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Created November 16, 2016 10:30
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licenses plist generator: support CocoaPods/Carthage
#!/usr/bin/env xcrun --sdk macosx swift
import Foundation
let version = "1.1"
var debug = false
// MARK: Exit status code
enum ExitCode: Int32 {
case success = 0
case failure
case licenseNotFound
case invalidPlist
case generateError
var reason: String {
switch self {
case .success: return "Generated!"
case .failure: return "Finished with failure."
case .licenseNotFound: return "Libraries not found"
case .invalidPlist: return "Plist binary is broken.. something wrong."
case .generateError: return "could not save plist in given path."
enum Options: String {
case help = "--help"
case verbose = "--verbose"
case version = "--version"
// MARK: - Global Functions
func usage() {
print("Usage: ./acknowledgement_generator.swift <Project Root Path> <Plist Output Path> (Options)")
func debugLog(_ message: @autoclosure () -> String) {
_ = debug ? print("\(message())") : ()
// MARK: Common constants
struct Constants {
private init() {}
static let cocoaPodsDirName = "Pods"
static let cocoaPodsDir = "\(cocoaPodsDirName)"
static let carthageDirName = "Carthage"
static let carthageDir = "\(carthageDirName)/Checkouts"
static let directoryOtions: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerationOptions = [.skipsPackageDescendants, .skipsHiddenFiles]
static let licenseMatchPatterns: [String] = ["LICENSE", "LICENCE"]
struct License {
let title: String
let text: String
init?(url: URL) {
guard let title = Helper.getLibraryName(from: url) else {
print("invalid title: \(url)")
return nil
guard let text = try? String(contentsOf: url, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) else {
print("invalid title: \(url)")
return nil
self.title = title
self.text = text
final class Helper {
private init() {}
static func getLicenses() -> [License] {
return self
private static func getFileURLsFromLibraryDirectory(_ dir: String) -> [URL] {
let result: [URL] = {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
return URL(string: "\(fileManager.currentDirectoryPath)/\(dir)").flatMap { (url: URL) -> FileManager.DirectoryEnumerator? in
fileManager.enumerator(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: Constants.directoryOtions, errorHandler: nil)
}.flatMap { (enumerator: FileManager.DirectoryEnumerator) -> [URL]? in
return enumerator.allObjects as? [URL]
} ?? []
return result
private static func getFilrURLs() -> [URL] {
let cocoaPodsURLs = getFileURLsFromLibraryDirectory(Constants.cocoaPodsDir)
let carthageURLs = getFileURLsFromLibraryDirectory(Constants.carthageDir)
let result: [URL] = cocoaPodsURLs + carthageURLs
return result
private static func isLicenseFileURL(url: URL) -> Bool {
return Constants.licenseMatchPatterns.filter { url.lastPathComponent.range(of: $0) != nil }.count == 1
static func getLibraryName(from url: URL) -> String? {
if let index = url.pathComponents.index(of: Constants.cocoaPodsDirName) {
return url.pathComponents.dropFirst(index + 1).first
if let index = url.pathComponents.index(of: Constants.carthageDirName) {
return url.pathComponents.dropFirst(index + 2).first
return nil
static func escape(_ text: String) -> String {
return text
.replacingOccurrences(of: "<", with: "&lt;")
.replacingOccurrences(of: ">", with: "&gt;")
final class PlistExporter {
private init() {}
private static let Header = [
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
"<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">",
"<plist version=\"1.0\">",
].joined(separator: "\n")
private static let Footer = [
].joined(separator: "\n")
static func export(with licenses: [License]) -> String {
var string = ""
string += self.Header + "\n"
string += self.defaultElement() + "\n"
string += "\n") + "\n"
string += self.Footer
return string
private static func createElement(title: String, text: String) -> String {
return [
].joined(separator: "\n")
static func defaultElement() -> String {
let title = "Acknowledgements"
let text = "This application makes use of the following third party libraries:"
return self.createElement(title: title, text: text)
static func createElement(from license: License) -> String {
return self.createElement(title: license.title, text: license.text)
// MARK: main
func main(rootPath: String, outputPath: String) -> ExitCode {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
debugLog("Root path: \(fileManager.currentDirectoryPath)")
let licenses: [License] = Helper.getLicenses()
if licenses.count == 0 { return .licenseNotFound }
debugLog("Found \(licenses.count) libraries. \n\( { $0.title })")
let plist = PlistExporter.export(with: licenses)
guard let plistData = String.Encoding.utf8) else {
return .invalidPlist
guard let _ = try? plistData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: outputPath), options: .atomic) else {
return .generateError
return .success
// MARK: - main
var args = Array(CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst())
if let _ = args.index(of: Options.version.rawValue) {
print("Version: \(version)")
if let _ = args.index(of: {
if let index = args.index(of: Options.verbose.rawValue) {
print("debug enabled.")
debug = true
args.remove(at: index)
if args.count != 2 {
print("Need 2 arguments. ", separator: "", terminator: "")
debugLog("args: \(args)")
let exitCode = main(rootPath: args[0], outputPath: args[1])
debugLog("[code: \(exitCode.rawValue)] \(exitCode.reason)")
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sgr-ksmt commented Nov 16, 2016


$ ./acknowledgement_generator.swift /path/to/project /path/to/project/Resources/Acknowledgements.plist --verbose

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