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Last active January 7, 2024 18:23
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Roman numeral parser in Haskell using Parsec
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-7.9 --install-ghc script --package QuickCheck --package either --package parsec
module Roman where
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>))
import Data.Either.Combinators
import Text.Parsec.Prim
import Text.Parsec.Combinator
import Text.Parsec.Error
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.Parsec.String
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Parses a roman numeral based on base low mid top,
-- eg genericRomanize 809 100 'C' 'D', 'M' -> "DCCC"
genericRomanize :: Int -> Int -> Char -> Char -> Char -> String
genericRomanize n base low mid top
| n >= 9 * base = [low, top]
| n >= 5 * base = mid : replicate ((n - 5 * base) `div` base) low
| n >= 4 * base = [low, mid]
| otherwise = replicate (n `div` base) low
romanize :: Int -> String
romanize n
| n >= 1000 = replicate (n `div` 1000) 'M' ++ romanize (n `mod` 1000)
| n >= 100 = genericRomanize n 100 'C' 'D' 'M' ++ romanize (n `mod` 100)
| n >= 10 = genericRomanize n 10 'X' 'L' 'C' ++ romanize (n `mod` 10)
| n >= 1 = genericRomanize n 1 'I' 'V' 'X'
| n == 0 = ""
| otherwise = error $ "invalid input to romanize " ++ show n ++ " must be non-negative"
type IntegerParser = Parser Int
-- The full parser for parsing an arabic numeral from a roman
parseRoman :: IntegerParser
parseRoman = do
thousand <- manyUpToN (char 'M') 3 >>= \s -> return $ length s * 1000
hundred <- genericRomanParse 100 'C' 'D' 'M'
ten <- genericRomanParse 10 'X' 'L' 'C'
one <- genericRomanParse 1 'I' 'V' 'X'
return $ thousand + hundred + ten + one
-- Combinator that matches {0,n} times in regexp terminology
manyUpToN :: ParsecT s u m a -> Int -> ParsecT s u m [a]
manyUpToN p n
| n <= 0 = pure []
| otherwise = liftA2 (:) p (manyUpToN p (n - 1)) <|> pure []
-- Parses a roman part from an arabic numeral
-- eg. parsing "DCCCIX" with genericRomanParse 100 'C' 'D' 'M' would parse
-- out 800 and leave "IX" unparsed
genericRomanParse :: Int -> Char -> Char -> Char -> IntegerParser
genericRomanParse base low mid top = try oneUnderTop <|> try overMid <|> try oneUnderMid <|> try overLow
where oneUnderTop = string [low, top] >> return (9 * base)
overMid = char mid >> manyUpToN (char low) 3 >>= (\s -> return $ (length s + 5) * base)
oneUnderMid = string [low, mid] >> return (4 * base)
overLow = manyUpToN (char low) 3 >>= (\s -> return $ length s * base)
arabize :: String -> Either ParseError Int
arabize = parse parseRoman ""
-- Property that checks that an arabic numeral turned into a roman numeral
-- turned back into an arabic numeral is the same as the original numeral.
-- I don't know if the Romans never needed to count higher than 3999...
romanizeInversal :: Property
romanizeInversal = forAll (choose (1, 3999)) compareRomanToArabic
where compareRomanToArabic n = printTestCase ceString (n == twiceConverted)
where romanNumeral = romanize n
twiceConverted = fromRight 0 (arabize romanNumeral)
ceString = show n ++ " -> " ++ romanNumeral ++ " -> " ++ show twiceConverted
main :: IO ()
main = quickCheck romanizeInversal
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