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Last active January 30, 2020 03:17
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WIP Resume
"meta": { "theme": "stackoverflow" },
"basics": {
"name": "Spencer Gregson",
"label": "Staff Engineer, Frontend",
"picture": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"website": "",
"summary": "I enjoy creating usable objects both real and digital. Interested in engaging experiences and enabling my audience to learn about their world in the process. I believe each project gives me the opportunity to teach and to learn and work to foster that attitude in those around me.",
"location": {
"address": "Boston, MA",
"postalCode": "",
"city": "",
"countryCode": "US",
"region": ""
"profiles": [
"network": "LinkedIn",
"username": "spencergregson",
"url": ""
"work": [
"company": "Wayfair",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Front End Web Developer",
"startDate": "2014-01-31",
"summary": "Working at Wayfair",
"website": ""
"company": "Boston Pedicab",
"endDate": "2013-12-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Shift Manager",
"startDate": "2013-03-31",
"summary": "Every pedicab driver is different. My goal on every ride is to connect with my passengers in as unique a way as possible. Whether it's a tour of the city (my niche tour is in Architecture and Urban Design) or a taxi ride, let's have some fun!\n\nAs a shift manager, I manage the arrival, departure and well-being of between 5 and 30 independent pedicab drivers. I fix mechanical issues as-needed. I collect cash from all drivers and submit it to the location manager. I liaise between drivers and management to keep them informed of any issues or new ideas. And I generally keep spirits up!",
"website": ""
"company": "over,under",
"endDate": "2012-09-30",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Designer",
"startDate": "2011-03-31",
"summary": "Architectural designer for projects in Schematic Design through Design Development including concept development, site layout and planning, program analysis and verification, facade and interior design.\n\nWeb designer and developer for internal and client-facing projects including concept development, static and interactive comprehensive layouts, iteration in local (MAMP) development environment, HTML5/CSS3 progressive enhancements, PHP/HTML/CSS/JS.",
"website": ""
"company": "Carnegie Mellon University",
"endDate": "2012-08-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Research Assistant",
"startDate": "2010-12-31",
"summary": "Worked on a variety of projects from 4dDoha to Projections to Futurecities",
"website": ""
"company": "CMU Urban Design Build Studio",
"endDate": "2009-08-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Designer / Builder",
"startDate": "2009-01-31",
"summary": "Built the things, designed the stuff",
"website": ""
"volunteer": [],
"education": [
"institution": "Carnegie Mellon University",
"area": "Architecture",
"studyType": "Bachelor of Architecture",
"startDate": "2005-12-31",
"endDate": "2010-12-31",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "Deerfield Academy",
"area": "",
"studyType": "",
"startDate": "2002-12-31",
"endDate": "2005-12-31",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"awards": [
"title": "Excellence in Design + Innovation",
"date": "2014-10-31",
"awarder": "American Institute of Architects, Pittsburgh",
"summary": "Pittsburgh Projects is a digital architectural guidebook and mobile application designed to connect Pittsburgh residents and visitors with information about the city’s built environment. As Pittsburgh’s first digital architectural guidebook it is a mobile educational tool that combines rich content, striking graphics, and thoughtful interaction design, showcasing a curated selection of Pittsburgh area buildings as well as industrial and infrastructural sites dating from the city’s founding to the present."
"publications": [],
"skills": [
"name": "HTML5",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "SASS",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Web Development",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Web Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Design Research",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Model Making",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Architectures",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "CAD/CAM",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "InDesign",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Sketching",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "MAMP",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Leadership",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Sustainable Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Urban Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Rhino",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "AutoCAD",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Team Management",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Custom CMS Development",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Comprehensive Planning",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Architecture",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "SketchUp",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Adobe Creative Suite",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Revit",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Architectural Design",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"languages": [
"language": "en",
"fluency": "Native Speaker"
"interests": [],
"references": []
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