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Created June 17, 2015 22:15
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Basic GD vertices test
(ns gampg.perf.test-01
(:require [gamma.api :as g]
[gamma.program :as p]
[gamma-driver.api :as gd]
[gamma-driver.drivers.basic :as driver]
[ :as geom]
[ :as mat :refer [M44]]))
(def title
"1. Testing basic performance")
(def u-p-matrix
(g/uniform "uPMatrix" :mat4))
(def u-mv-matrix
(g/uniform "uMVMatrix" :mat4))
(def a-position
(g/attribute "aVertexPosition" :vec3))
(def a-color
(g/attribute "aVertexColor" :vec4))
(def v-color
(g/varying "vColor" :vec4 :mediump))
(def program-source
{:vertex-shader {(g/gl-position) (-> u-p-matrix
(g/* u-mv-matrix)
(g/* (g/vec4 a-position 1)))
v-color a-color}
:fragment-shader {(g/gl-frag-color) v-color}}))
(def program-white
{:vertex-shader {(g/gl-position) (-> u-p-matrix
(g/* u-mv-matrix)
(g/* (g/vec4 a-position 1)))}
:fragment-shader {(g/gl-frag-color) (g/vec4 1 1 1 1)}}))
(defn get-data [p mv vertices vertex-colors]
{u-p-matrix p
u-mv-matrix mv
a-position vertices
a-color vertex-colors})
(defn random-triangles [cnt]
(let [vertices (mapcat (fn [_] [(- (rand 50)) (- (rand 50)) (- (rand 50))]) (range cnt))
colors (mapcat (fn [_] [(rand) (rand) (rand) 1]) (range cnt))
vertex-array (object-array vertices)
color-array (object-array colors)]
{:vertices {:id :triangle-vertices
:data (js/Float32Array. vertex-array)
:count (/ (count vertices) 3)
:immutable? true}
:colors {:id :triangle-colors
:data (js/Float32Array. color-array)
:count (/ (count colors) 4)
:immutable? true}}))
(defn get-perspective-matrix
"Be sure to
1. pass the .-clientWidth and .-clientHeight of the canvas *node*, not
the GL context
2. (set! (.-width/height canvas-node)
width/height), respectively, or you may see no results, or strange
([fov width height]
(mat/perspective fov (/ width height) 0.01 100))
([fov width height near far]
(mat/perspective fov (/ width height) near far)))
;; js/window.requestAnimationFrame doesn't take arguments, so we have
;; to store the state elsewhere - in this atom, for example.
(defn app-state [width height]
{:last-rendered 0
:scene {:triangles (time (random-triangles 100000))
:mv (mat/matrix44)
:rotation 0
:p {:data (get-perspective-matrix 45 width height)
:immutable? true
:id :p}}})
(defn draw-fn [gl driver programs]
(fn [state]
(.clear gl (bit-or (.-COLOR_BUFFER_BIT gl) (.-DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT gl)))
(let [{:keys [p mv triangles rotation]} (:scene state)
mv (-> mv
(geom/rotate-y rotation)
(geom/translate [0 18 -40]))
bind-data (get-data p mv (:vertices triangles) (:colors triangles))
program (:color programs)]
(gd/bind driver program bind-data)
(gd/draw-arrays driver program {:draw-mode :triangle-strip}))))
(defn animate [continue-animation? draw-fn step-fn current-value]
(when @continue-animation?
(fn [time]
(let [next-value (step-fn time current-value)]
(draw-fn next-value)
(animate continue-animation? draw-fn step-fn next-value))))))
(defn tick
"Takes the old world value and produces a new world value, suitable
for rendering"
[time state]
;; We get the elapsed time since the last render to compensate for
;; lag, etc.
(let [time-now (.getTime (js/Date.))
elapsed (- time-now (:last-rendered state))
rotation-diff (/ (* 50 elapsed) 100000)]
(-> state
(update-in [:scene :rotation] + rotation-diff)
(assoc-in [:last-rendered] time-now))))
(defn reset-gl-canvas! [canvas-node]
(let [gl (.getContext canvas-node "webgl")
width (.-clientWidth canvas-node)
height (.-clientHeight canvas-node)]
;; Set the width/height (in terms of GL-resolution) to actual
;; canvas-element width/height (or else you'll see blurry results)
(set! (.-width canvas-node) width)
(set! (.-height canvas-node) height)
;; Setup GL Canvas
(.viewport gl 0 0 width height)))
(defn main [_ node]
(let [gl (.getContext node "webgl")
width (.-clientWidth node)
height (.-clientHeight node)
driver (driver/basic-driver gl)
color-program (gd/program driver program-source)
white-program (gd/program driver program-white)
state (app-state width height)
continue-animation? (atom true)
exit! #(do
(js/console.log "Stopping animation!")
(reset! continue-animation? false))
handlers {:exit exit!}]
(reset-gl-canvas! node)
(.enable gl (.-DEPTH_TEST gl))
(.clearColor gl 0 0 0 1)
(.clear gl (bit-or (.-COLOR_BUFFER_BIT gl) (.-DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT gl)))
(animate continue-animation? (draw-fn gl driver {:color color-program
:white white-program}) tick state)
(def explanation
(def summary
{:title title
:enter main
:explanation explanation})
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