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Created June 4, 2015 22:08
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Framebuffer draw call working and not working
(defn draw-fn [gl driver programs]
(fn [state]
(let [{:keys [p mv
color-texture specular-texture
rotation]} (:scene state)
now (/ (.getTime (js/Date.)) 50)
rotation (- (utils/deg->rad now))
program (get programs :simple)
point-lighting-location {:data #js[-10 4 0]
:immutable? false}
square-mv (-> mv
;;(geom/translate [(* rotation 4) -0.5 -5])
(geom/translate [(* (js/Math.sin (/ now 8)) 4) (* (js/Math.cos (/ now 3)) 2) -5])
(geom/* (-> (mat/matrix44)
(geom/rotate-around-axis [0 1 0] rotation)
(geom/rotate-around-axis [1 0 0] (- (/ js/Math.PI 3)))))
model-mv (-> mv
(geom/translate [0 -0.5 -2.5])
(geom/* (-> M44
(geom/rotate-around-axis [1 0 0] (- (/ js/Math.PI 2))))))
sphere-mv (-> mv
(geom/translate [-3 -0.5 -2.5])
(geom/* (-> M44
(geom/rotate-around-axis [0 1 0] rotation)
(geom/rotate-around-axis [1 0 0] (- (/ js/Math.PI 2))))))
scene-data (-> (get-data p model-mv (:vertices model) (:normals model) color-texture (:texture-coords model) point-lighting-location #js[0.2 0.2 0.2] #js[0.2 0.2 0.2] #js[0.2 0.2 0.2])
(select-keys (get-in programs [:specular :inputs]))
(assoc {:tag :element-index} (:indices model)))
screen-data (-> (get-data p model-mv (:vertices laptop-screen) (:normals laptop-screen) (get-in state [:framebuffer :color])
(:texture-coords laptop-screen) point-lighting-location #js[0.2 0.2 0.2] #js[0.2 0.2 0.2] #js[0.2 0.2 0.2])
(select-keys (get-in programs [:specular :inputs]))
(assoc {:tag :element-index} (:indices model)))
sphere-data (-> (get-data p sphere-mv (:vertices sphere) (:normals sphere) color-texture (:texture-coords sphere) point-lighting-location #js[0.2 0.2 0.2] #js[0.2 0.2 0.2] #js[0.2 0.2 0.2])
(select-keys (get-in programs [:specular :inputs]))
(assoc {:tag :element-index} (:indices sphere)))
screen-texture-data {progs/u-p-matrix p
progs/u-mv-matrix square-mv
progs/a-position (get-in state [:scene :square-vertices])
progs/a-color (get-in state [:scene :square-colors])}]
(.clear gl (bit-or (.-COLOR_BUFFER_BIT gl) (.-DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT gl)))
;; First draw to the framebuffer
(.viewport gl 0 0 512 512)
(.bindFramebuffer gl ggl/FRAMEBUFFER (get-in state [:framebuffer :frame-buffer]))
(.clear gl (bit-or (.-COLOR_BUFFER_BIT gl) (.-DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT gl)))
;; 1. This draw call ends up in the frame buffer to be used as a texture
(gd/bind driver (get programs :simple) screen-texture-data)
(gd/draw-arrays driver (get programs :simple) {:draw-mode :triangle-strip
:count 4} (:framebuffer state))
;; 2. This doesn't generate any errors, and does not end up in the frame buffer
(gd/bind driver (get programs :specular) sphere-data)
(gd/draw-elements driver (get programs :specular) {:draw-mode :triangles
:first 0
:count (get-in sphere [:indices :count])} (:framebuffer state))
;; Reset the viewport, bind our framebuffer as a texture, and draw the "real" scene
(.viewport gl 0 0 (get-in state [:canvas :width]) (get-in state [:canvas :height]))
(.bindTexture gl ggl/TEXTURE_2D (get-in state [:framebuffer :color :texture]))
(gd/bind driver (get programs :specular) screen-data)
(gd/draw-arrays driver (get programs :specular) {:draw-mode :triangle-strip
:count 4})
(gd/draw-elements driver (gd/bind driver (get programs :specular) scene-data) {:draw-mode :triangles
:first 0
:count (get-in model [:indices :count])})
;; 3. Same call as #2, gets drawn properly
(gd/draw-elements driver (gd/bind driver (get programs :specular) sphere-data) {:draw-mode :triangles
:first 0
:count (get-in sphere [:indices :count])}))))
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