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Created December 21, 2019 16:18
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type editor;
module Editor: {
let make:
~width: string=?,
~height: string=?,
~value: string=?,
~defaultValue: string=?,
~language: string=?,
~theme: string=?,
~options: Js.t({..})=?,
~overrideServices: string=?,
~onChange: (string, 'event) => unit=?,
~editorWillMount: 'monaco => unit=?,
~editorDidMount: (editor, 'monaco) => unit=?,
~className: string=?
) =>
} = {
[@bs.module "react-monaco-editor1"] [@react.component]
external make:
~width: string=?,
~height: string=?,
~value: string=?,
~defaultValue: string=?,
~language: string=?,
~theme: string=?,
~options: Js.t({..})=?,
~overrideServices: string=?,
~onChange: (string, 'event) => unit=?,
~editorWillMount: 'monaco => unit=?,
~editorDidMount: (editor, 'monaco) => unit=?,
~className: string=?
) =>
React.element =
module DiffViewer: {
let make:
~width: string=?,
~height: string=?,
~original: string,
~value: string,
~defaultValue: string=?,
~language: string=?,
~theme: string=?,
~options: Js.t({..})=?,
~overrideServices: string=?,
~onChange: (string, 'event) => unit=?,
~editorWillMount: 'monaco => unit=?,
~editorDidMount: (editor, 'monaco) => unit=?,
~className: string=?
) =>
} = {
[@bs.module "react-monaco-editor"] [@react.component]
external make:
~width: string=?,
~height: string=?,
~original: string,
~value: string,
~defaultValue: string=?,
~language: string=?,
~theme: string=?,
~options: Js.t({..})=?,
~overrideServices: string=?,
~onChange: (string, 'event) => unit=?,
~editorWillMount: 'monaco => unit=?,
~editorDidMount: (editor, 'monaco) => unit=?,
~className: string=?
) =>
React.element =
[@bs.send] external layout: editor => unit = "layout";
type selection = {
startLineNumber: int,
startColumn: int,
endLineNumber: int,
endColumn: int,
[@bs.send] external setSelection: (editor, selection) => unit = "setSelection";
[@bs.send] external revealLine: (editor, int) => unit = "revealLine";
[@bs.send] external focus: editor => unit = "focus";
type editor;
[@bs.send] external layout: editor => unit = "layout";
type selection = {
startLineNumber: int,
startColumn: int,
endLineNumber: int,
endColumn: int,
[@bs.send] external setSelection: (editor, selection) => unit = "setSelection";
[@bs.send] external revealLine: (editor, int) => unit = "revealLine";
[@bs.send] external focus: editor => unit = "focus";
module Editor = {
module type T = (module type of BsReactMonaco.Editor);
Needed for BuckleScript to not import the original component:
[@bs.val] external component: (module T) = "undefined";
/* Module annotation needed to make sure `make` has the same type as
the original component */
module Lazy: T = {
/* Includes `makeProps` at the type level without adding `import` of the original component */
include (val component);
/* 100% unsafe due to `import` typedef :) but will be unified by the explicit type annotation above */
let make = LazyImport.(lazy_(() => import("react-monaco-editor")));
/* All bindings in the original component have to be added here (`makeProps`
is external, so no need). Shadowing them here removes invalid access to
undefined[1], undefined[n] in the resulting output */
/* let default = make; */
module DiffViewer = {
module type T = (module type of BsReactMonaco.DiffViewer);
Needed for BuckleScript to not import the original component:
[@bs.val] external component: (module T) = "undefined";
/* Module annotation needed to make sure `make` has the same type as
the original component */
module Lazy: T = {
/* Includes `makeProps` at the type level without adding `import` of the original component */
include (val component);
/* 100% unsafe due to `import` typedef :) but will be unified by the explicit type annotation above */
let make = LazyImport.(lazy_(() => import("react-monaco-editor")));
/* All bindings in the original component have to be added here (`makeProps`
is external, so no need). Shadowing them here removes invalid access to
undefined[1], undefined[n] in the resulting output */
/* let default = make; */
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