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Last active April 16, 2017 03:31
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  • Save sgrove/f7a7a96555a804352467dff06d748ed8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sgrove/f7a7a96555a804352467dff06d748ed8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reason + cstruct install fail: Error: No implementations provided for the following modules: # Ast_404 referenced from /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/lib/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_versioned.cmxa(Ast_convenience_404)
$ eval `opam config env`
Seans-MacBook-Pro-7:ribbit s$ opam install -y cstruct
The following actions will be performed:
∗ install conf-m4 1 [required by ocamlfind]
∗ install result 1.2 [required by ocaml-migrate-parsetree]
∗ install ocamlbuild 0.11.0 [required by ocplib-endian]
∗ install ocamlfind 1.7.1 [required by cstruct]
∗ install jbuilder 1.0+beta6 [required by ocaml-migrate-parsetree, sexplib]
∗ install base-bytes base [required by cstruct]
∗ install sexplib v0.9.1 [required by cstruct]
∗ install ocaml-migrate-parsetree 0.7 [required by cstruct]
∗ install cppo 1.4.1 [required by ocplib-endian]
∗ install ppx_tools_versioned 5.0beta1 [required by cstruct]
∗ install ocplib-endian 1.0 [required by cstruct]
∗ install cstruct 2.4.0
===== ∗ 12 =====
=-=- Gathering sources =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 🐫
[cppo] Archive in cache
[cstruct] Archive in cache
[jbuilder] Archive in cache
[ocaml-migrate-parsetree] Archive in cache
[ocamlbuild] Archive in cache
[ocamlfind] Archive in cache
[ocplib-endian] Archive in cache
[ppx_tools_versioned] Archive in cache
[result] Archive in cache
[sexplib] Archive in cache
=-=- Processing actions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 🐫
∗ installed conf-m4.1
∗ installed result.1.2
∗ installed ocamlfind.1.7.1
∗ installed base-bytes.base
∗ installed ocamlbuild.0.11.0
∗ installed cppo.1.4.1
∗ installed jbuilder.1.0+beta6
∗ installed sexplib.v0.9.1
∗ installed ocplib-endian.1.0
∗ installed ocaml-migrate-parsetree.0.7
∗ installed ppx_tools_versioned.5.0beta1
∗ installed cstruct.2.4.0
Seans-MacBook-Pro-7:ribbit s$ opam install -y cohttp
^CSeans-MacBook-Pro-7:ribbit s$
Seans-MacBook-Pro-7:ribbit s$ opam install -y cohttp lwt
The following actions will be performed:
∗ install stringext 1.4.3 [required by cohttp]
∗ install ppx_tools 5.0 [required by lwt]
∗ install uchar 0.0.1 [required by fmt]
∗ install ocaml-compiler-libs v0.9.0 [required by ppx_core]
∗ install magic-mime 1.0.0 [required by cohttp]
∗ install topkg 0.9.0 [required by base64, cmdliner]
∗ install ppx_traverse_builtins v0.9.0 [required by ppx_core, ppx_metaquot]
∗ install re 1.7.1 [required by cohttp]
∗ install base v0.9.1 [required by fieldslib]
∗ install ppx_deriving 4.1 [required by cohttp]
∗ install lwt 2.7.1
∗ install ppx_ast v0.9.1 [required by ppx_core]
∗ install cmdliner 1.0.0 [required by cohttp]
∗ install base64 2.1.2 [required by cohttp]
∗ install stdio v0.9.0 [required by ppx_core]
↻ recompile cstruct 2.4.0 [uses lwt]
∗ install fmt 0.8.2 [required by cohttp]
∗ install ppx_core v0.9.0 [required by ppx_fields_conv]
∗ install logs 0.6.2 [required by cohttp]
∗ install ppx_optcomp v0.9.0 [required by conduit]
∗ install ppx_driver v0.9.0 [required by fieldslib, conduit, ppx_fields_conv]
∗ install ppx_metaquot v0.9.0 [required by ppx_fields_conv]
∗ install fieldslib v0.9.0 [required by cohttp]
∗ install ppx_type_conv v0.9.0 [required by ppx_fields_conv]
∗ install ppx_sexp_conv v0.9.0 [required by cohttp]
∗ install ppx_fields_conv v0.9.0 [required by cohttp]
∗ install uri 1.9.2 [required by cohttp]
∗ install ipaddr 2.7.2 [required by conduit]
∗ install conduit 0.15.0 [required by cohttp]
∗ install cohttp 0.22.0
===== ∗ 29 ↻ 1 =====
=-=- Gathering sources =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 🐫
