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Last active August 18, 2016 14:34
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from mamonsu.lib.plugin import Plugin
from mamonsu.plugins.pgsql.pool import Pooler
# Считаем нагрузку по количеству выполняемых запросов в БД
class SparkmesActivity(Plugin):
# execute method run() every 60s
Interval = 60
Coef = 0.5
# key, zbx_key, description, units, delta, field_position value_type
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Items = [
('calls_upd', 'pgsql.queries.sparkmes', 'число запросов (modify)', 'n/m', Plugin.DELTA.simple_change, 1, Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_unsigned),
('calls_sel', 'pgsql.queries.sparkmes', 'число запросов (select)', 'n/m', Plugin.DELTA.simple_change, 1, Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_unsigned),
('time_upd', 'pgsql.queries.sparkmes', 'время (modify)',, Plugin.DELTA.simple_change, 2, Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_float),
('time_sel', 'pgsql.queries.sparkmes', 'время (select)',, Plugin.DELTA.simple_change, 2, Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_float),
('callsfirm', 'pgsql.queries.sparkmes', 'число запросов (firm)', 'n/m', Plugin.DELTA.as_is, 1, Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_unsigned),
('callsip_s', 'pgsql.queries.sparkmes', 'число запросов (ip)', 'n/m', Plugin.DELTA.as_is, 1, Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_unsigned),
('timefirm', 'pgsql.queries.sparkmes', 'время (firm)',, Plugin.DELTA.as_is, 2, Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_float),
('timeip_s', 'pgsql.queries.sparkmes', 'время (ip)',, Plugin.DELTA.as_is, 2, Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_float),
# name, type, ('graph item', color, yaxisside, drawtype)
# 0 1 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3
Graphs = [
('sparkmes активность (calls)', 0, (('calls_upd', 'CCFFCC', 1, 5),
('calls_sel', 'CCFFFF', 1, 5),
('calls_upd_Yprev', '009900', 1, 2),
('calls_sel_Yprev', '009999', 1, 2),),),
('sparkmes активность (time)', 0, (('time_upd', 'CCFFCC', 1, 5),
('time_sel', 'CCFFFF', 1, 5),
('time_upd_Yprev', '009900', 1, 2),
('time_sel_Yprev', '009999', 1, 2),),),
('sparkmes поиск (calls)', 0, (('callsfirm', 'CCFFCC', 1, 5),
('callsip_s', 'CCFFFF', 0, 5),
('callsfirm_Yprev', '009900', 1, 2),
('callsip_s_Yprev', '009999', 0, 2),),),
('sparkmes поиск (time)', 0, (('timefirm', 'CCFFCC', 1, 5),
('timeip_s', 'CCFFFF', 0, 5),
('timefirm_Yprev', '009900', 1, 2),
('timeip_s_Yprev', '009999', 0, 2),),),
Yprev = [0] * len(Items)
def run(self, zbx):
# execute query on default database
result = Pooler.query("""
SELECT '_upd' as type,
sum(calls) as calls,
sum(total_time) as totaltime
FROM pg_stat_statements
where dbid = (select datid from pg_stat_database where datname = 'sparkmes')
and left(query,8) = 'SELECT *' and query ~* '_UPDATE'
union all
SELECT '_sel' as type,
sum(calls) as calls,
sum(total_time) as totaltime
FROM pg_stat_statements
where dbid = (select datid from pg_stat_database where datname = 'sparkmes')
and left(query,8) = 'SELECT *' and not (query ~* '_UPDATE')
union all
select left(substring(function_name, strpos(function_name,'.')+1, 64),4) as type,
count(*) as calls,
max(coalesce(extract(milliseconds from duration),21000)) as time
from statement_log
where dt_start >= now()-'00:01:00'::interval
group by left(substring(function_name, strpos(function_name,'.')+1, 64),4)
order by 1
""", 'sparkmes')
# send a resulting value to zabbix
for idx, item in enumerate(self.Items):
key, zbxkey, val, delta = item[0], item[1], 0, item[4]
for row in result:
if key.endswith(row[0]):
val = row[item[5]]
self.Yprev[idx] = round(self.Coef * float(val) + (1 - self.Coef) * self.Yprev[idx], 1)
# self.log.debug('stat_Yprev[{0}]:'.format(idx)+str(self.Yprev[idx]))
self.Yprev[idx] = self.Yprev[idx]/3 # исходных данных нет, уменьшаем значение
if item[6] == Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_float:
zbx.send('{0}[{1}]'.format(zbxkey, key), float(val), delta)
zbx.send('{0}[{1}]'.format(zbxkey, key), int(val), delta)
zbx.send('{0}[{1}_Yprev]'.format(zbxkey, key), float(self.Yprev[idx]), delta)'{0}[{1}_Yprev]'.format(zbxkey, key)+str(self.Yprev[idx]))
# Declare zabbix items for template
def items(self, template):
result = ''
for idx, item in enumerate(self.Items):
key, zbxkey = item[0], item[1]
result += template.item({
'name': 'sparkmes: {0}'.format(item[2]),
'key': zbxkey + ('[{0}]'.format(key)),
'units': item[3],
'value_type': item[6]
result += template.item({
'name': 'sparkmes: {0}_Yprev'.format(item[2]),
'key': zbxkey + ('[{0}_Yprev]'.format(key)),
'units': item[3],
'value_type': Plugin.VALUE_TYPE.numeric_float
return result
# Declare zabbix graphs for template
def graphs(self, template):
result = ''
for name in self.Graphs:
items = []
for item in name[2]:
zbxkey = 'pgsql.queries.sparkmes[{0}]'.format(item[0])
if item[3] is None:
'key': zbxkey,
'color': item[1],
'yaxisside': item[2]
'key': zbxkey,
'color': item[1],
'yaxisside': item[2],
'drawtype': item[3]
graph = {'name': name[0], 'items': items, 'type': name[1]}
result += template.graph(graph)
return result
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