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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
A sample Apache Cordova application that responds to the deviceready event.
<author email="" href="">
Apache Cordova Team
<content src="index.html" />
<access origin="*" />
PhoneGap Build: Icons and Splash Screens
<!-- Default icon -->
<icon src="res/icon.png" />
<platform name="ios">
<!-- iOS 7.0+ -->
<!-- iPhone / iPod Touch -->
<icon src="res/ios/icon-60.png" width="60" height="60" />
<icon src="res/ios/icon-60@2x.png" width="120" height="120" />
<!-- iPad -->
<icon src="res/ios/icon-76.png" width="76" height="76" />
<icon src="res/ios/icon-76@2x.png" width="152" height="152" />
<!-- iOS 6.1 -->
<!-- Spotlight Icon -->
<icon src="res/ios/icon-40.png" width="40" height="40" />
<icon src="res/ios/icon-40@2x.png" width="80" height="80" />
<!-- iPhone / iPod Touch -->
<icon src="res/ios/icon.png" width="57" height="57" />
<icon src="res/ios/icon@2x.png" width="114" height="114" />
<!-- iPad -->
<icon src="res/ios/icon-72.png" width="72" height="72" />
<icon src="res/ios/icon-72@2x.png" width="144" height="144" />
<!-- iPhone Spotlight and Settings Icon -->
<icon src="res/ios/icon-small.png" width="29" height="29" />
<icon src="res/ios/icon-small@2x.png" width="58" height="58" />
<!-- iPad Spotlight and Settings Icon -->
<icon src="res/ios/icon-50.png" width="50" height="50" />
<icon src="res/ios/icon-50@2x.png" width="100" height="100" />
<platform name="android">
<icon src="res/android/ldpi.png" density="ldpi" />
<icon src="res/android/mdpi.png" density="mdpi" />
<icon src="res/android/hdpi.png" density="hdpi" />
<icon src="res/android/xhdpi.png" density="xhdpi" />
<platform name="wp8">
<icon src="res/wp/ApplicationIcon.png" width="99" height="99" />
<!-- tile image -->
<icon src="res/wp/Background.png" width="159" height="159" />
<platform name="windows8">
<icon src="res/windows8/logo.png" width="150" height="150" />
<icon src="res/windows8/smalllogo.png" width="30" height="30" />
<icon src="res/windows8/storelogo.png" width="50" height="50" />
<platform name="firefoxos">
<icon src="res/ff/logo.png" width="60" height="60" />
<platform name="blackberry10">
<icon src="res/bb10/icon-86.png" />
<icon src="res/bb10/icon-150.png" />
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