[base] Archive in cache
[base64] Archive in cache
[cmdliner] Archive in cache
[cohttp] Archive in cache
[conduit] Archive in cache
[cstruct] Archive in cache
[fieldslib] Archive in cache
[fmt] Archive in cache
[ipaddr] Archive in cache
[logs] Archive in cache
[lwt] Archive in cache
[magic-mime] Archive in cache
[ocaml-compiler-libs] Archive in cache
[ppx_ast] Archive in cache
[ppx_core] Archive in cache
[ppx_deriving] Archive in cache
[ppx_driver] Archive in cache
[ppx_fields_conv] Archive in cache
[ppx_metaquot] Archive in cache
[ppx_optcomp] Archive in cache
[ppx_sexp_conv] Archive in cache
[ppx_traverse_builtins] Archive in cache
[ppx_type_conv] Archive in cache
[re] Archive in cache
[stdio] Archive in cache
[stringext] Archive in cache
[topkg] Archive in cache
[uchar] Archive in cache
[uri] Archive in cache
[default] downloaded
=-=- Processing actions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 🐫
⊘ removed cstruct.2.4.0
∗ installed ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.9.0
∗ installed ppx_tools.5.0
∗ installed magic-mime.1.0.0
∗ installed ppx_ast.v0.9.1
∗ installed ppx_traverse_builtins.v0.9.0
∗ installed base.v0.9.1
∗ installed stdio.v0.9.0
∗ installed ppx_deriving.4.1
∗ installed ppx_core.v0.9.0
∗ installed stringext.1.4.3
∗ installed re.1.7.1
∗ installed ppx_optcomp.v0.9.0
∗ installed uchar.0.0.1
∗ installed ppx_driver.v0.9.0
∗ installed fieldslib.v0.9.0
∗ installed ppx_metaquot.v0.9.0
∗ installed topkg.0.9.0
∗ installed base64.2.1.2
∗ installed ppx_type_conv.v0.9.0
∗ installed lwt.2.7.1
∗ installed ppx_fields_conv.v0.9.0
∗ installed cmdliner.1.0.0
∗ installed ppx_sexp_conv.v0.9.0
∗ installed fmt.0.8.2
∗ installed logs.0.6.2
∗ installed ipaddr.2.7.2
∗ installed cstruct.2.4.0
∗ installed uri.1.9.2
∗ installed conduit.0.15.0
∗ installed cohttp.0.22.0
Seans-MacBook-Pro-7:ribbit s$ opam install -y reason
The following actions will be performed:
↘ downgrade ppx_tools_versioned 5.0beta1 to 5.0alpha [required by reason-parser]
∗ install merlin-extend 0.3 [required by reason]
∗ install camomile 0.8.5 [required by zed]
↘ downgrade topkg 0.9.0 to 0.8.1 [required by reason]
∗ install menhir 20170101 [required by reason-parser]
∗ install react 1.2.0 [required by utop]
↘ downgrade fmt 0.8.2 to 0.8.0 [required by cohttp]
∗ install reason-parser 1.13.2 [required by reason]
∗ install zed 1.4 [required by lambda-term]
↻ recompile lwt 2.7.1 [uses react]
For module Lwt_react, please install package lwt_react
∗ install lambda-term 1.10.1 [required by utop]
↻ recompile logs 0.6.2 [uses lwt]
↻ recompile cstruct 2.4.0 [uses ppx_tools_versioned]
∗ install utop 1.19.3 [required by reason]
↻ recompile conduit 0.15.0 [uses cstruct]
∗ install reason 1.13.3
↻ recompile cohttp 0.22.0 [uses conduit, lwt]
===== ∗ 9 ↻ 5 ↘ 3 =====
=-=- Gathering sources =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 🐫
[camomile] Archive in cache
[cohttp] Archive in cache
[conduit] Archive in cache
[cstruct] Archive in cache
[fmt] Archive in cache
[lambda-term] Archive in cache
[logs] Archive in cache
[lwt] Archive in cache
[menhir] Archive in cache
[merlin-extend] Archive in cache
[ppx_tools_versioned] Archive in cache
[react] Archive in cache
[reason] Archive in cache
[reason-parser] Archive in cache
[topkg] Archive in cache
[utop] Archive in cache
[zed] Archive in cache
=-=- Processing actions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 🐫
⊘ removed cohttp.0.22.0
⊘ removed conduit.0.15.0
⊘ removed cstruct.2.4.0
⊘ removed logs.0.6.2
⊘ removed fmt.0.8.2
⊘ removed lwt.2.7.1
⊘ removed ppx_tools_versioned.5.0beta1
⊘ removed topkg.0.9.0
∗ installed merlin-extend.0.3
∗ installed react.1.2.0
∗ installed ppx_tools_versioned.5.0alpha
∗ installed topkg.0.8.1
∗ installed fmt.0.8.0
∗ installed lwt.2.7.1
∗ installed menhir.20170101
∗ installed logs.0.6.2
[ERROR] The compilation of cstruct failed at "make".
