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Created July 1, 2015 17:18
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Bootstrap SASS Grid System
// ----
// libsass (v3.2.5)
// ----
/* Necessary components from
* used to generate the grid system
//== Media queries breakpoints
//## Define the breakpoints at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes.
// Extra small screen / phone
//** Deprecated `$screen-xs` as of v3.0.1
$screen-xs: 480px !default;
//** Deprecated `$screen-xs-min` as of v3.2.0
$screen-xs-min: $screen-xs !default;
//** Deprecated `$screen-phone` as of v3.0.1
$screen-phone: $screen-xs-min !default;
// Small screen / tablet
//** Deprecated `$screen-sm` as of v3.0.1
$screen-sm: 768px !default;
$screen-sm-min: $screen-sm !default;
//** Deprecated `$screen-tablet` as of v3.0.1
$screen-tablet: $screen-sm-min !default;
// Medium screen / desktop
//** Deprecated `$screen-md` as of v3.0.1
$screen-md: 992px !default;
$screen-md-min: $screen-md !default;
//** Deprecated `$screen-desktop` as of v3.0.1
$screen-desktop: $screen-md-min !default;
// Large screen / wide desktop
//** Deprecated `$screen-lg` as of v3.0.1
$screen-lg: 1200px !default;
$screen-lg-min: $screen-lg !default;
//** Deprecated `$screen-lg-desktop` as of v3.0.1
$screen-lg-desktop: $screen-lg-min !default;
// So media queries don't overlap when required, provide a maximum
$screen-xs-max: ($screen-sm-min - 1) !default;
$screen-sm-max: ($screen-md-min - 1) !default;
$screen-md-max: ($screen-lg-min - 1) !default;
//== Grid system
//## Define your custom responsive grid.
//** Number of columns in the grid.
$grid-columns: 240 !default;
//** Padding between columns. Gets divided in half for the left and right.
$grid-gutter-width: 30px !default;
// Navbar collapse
//** Point at which the navbar becomes uncollapsed.
$grid-float-breakpoint: $screen-sm-min !default;
//** Point at which the navbar begins collapsing.
$grid-float-breakpoint-max: ($grid-float-breakpoint - 1) !default;
//== Container sizes
//## Define the maximum width of `.container` for different screen sizes.
// Small screen / tablet
$container-tablet: (720px + $grid-gutter-width) !default;
//** For `$screen-sm-min` and up.
$container-sm: $container-tablet !default;
// Medium screen / desktop
$container-desktop: (940px + $grid-gutter-width) !default;
//** For `$screen-md-min` and up.
$container-md: $container-desktop !default;
// Large screen / wide desktop
$container-large-desktop: (1140px + $grid-gutter-width) !default;
//** For `$screen-lg-min` and up.
$container-lg: $container-large-desktop !default;
@mixin clearfix() {
&:after {
content: " "; // 1
display: table; // 2
&:after {
clear: both;
// Framework grid generation
// Used only by Bootstrap to generate the correct number of grid classes given
// any value of `$grid-columns`.
