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Created March 1, 2016 07:41
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Save sgrebnov/8f0e59f010dac7d4cfa9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cordova-paramedic: creating temp project at /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP
cordova-paramedic: installing plugins
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-battery-status
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-camera
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-console
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-contacts
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-device
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-device-motion
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-device-orientation
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-dialogs
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-file
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-file-transfer
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-geolocation
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-globalization
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-media
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-media-capture
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-network-information
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-splashscreen
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-statusbar
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-vibration
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-battery-status/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-camera/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-console/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-contacts/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-device/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-device-motion/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-device-orientation/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-dialogs/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-geolocation/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-globalization/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-media/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-media-capture/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-network-information/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-statusbar/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing /var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/plugins/cordova-plugin-vibration/tests
cordova-paramedic: installing cordova-plugin-test-framework
cordova-paramedic: installing /Users/akvelon/cordova-paramedic/paramedic-plugin
cordova-paramedic: setting app start page to test page
cordova-paramedic: scanning ports from 8008 to 8009
cordova-paramedic: port 8008 is available. Starting local medic server
Running target: ios@
cordova-paramedic: writing medic log url to project
cordova-paramedic: adding platform : ios@
git cloning:
Repository "" checked out to git ref "4.1.0".
Adding ios project...
iOS project created with cordova-ios@4.1.0
Discovered plugin "cordova-plugin-whitelist" in config.xml. Installing to the project
Fetching plugin "cordova-plugin-whitelist@1" via npm
Installing "cordova-plugin-whitelist" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-battery-status" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-battery-status-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-camera" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-camera-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-file" for ios
The Android Persistent storage location now defaults to "Internal". Please check this plugins README to see if you application needs any changes in its config.xml.
If this is a new application no changes are required.
If this is an update to an existing application that did not specify an "AndroidPersistentFileLocation" you may need to add:
"<preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" />"
to config.xml in order for the application to find previously stored files.
Installing "cordova-plugin-console" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-console-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-contacts" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-contacts-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-device" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-device-motion" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-device-motion-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-device-orientation" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-device-orientation-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-device-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-dialogs" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-dialogs-tests" for ios
Plugin "cordova-plugin-file" already installed on ios. Making it top-level.
Installing "cordova-plugin-file-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-file-transfer" for ios
Dependent plugin "cordova-plugin-file" already installed on ios.
Installing "cordova-plugin-file-transfer-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-geolocation" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-geolocation-tests" for ios
Dependent plugin "cordova-plugin-device" already installed on ios.
Installing "cordova-plugin-globalization" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-globalization-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser-tests" for ios
Dependent plugin "cordova-plugin-dialogs" already installed on ios.
Installing "cordova-plugin-media" for ios
Dependent plugin "cordova-plugin-file" already installed on ios.
Installing "cordova-plugin-media-capture" for ios
Dependent plugin "cordova-plugin-file" already installed on ios.
Installing "cordova-plugin-media-capture-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-media-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-network-information" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-network-information-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-paramedic" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-splashscreen-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-statusbar" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-statusbar-tests" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-test-framework" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-vibration" for ios
Installing "cordova-plugin-vibration-tests" for ios
cordova-paramedic: checking requirements for platform ios
Requirements check results for ios:
Apple OS X: installed darwin
Xcode: installed 7.2.1
ios-deploy: installed 1.8.5
Starting tests
cordova-paramedic: running command cordova run ios --browserify --device
Waiting for tests result
Building project : /private/var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/platforms/ios/HelloCordova.xcodeproj
Configuration : Debug
Platform : device
Build settings from command line:
ARCHS = armv7 arm64
CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR = /private/var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/platforms/ios/build/device
SDKROOT = iphoneos9.2
SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR = /private/var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch
VALID_ARCHS = armv7 arm64
Build settings from configuration file '/private/var/folders/57/_6xc17jj33l8n4k8x6f5q23r0000gn/T/tmp-2807bejGgRKG7JqP/platforms/ios/cordova/build-debug.xcconfig':
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Developer
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/usr/local/lib/include" "$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/include" "$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/$(PLATFORM_NAME)/include" "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)"
(lldb) connect
(lldb) run
(lldb) safequit
Process 187 stopped
Process 187 detached
local-server: new socket connection
device|console.log: Paramedic has been susccessfully connected to server
device|console.log: Paramedic console has been installed.
