield _encoder(value)
elif value is None:
yield 'null'
elif value is True:
yield 'true'
elif value is False:
yield 'false'
elif isinstance(value, int):
# see comment for int/float in _make_iterencode
yield _intstr(value)
elif isinstance(value, float):
# see comment for int/float in _make_iterencode
yield _floatstr(value)
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
chunks = _iterencode_list(value, _current_indent_level)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
chunks = _iterencode_dict(value, _current_indent_level)
chunks = _iterencode(value, _current_indent_level)
yield from chunks
if newline_indent is not None:
_current_indent_level -= 1
yield '\n' + _indent * _current_indent_level
yield '}'
if markers is not None:
del markers[markerid]
def _iterencode(o, _current_indent_level):
if isinstance(o, str):
yield _encoder(o)
elif o is None:
yield 'null'
elif o is True:
yield 'true'
elif o is False:
yield 'false'
elif isinstance(o, int):
# see comment for int/float in _make_iterencode
yield _intstr(o)
elif isinstance(o, float):
# see comment for int/float in _make_iterencode
yield _floatstr(o)
elif isinstance(o, (list, tuple)):
yield from _iterencode_list(o, _current_indent_level)
elif isinstance(o, dict):
yield from _iterencode_dict(o, _current_indent_level)
if markers is not None:
markerid = id(o)
if markerid in markers:
raise ValueError("Circular reference detected")
markers[markerid] = o
o = _default(o)
yield from _iterencode(o, _current_indent_level)
if markers is not None:
del markers[markerid]
return _iterencode
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