// [converter] This is defined recursively in LESS, but Sass supports real loops
@mixin make-grid-columns($i: 1, $list: ".col-xs-#{$i}, .col-sm-#{$i}, .col-md-#{$i}, .col-lg-#{$i}") {
@for $i from (1 + 1) through $grid-columns {
$list: "#{$list}, .col-xs-#{$i}, .col-sm-#{$i}, .col-md-#{$i}, .col-lg-#{$i}";
#{$list} {
position: relative;
// Prevent columns from collapsing when empty
min-height: 1px;
// Inner gutter via padding
padding-left: ceil(($grid-gutter-width / 2));
padding-right: floor(($grid-gutter-width / 2));
// [converter] This is defined recursively in LESS, but Sass supports real loops
@mixin float-grid-columns($class, $i: 1, $list: ".col-#{$class}-#{$i}") {
@for $i from (1 + 1) through $grid-columns {
$list: "#{$list}, .col-#{$class}-#{$i}";
#{$list} {
float: left;
@mixin calc-grid-column($index, $class, $type) {
@if ($type == width) and ($index > 0) {
.col-#{$class}-#{$index} {
width: percentage(($index / $grid-columns));
@if ($type == push) and ($index > 0) {
.col-#{$class}-push-#{$index} {
left: percentage(($index / $grid-columns));
@if ($type == push) and ($index == 0) {
.col-#{$class}-push-0 {
left: auto;
@if ($type == pull) and ($index > 0) {
.col-#{$class}-pull-#{$index} {
right: percentage(($index / $grid-columns));
@if ($type == pull) and ($index == 0) {
.col-#{$class}-pull-0 {
right: auto;
@if ($type == offset) {
.col-#{$class}-offset-#{$index} {
margin-left: percentage(($index / $grid-columns));
// [converter] This is defined recursively in LESS, but Sass supports real loops
@mixin loop-grid-columns($columns, $class, $type) {
@for $i from 0 through $columns {
@include calc-grid-column($i, $class, $type);
// Create grid for specific class
@mixin make-grid($class) {
@include float-grid-columns($class);
@include loop-grid-columns($grid-columns, $class, width);
@include loop-grid-columns($grid-columns, $class, pull);
@include loop-grid-columns($grid-columns, $class, push);
@include loop-grid-columns($grid-columns, $class, offset);
// Grid system
// Generate semantic grid columns with these mixins.
// Centered container element
@mixin container-fixed($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
padding-left: ($gutter / 2);
padding-right: ($gutter / 2);
@include clearfix;
// Creates a wrapper for a series of columns
@mixin make-row($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
margin-left: ceil(($gutter / -2));
margin-right: floor(($gutter / -2));
@include clearfix;
// Generate the extra small columns
@mixin make-xs-column($columns, $gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
position: relative;
float: left;
width: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
min-height: 1px;
padding-left: ($gutter / 2);
padding-right: ($gutter / 2);
@mixin make-xs-column-offset($columns) {
margin-left: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-xs-column-push($columns) {
left: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-xs-column-pull($columns) {
right: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
// Generate the small columns
@mixin make-sm-column($columns, $gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
position: relative;
min-height: 1px;
padding-left: ($gutter / 2);
padding-right: ($gutter / 2);
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
float: left;
width: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-sm-column-offset($columns) {
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
margin-left: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-sm-column-push($columns) {
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
left: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-sm-column-pull($columns) {
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
right: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
// Generate the medium columns
@mixin make-md-column($columns, $gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
position: relative;
min-height: 1px;
padding-left: ($gutter / 2);
padding-right: ($gutter / 2);
@media (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
float: left;
width: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-md-column-offset($columns) {
@media (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
margin-left: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-md-column-push($columns) {
@media (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
left: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-md-column-pull($columns) {
@media (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
right: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
// Generate the large columns
@mixin make-lg-column($columns, $gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
position: relative;
min-height: 1px;
padding-left: ($gutter / 2);
padding-right: ($gutter / 2);
@media (min-width: $screen-lg-min) {
float: left;
width: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-lg-column-offset($columns) {
@media (min-width: $screen-lg-min) {
margin-left: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-lg-column-push($columns) {
@media (min-width: $screen-lg-min) {
left: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
@mixin make-lg-column-pull($columns) {
@media (min-width: $screen-lg-min) {
right: percentage(($columns / $grid-columns));
// Grid system
// --------------------------------------------------
// Container widths
// Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries.
.container {
@include container-fixed;
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
width: $container-sm;
@media (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
width: $container-md;
@media (min-width: $screen-lg-min) {
width: $container-lg;
// Fluid container
// Utilizes the mixin meant for fixed width containers, but without any defined
// width for fluid, full width layouts.
.container-fluid {
@include container-fixed;
// Row
// Rows contain and clear the floats of your columns.
.row {
@include make-row;
// Columns
// Common styles for small and large grid columns
@include make-grid-columns;
// Extra small grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for extra small devices like
// smartphones.
@include make-grid(xs);
// Small grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the small device range, from phones
// to tablets.
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
@include make-grid(sm);
// Medium grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the desktop device range.
@media (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
@include make-grid(md);
// Large grid
// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the large desktop device range.
@media (min-width: $screen-lg-min) {
@include make-grid(lg);
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