device|console.log: Loaded Medic Config: logurl=
Spec started
1 cordova-plugin-battery-status-tests.tests >>
1.1 Battery (navigator.battery)
✓ battery.spec.1 should exist
1.2 Battery Events
1.2.1 batterystatus
✓ battery.spec.2 should fire batterystatus events
1.2.2 batterylow
✓ battery.spec.3 should fire batterylow event (30 -> 20)
✓ battery.spec.3.1 should fire batterylow event (30 -> 19)
✓ battery.spec.3.2 should not fire batterylow event (5 -> 20)
✓ battery.spec.3.3 batterylow event(21 -> 20) should not fire if charging
1.2.3 batterycritical
✓ battery.spec.4 should fire batterycritical event (19 -> 5)
✓ battery.spec.4.1 should fire batterycritical event (19 -> 4)
✓ battery.spec.4.2 should fire batterycritical event (100 -> 4) when decreases
✓ battery.spec.4.3 should not fire batterycritical event (4 -> 5) when increasing
✓ battery.spec.4.4 should not fire batterycritical event (6 -> 5) if charging
2 cordova-plugin-camera-tests.tests >>
2.1 Camera (
✓ should exist
✓ should contain a getPicture function
2.2 Camera Constants (window.Camera +
✓ camera.spec.1 window.Camera should exist
✓ camera.spec.2 should contain three DestinationType constants
✓ camera.spec.3 should contain two EncodingType constants
✓ camera.spec.4 should contain three MediaType constants
✓ camera.spec.5 should contain three PictureSourceType constants
3 cordova-plugin-console-tests.tests >>
3.1 Console
✓ console.spec.1 should exist
✓ console.spec.2 has required methods log|warn|error
4 cordova-plugin-contacts-tests.tests >>
4.1 Contacts (navigator.contacts)
✓ contacts.spec.1 should exist
✓ contacts.spec.2 should contain a find function
4.1.1 find method
✗ contacts.spec.3 success callback should be called with an array
- Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.
✓ contacts.spec.4 success callback should be called with an array, even if partial ContactFindOptions specified
✓ contacts.spec.5 should throw an exception if success callback is empty
✓ contacts.spec.6 error callback should be called when no fields are specified with newly-created contact
✓ contacts.spec.7 should be able to find a contact by name
4.1.2 create method
✓ contacts.spec.8 should exist
✓ contacts.spec.9 should return a Contact object
4.1.3 Contact object
✓ contacts.spec.10 should be able to create instance
✓ contacts.spec.11 should be able to define a ContactName object
✓ contacts.spec.12 should be able to define a ContactField object
✓ contacts.spec.13 ContactField object should coerce type and value properties to strings
✓ contacts.spec.14 should be able to define a ContactAddress object
✓ contacts.spec.15 should be able to define a ContactOrganization object
✓ contacts.spec.16 should be able to define a ContactFindOptions object
✓ contacts.spec.17 should contain a clone function
✓ contacts.spec.18 clone function should make deep copy of Contact Object
✓ contacts.spec.19 should contain a save function
✓ contacts.spec.20 should contain a remove function
4.1.4 save method
✓ contacts.spec.21 should be able to save a contact
✓ contacts.spec.22 update a contact
4.1.5 Contact.remove method
✓ contacts.spec.23 calling remove on a contact that has an id of null should return ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR
✓ contacts.spec.24 calling remove on a contact that does not exist should return ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR
4.1.6 Round trip Contact tests (creating + save + delete + find)
✓ contacts.spec.25 Creating, saving, finding a contact should work
✓ contacts.spec.26 Creating, saving, finding a contact should work, removing it should work
✓ contacts.spec.27 Should not be able to delete the same contact twice
✓ contacts.spec.28 should find a contact with unicode name
✓ contacts.spec.29 should find a contact without a name
4.1.7 ContactError interface
✓ contacts.spec.30 ContactError constants should be defined
5 cordova-plugin-device-motion-tests.tests >>
5.1 Accelerometer (navigator.accelerometer)
✓ accelerometer.spec.1 should exist
5.1.1 getCurrentAcceleration
