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Created January 24, 2024 21:09
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Resumptive happy parsing
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- For ancient GHC 7.0.4
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char
import System.Exit
%name parseStmts
%tokentype { Token }
%errorresumptive -- the entire point of this test
%errorhandlertype explist -- as in monaderror-explist.y
%error { handleError }
%monad { ParseM } { (>>=) } { return }
'1' { TOne }
'+' { TPlus }
';' { TSemi }
Stmts : {- empty -} { [] }
| Stmt { [$1] }
| Stmts ';' Stmt { $1 ++ [$3] }
| catch ';' Stmt %shift { [$3] } -- Could insert error AST token here in place of $1
| catch { [] } -- Catch-all at the end
Stmt : Exp { ExpStmt $1 }
Exp : '1' { One }
| Exp '+' Exp %shift { Plus $1 $3 }
data Token = TOne | TPlus | TSemi
deriving (Eq,Show)
type Stmts = [Stmt]
data Stmt = ExpStmt Exp
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Exp = One | Plus Exp Exp
deriving (Eq, Show)
----------- Validation monad
data Validate e a = V e (Maybe a)
deriving Functor
instance Monoid e => Applicative (Validate e) where
pure a = V mempty (Just a)
V e1 f <*> V e2 a = V (e1 <> e2) (f <*> a)
instance Monoid e => Monad (Validate e) where
V e Nothing >>= _ = V e Nothing -- fatal
V e1 (Just a) >>= k | V e2 b <- k a = V (e1 <> e2) b -- non-fatal
abort :: Monoid e => Validate e a -- this would be mzero from MonadPlus
abort = V mempty Nothing
recordError :: e -> Validate e () -- this would be tell from MonadWriter
recordError e = V e (Just ())
runValidate (V e mb_a) = (e, mb_a)
type ParseM = Validate [ParseError]
data ParseError
= ParseError [String]
deriving Eq
instance Show ParseError where
show (ParseError exp) = "Parse error. Expected: " ++ show exp
recordParseError :: [String] -> ParseM ()
recordParseError expected = recordError [ParseError expected]
handleError :: [Token] -> [String] -> ([Token] -> ParseM (Maybe a)) -> ParseM a
handleError ts expected resume = do
recordParseError expected
mb_ast <- resume ts
case mb_ast of
Just ast -> return ast
Nothing -> abort -- abort after parsing with no AST when resumption is impossible
lexer :: String -> [Token]
lexer [] = []
lexer (c:cs)
| isSpace c = lexer cs
| c == '1' = TOne:(lexer cs)
| c == '+' = TPlus:(lexer cs)
| c == ';' = TSemi:(lexer cs)
| otherwise = error "lexer error"
main :: IO ()
main = do
test "1+1;1" $ \(_,mb_ast) -> mb_ast == Just [ExpStmt (One `Plus` One), ExpStmt One]
test "1++1;1" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["'1'"]]
test "1++1;+" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError ["'1'"], ParseError ["'1'"]]
test "11;1" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError []]
-- urgh, `Exp -> '1' .` is purely a reduction action.
-- We must walk the stack to get better messages
test "11;++" $ \(errs,_) -> errs == [ParseError [], ParseError ["'1'"]]
-- urgh, `Exp -> '1' .` is purely a reduction action.
-- We must walk the stack to get better messages
test inp p = do
putStrLn $ "testing " ++ inp
let tokens = lexer inp
let res = runValidate $ parseStmts tokens
when (not (p res)) $ do
print res
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
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