✓ accelerometer.spec.2 should exist
✓ accelerometer.spec.3 success callback should be called with an Acceleration object
✓ accelerometer.spec.4 success callback Acceleration object should have (reasonable) values for x, y and z expressed in m/s^2
✓ accelerometer.spec.5 success callback Acceleration object should return a recent timestamp
5.1.2 watchAcceleration
✓ accelerometer.spec.6 should exist
✓ accelerometer.spec.7 success callback should be called with an Acceleration object
✓ accelerometer.spec.8 success callback Acceleration object should have (reasonable) values for x, y and z expressed in m/s^2
✓ accelerometer.spec.9 success callback Acceleration object should return a recent timestamp
✓ accelerometer.spec.12 success callback should be preserved and called several times
5.1.3 clearWatch
✓ accelerometer.spec.10 should exist
✓ accelerometer.spec.11 should clear an existing watch
6 cordova-plugin-device-orientation-tests.tests >>
6.1 Compass (navigator.compass)
✓ compass.spec.1 should exist
✓ compass.spec.2 should contain a getCurrentHeading function
✓ compass.spec.3 getCurrentHeading success callback should be called with a Heading object
✓ compass.spec.4 should contain a watchHeading function
✓ compass.spec.5 should contain a clearWatch function
6.1.1 Compass Constants (window.CompassError)
✓ compass.spec.1 should exist
6.1.2 Compass Heading model (CompassHeading)
✓ compass.spec.1 should exist
✓ compass.spec.8 should be able to create a new CompassHeading instance with no parameters
✓ compass.spec.9 should be able to create a new CompassHeading instance with parameters
7 cordova-plugin-device-tests.tests >>
7.1 Device Information (window.device)
✓ should exist
✓ should contain a platform specification that is a string
✓ should contain a version specification that is a string
✓ should contain a UUID specification that is a string or a number
✓ should contain a cordova specification that is a string
✓ should depend on the presence of cordova.version string
✓ should contain device.cordova equal to cordova.version
✓ should contain a model specification that is a string
✓ should contain a manufacturer property that is a string
✓ should contain an isVirtual property that is a boolean
✓ should contain a serial number specification that is a string
8 cordova-plugin-dialogs-tests.tests >>
8.1 Notification (navigator.notification)
✓ should exist
✓ should contain a beep function
✓ should contain an alert function
✓ should contain a confirm function
✓ should contain a prompt function
9 cordova-plugin-file-tests.tests >>
9.1 File API
9.1.1 FileError object
✓ file.spec.1 should define FileError constants
9.1.2 LocalFileSystem
✓ file.spec.2 should define LocalFileSystem constants window.requestFileSystem
✓ file.spec.3 should be defined
✓ file.spec.4 should be able to retrieve a PERSISTENT file system
✓ file.spec.5 should be able to retrieve a TEMPORARY file system
✓ file.spec.6 should error if you request a file system that is too large
✓ file.spec.7 should error out if you request a file system that does not exist window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL
✓ file.spec.8 should be defined
✓ file.spec.9 should resolve a valid file name
✓ file.spec.9.5 should resolve a directory
✓ file.spec.10 resolve valid file name with parameters
✓ file.spec.11 should error (NOT_FOUND_ERR) when resolving (non-existent) invalid file name
✓ file.spec.12 should error (ENCODING_ERR) when resolving invalid URI with leading /
9.1.3 Metadata interface
✓ file.spec.13 should exist and have the right properties
9.1.4 Flags interface
✓ file.spec.14 should exist and have the right properties
9.1.5 FileSystem interface
✓ file.spec.15 should have a root that is a DirectoryEntry
9.1.6 DirectoryEntry
✓ file.spec.16 getFile: get Entry for file that does not exist
✓ file.spec.17 getFile: create new file
✓ file.spec.18 getFile: create new file (exclusive)
✓ file.spec.19 getFile: create file that already exists
✓ file.spec.20 getFile: create file that already exists (exclusive)
✓ file.spec.21 DirectoryEntry.getFile: get Entry for existing file
device|console.error: [object Object]
✓ file.spec.22 DirectoryEntry.getFile: get FileEntry for invalid path
✓ file.spec.23 DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: get Entry for directory that does not exist
✓ file.spec.24 DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create new dir with space then resolveLocalFileSystemURL
✓ file.spec.26 DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create new directory
✓ file.spec.27 DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create new directory (exclusive)
✓ file.spec.28 DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create directory that already exists
✓ file.spec.29 DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create directory that already exists (exclusive)
✓ file.spec.30 DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: get Entry for existing directory
✓ file.spec.31 DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: get DirectoryEntry for invalid path
✓ file.spec.32 DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: get DirectoryEntry for existing file
✓ file.spec.33 DirectoryEntry.getFile: get FileEntry for existing directory
✓ file.spec.34 DirectoryEntry.removeRecursively on directory
✓ file.spec.35 createReader: create reader on existing directory
✓ file.spec.36 removeRecursively on root file system
9.1.7 DirectoryReader interface readEntries
✓ file.spec.37 should read contents of existing directory
✓ file.spec.37.1 should read contents of existing directory
✓ file.spec.109 should return an empty entry list on the second call
✓ file.spec.38 should read contents of directory that has been removed File
✓ file.spec.39 constructor should be defined
✓ file.spec.40 should be define File attributes
9.1.8 FileEntry
✓ file.spec.41 should be define FileEntry methods
✓ file.spec.42 createWriter should return a FileWriter object
✓ file.spec.43 file should return a File object
✓ file.spec.44 file: on File that has been removed
9.1.9 Entry
✓ file.spec.45 Entry object
✓ file.spec.46 Entry.getMetadata on file
✓ file.spec.47 Entry.getMetadata on directory
✓ file.spec.48 Entry.getParent on file in root file system
✓ file.spec.49 Entry.getParent on directory in root file system
✓ file.spec.50 Entry.getParent on root file system
✓ file.spec.51 Entry.toURL on file
✓ file.spec.52 Entry.toURL on directory
✓ file.spec.53 Entry.remove on file
✓ file.spec.53.1 Entry.remove on filename with #s
✓ file.spec.54 remove on empty directory
✓ file.spec.55 remove on non-empty directory
✓ file.spec.56 remove on root file system
✓ file.spec.57 copyTo: file
✓ file.spec.58 copyTo: file onto itself
✓ file.spec.59 copyTo: directory
✓ file.spec.60 copyTo: directory to backup at same root directory
✓ file.spec.61 copyTo: directory onto itself
✓ file.spec.62 copyTo: directory into itself
✓ file.spec.63 copyTo: directory that does not exist
✓ file.spec.64 copyTo: invalid target name
✓ file.spec.65 moveTo: file to same parent
✓ file.spec.66 moveTo: file to new parent
✓ file.spec.67 moveTo: directory to same parent
✓ file.spec.68 moveTo: directory to same parent with same name
✓ file.spec.69 moveTo: directory to new parent
✓ file.spec.70 moveTo: directory onto itself
✓ file.spec.71 moveTo: directory into itself
✓ file.spec.130 moveTo: directory into similar directory
✓ file.spec.72 moveTo: file onto itself
✓ file.spec.73 moveTo: file onto existing directory
✓ file.spec.74 moveTo: directory onto existing file
✓ file.spec.75 copyTo: directory onto existing file
✓ file.spec.76 moveTo: directory onto directory that is not empty
✓ file.spec.77 moveTo: file replace existing file
✓ file.spec.78 moveTo: directory replace empty directory
✓ file.spec.79 moveTo: directory that does not exist
✓ file.spec.80 moveTo: invalid target name
9.1.10 FileReader
✓ file.spec.81 should have correct methods
9.1.11 Read method
✓ file.spec.82 should error out on non-existent file
✓ file.spec.83 should be able to read native blob objects
✓ file.spec.84 should read file properly, readAsText
✓ file.spec.84.1 should read JSON file properly, readAsText
✓ file.spec.85 should read file properly, Data URI
✓ file.spec.86 should read file properly, readAsBinaryString
✓ file.spec.87 should read file properly, readAsArrayBuffer
✓ file.spec.88 should read sliced file: readAsText
✓ file.spec.89 should read sliced file: slice past eof
✓ file.spec.90 should read sliced file: slice to eof
✓ file.spec.91 should read empty slice
✓ file.spec.92 should read sliced file properly, readAsDataURL
✓ file.spec.93 should read sliced file properly, readAsBinaryString
✓ file.spec.94 should read sliced file properly, readAsArrayBuffer
9.1.12 FileWriter
✓ file.spec.95 should have correct methods
✓ file.spec.96 should be able to write and append to file, createWriter
✓ file.spec.97 should be able to write and append to file, File object
✓ file.spec.98 should be able to seek to the middle of the file and write more data than file.length
✓ file.spec.99 should be able to seek to the middle of the file and write less data than file.length
✓ file.spec.100 should be able to write XML data
✓ file.spec.101 should be able to write JSON data
✓ file.spec.102 should be able to seek
✓ file.spec.103 should be able to truncate
✓ file.spec.104 should be able to write binary data from an ArrayBuffer
✓ file.spec.105 should be able to write binary data from a Blob
✓ file.spec.106 should be able to write a File to a FileWriter
✓ file.spec.107 should be able to write a sliced File to a FileWriter
✓ file.spec.108 should be able to write binary data from a File
9.1.13 Backwards compatibility
✓ file.spec.109 should be able to resolve a file:/// URL
9.1.14 Parent References
✓ file.spec.110 should not throw exception resolving parent refefences
✓ file.spec.111 should not traverse above above the root directory
✓ file.spec.112 should traverse above above the current directory
✓ file.spec.113 getFile: get Entry should error for missing file above root directory
device|console.log: DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'
9.1.15 toNativeURL interface
✓ file.spec.114 fileEntry should have a toNativeURL method
device|console.log: DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'
✓ file.spec.115 DirectoryReader should return entries with toNativeURL method
device|console.log: DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'
✓ file.spec.116 resolveLocalFileSystemURL should return entries with toNativeURL method
9.1.16 resolveLocalFileSystemURL on file://
✓ file.spec.117 should not resolve native URLs outside of FS roots
✓ file.spec.118 should not resolve native URLs outside of FS roots
✓ file.spec.119 should not resolve invalid native URLs
✓ file.spec.120 should not resolve invalid native URLs with query strings
device|console.log: DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'
device|console.log: DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'
✓ file.spec.121 should resolve native URLs returned by API
device|console.log: DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'
✓ file.spec.122 should resolve native URLs returned by API with localhost
device|console.log: DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'
✓ file.spec.123 should resolve native URLs returned by API with query string
device|console.log: DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'
✓ file.spec.124 should resolve native URLs returned by API with localhost and query string
9.1.17 cross-file-system copy and move
✓ file.spec.125 copyTo: temporary -> persistent
✓ file.spec.126 copyTo: persistent -> temporary
✓ file.spec.127 moveTo: temporary -> persistent
✓ file.spec.128 moveTo: persistent -> temporary
✓ file.spec.129 cordova.file.*Directory are set
device|console.error: Spec 'cordova-plugin-file-tests.tests >> File API IndexedDB-based impl file.spec.131 Nested file or nested directory should be removed when removing a parent directory' has no expectations.
9.1.18 IndexedDB-based impl
✓ file.spec.131 Nested file or nested directory should be removed when removing a parent directory
✓ file.spec.132 Entry should be created succesfully when using relative paths if its parent directory exists
✓ file.spec.133 A file being removed should not affect another file with name being a prefix of the removed file name.
✓ file.spec.134 A directory being removed should not affect another directory with name being a prefix of the removed directory name.
✓ file.spec.135 Deletion of a child directory should not affect the parent directory.
✓ file.spec.136 Paths should support Unicode symbols.
10 cordova-plugin-file-transfer-tests.tests >>
10.1 FileTransferError
✓ should exist
✓ should be constructable
✓ filetransfer.spec.3 should expose proper constants
10.2 FileUploadOptions
✓ should exist
✓ should be constructable
10.3 FileTransfer
✓ should initialise correctly
✓ should exist
✓ filetransfer.spec.1 should be constructable
✓ filetransfer.spec.2 should expose proper functions
10.3.1 methods download
✓ ensures that test file does not exist
✓ filetransfer.spec.4 should download a file
✓ filetransfer.spec.5 should download a file using http basic auth
✓ filetransfer.spec.6 should get 401 status on http basic auth failure
✓ filetransfer.spec.7 should download a file using file:// (when hosted from file://)
✓ filetransfer.spec.8 should download a file using https://
✓ filetransfer.spec.11 should call the error callback on abort()
✓ filetransfer.spec.9 should not leave partial file due to abort
✓ filetransfer.spec.10 should be stopped by abort() right away
✓ filetransfer.spec.12 should get http status on failure
✓ filetransfer.spec.13 should get http body on failure
✓ filetransfer.spec.14 should handle malformed urls
✓ filetransfer.spec.15 should handle unknown host
✓ filetransfer.spec.16 should handle bad file path
✓ filetransfer.spec.17 progress should work with gzip encoding
device|console.log: DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'
✓ filetransfer.spec.30 downloaded file entries should have a toNativeURL method
✓ filetransfer.spec.28 (compatibility) should be able to download a file using local paths
✓ filetransfer.spec.33 should properly handle 304
✓ filetransfer.spec.35 304 should not result in the deletion of a cached file
✓ filetransfer.spec.36 should handle non-UTF8 encoded download response upload
✓ filetransfer.spec.18 should be able to upload a file
✓ filetransfer.spec.19 should be able to upload a file with http basic auth
✓ filetransfer.spec.21 should be stopped by abort() right away
✓ filetransfer.spec.22 should get http status and body on failure
✓ filetransfer.spec.24 should handle malformed urls
✓ filetransfer.spec.25 should handle unknown host
✓ filetransfer.spec.25 should handle missing file
✓ filetransfer.spec.26 should handle bad file path
✓ filetransfer.spec.27 should be able to set custom headers
✓ filetransfer.spec.29 (compatibility) should be able to upload a file using local paths
✓ filetransfer.spec.31 should be able to upload a file using PUT method
✓ filetransfer.spec.32 should be able to upload a file (non-multipart)
✓ filetransfer.spec.34 should not delete a file on upload error
✓ filetransfer.spec.37 should handle non-UTF8 encoded upload response
✓ filetransfer.spec.38 should be able to upload a file using data: source uri
✓ filetransfer.spec.39 should be able to upload a file using data: source uri (non-multipart)
✓ filetransfer.spec.40 should not fail to upload a file using data: source uri when the data is empty
✓ filetransfer.spec.41 should not fail to upload a file using data: source uri when the data is empty (non-multipart)
11 cordova-plugin-geolocation-tests.tests >>
11.1 Geolocation (navigator.geolocation)
✓ geolocation.spec.1 should exist
✓ geolocation.spec.2 should contain a getCurrentPosition function
✓ geolocation.spec.3 should contain a watchPosition function
✓ geolocation.spec.4 should contain a clearWatch function
11.2 getCurrentPosition method
11.2.1 error callback
✓ geolocation.spec.5 should be called if we set timeout to 0 and maximumAge to a very small number
✓ geolocation.spec.9 on failure should return PositionError object with error code constants
11.2.2 success callback
✓ geolocation.spec.6 should be called with a Position object
11.3 watchPosition method
11.3.1 error callback
✓ geolocation.spec.7 should be called if we set timeout to 0 and maximumAge to a very small number
✓ geolocation.spec.10 on failure should return PositionError object with error code constants
11.3.2 success callback
✓ geolocation.spec.8 should be called with a Position object
12 cordova-plugin-globalization-tests.tests >>
12.1 Globalization (navigator.globalization)
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
12.1.1 getPreferredLanguage
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.3 getPreferredLanguage success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.4 getPreferredLanguage return string should contain one or more language subtags separated by hyphen
12.1.2 getLocaleName
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.3 getLocaleName success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.4 getLocaleName return string should have a hyphen
12.1.3 Globalization Constants (window.Globalization)
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
12.1.4 dateToString
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.5 dateToString using default options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.6 dateToString using formatLength=short and selector=date options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.7 dateToString using formatLength=full and selector=date options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.8 dateToString using formatLength=medium and selector=date and time(default) options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.9 dateToString using formatLength=long and selector=date and time(default) options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.10 dateToString using formatLength=full and selector=date and time(default) options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
12.1.5 stringToDate
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.12 stringToDate using default options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.13 stringToDate using formatLength=short and selector=date options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.14 stringToDate using formatLength=full and selector=date options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.15 stringToDate using invalid date, error callback should be called with a GlobalizationError object
12.1.6 getDatePattern
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.17 getDatePattern using default options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.18 getDatePattern using formatLength=medium and selector=date options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
12.1.7 getDateNames
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.20 getDateNames using default options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.21 getDateNames using type=narrow and item=days options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.22 getDateNames using type=narrow and item=months options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.23 getDateNames using type=wide and item=days options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.24 getDateNames using type=wide and item=months options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
12.1.8 isDayLightSavingsTime
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.26 isDayLightSavingsTime using default options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
12.1.9 getFirstDayOfWeek
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.28 getFirstDayOfWeek success callback should be called with a Properties object
12.1.10 numberToString
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.30 numberToString using default options, should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.31 numberToString using type=percent options, should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.32 numberToString using type=currency options, should be called with a Properties object
12.1.11 stringToNumber
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.34 stringToNumber using default options, should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.35 stringToNumber using type=percent options, should be called with a Properties object
12.1.12 getNumberPattern
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.37 getNumberPattern using default options, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.38 getNumberPattern using type=percent, success callback should be called with a Properties object
✓ globalization.spec.39 getNumberPattern using type=currency, success callback should be called with a Properties object
12.1.13 getCurrencyPattern
✓ globalization.spec.1 should exist
✓ globalization.spec.41 getCurrencyPattern using EUR for currency, success callback should be called with a Properties object
13 cordova-plugin-inappbrowser-tests.tests >>
13.1 cordova.InAppBrowser
✓ inappbrowser.spec.1 should exist
✓ inappbrowser.spec.2 should contain open function
13.2 open method
✓ inappbrowser.spec.3 should retun InAppBrowser instance with required methods
✓ inappbrowser.spec.4 should support loadstart and loadstop events
✓ inappbrowser.spec.5 should support exit event
✓ inappbrowser.spec.6 should support loaderror event
14 cordova-plugin-media-capture-tests.tests >>
14.1 Capture (navigator.device.capture)
✓ capture.spec.1 should exist
✓ capture.spec.2 should have the correct properties
✓ capture.spec.3 should contain a captureAudio function
✓ capture.spec.4 should contain a captureImage function
✓ capture.spec.5 should contain a captureVideo function
14.1.1 CaptureAudioOptions
✓ capture.spec.6 CaptureAudioOptions constructor should exist
14.1.2 CaptureImageOptions
✓ capture.spec.7 CaptureImageOptions constructor should exist
14.1.3 CaptureVideoOptions
✓ capture.spec.8 CaptureVideoOptions constructor should exist
14.1.4 CaptureError interface
✓ capture.spec.9 CaptureError constants should be defined
✓ capture.spec.10 CaptureError properties should exist
14.1.5 MediaFileData
✓ capture.spec.11 MediaFileData constructor should exist
14.1.6 MediaFile
✓ capture.spec.12 MediaFile constructor should exist
15 cordova-plugin-media-tests.tests >>
15.1 Media
✓ media.spec.1 should exist
✓ media.spec.2 should have the following properties
✓ media.spec.3 should define constants for Media status
✓ media.spec.4 should define constants for Media errors
✓ media.spec.5 should contain a play function
✓ media.spec.6 should contain a stop function
✓ media.spec.7 should contain a seekTo function
✓ media.spec.8 should contain a pause function
✓ media.spec.9 should contain a getDuration function
✓ media.spec.10 should contain a getCurrentPosition function
✓ media.spec.11 should contain a startRecord function
✓ media.spec.12 should contain a stopRecord function
✓ media.spec.13 should contain a release function
✓ media.spec.14 should contain a setVolume function
✓ media.spec.15 should return MediaError for bad filename
15.1.1 actual playback
✓ media.spec.16 position should be set properly
✓ media.spec.17 duration should be set properly
✓ media.spec.20 should be able to resume playback after pause
✓ media.spec.21 should be able to seek through file
✓ media.spec.18 should contain a setRate function
✓ media.spec.19 playback rate should be set properly using setRate
16 cordova-plugin-network-information-tests.tests >>
16.1 Network (navigator.connection)
✓ network.spec.1 should exist
✓ network.spec.2 should be set to a valid value
✓ network.spec.3 should have the same value in deprecated and non-deprecated apis
✓ network.spec.4 should define constants for connection status
17 cordova-plugin-statusbar-tests.tests >>
17.1 StatusBar
✓ statusbar.spec.1 should exist
✓ statusbar.spec.2 should have show|hide methods
✓ statusbar.spec.3 should have set backgroundColor methods
✓ statusbar.spec.4 should have set style methods
18 cordova-plugin-vibration-tests.tests >>
18.1 Vibration (navigator.notification.vibrate)
✓ navigator.notification should exist with vibrate function
device|console.log: posting tests
* Failures *
1) cordova-plugin-contacts-tests.tests >> Contacts (navigator.contacts) find method contacts.spec.3 success callback should be called with an array
- Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.
Executed 378 of 379 specs (1 FAILED) (1 PENDING) in 1 min 5 secs.
local-server: tests completed
local-server: tests have been completed or test device has disconnected
Removing platform: ios
cordova-paramedic: tests done for platform ios@
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sgrebnov commented Mar 1, 2016

Paramedic configuration

macmini2:sample-config akvelon$ cat .paramedic.config.js
module.exports = {
    "externalServerUrl": "",
    "plugins": [
    "targets": [
            "platform": "ios@",
            "action": "run",
             "args": "--browserify --device"

Copy link

nikhilkh commented Mar 1, 2016

Very cool!

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