∗ installed camomile.0.8.5
∗ installed zed.1.4
∗ installed reason-parser.1.13.2
∗ installed lambda-term.1.10.1
∗ installed utop.1.19.3
∗ installed reason.1.13.3
#=== ERROR while installing cstruct.2.4.0 =====================================#
# opam-version 1.2.2
# os darwin
# command make
# path /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/build/cstruct.2.4.0
# compiler 4.04.0
# exit-code 2
# env-file /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/build/cstruct.2.4.0/cstruct-75906-17d454.env
# stdout-file /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/build/cstruct.2.4.0/cstruct-75906-17d454.out
# stderr-file /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/build/cstruct.2.4.0/cstruct-75906-17d454.err
### stdout ###
# [...]
# /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/bin/ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -annot -bin-annot -principal -package bigarray -package ppx_tools_versioned.metaquot_404 -package ocaml-migrate-parsetree -I ppx -o ppx/standalone.cmx ppx/
# + /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/bin/ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -annot -bin-annot -principal -package bigarray -package ppx_tools_versioned.metaquot_404 -package ocaml-migrate-parsetree -I ppx -o ppx/standalone.cmx ppx/
# findlib: [WARNING] Interface topdirs.cmi occurs in several directories: /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs, /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/lib/ocaml
# /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/bin/ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -g -linkpkg -package bigarray -package ppx_tools_versioned.metaquot_404 -package ocaml-migrate-parsetree -I ppx ppx/ppx_cstruct.cmx ppx/standalone.cmx -o ppx/standalone.native
# + /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/bin/ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -g -linkpkg -package bigarray -package ppx_tools_versioned.metaquot_404 -package ocaml-migrate-parsetree -I ppx ppx/ppx_cstruct.cmx ppx/standalone.cmx -o ppx/standalone.native
# findlib: [WARNING] Interface topdirs.cmi occurs in several directories: /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs, /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/lib/ocaml
# File "_none_", line 1:
# Error: No implementations provided for the following modules:
# Ast_404 referenced from /Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/lib/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_versioned.cmxa(Ast_convenience_404)
# Command exited with code 2.
### stderr ###
# E: Failure("Command ''/Users/s/.opam/ribbit2/bin/ocamlbuild' lib/libcstruct_stubs.a lib/ lib/cstruct.cma lib/cstruct.cmxa lib/cstruct.a lib/cstruct.cmxs lwt/lwt_cstruct.cma lwt/lwt_cstruct.cmxa lwt/lwt_cstruct.a lwt/lwt_cstruct.cmxs unix/unix_cstruct.cma unix/unix_cstruct.cmxa unix/unix_cstruct.a unix/unix_cstruct.cmxs ppx/ppx_cstruct.cmx ppx/ppx_cstruct.cmo ppx/standalone.native -use-ocamlfind -tag debug' terminated with error code 10")
# make: *** [build] Error 1
=-=- Error report -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 🐫
The following actions were aborted
∗ install cohttp 0.22.0
∗ install conduit 0.15.0
The following actions failed
∗ install cstruct 2.4.0
The following changes have been performed
⊘ remove cohttp 0.22.0
⊘ remove conduit 0.15.0
⊘ remove cstruct 2.4.0
∗ install camomile 0.8.5
↘ downgrade fmt 0.8.2 to 0.8.0
∗ install lambda-term 1.10.1
∗ install menhir 20170101
∗ install merlin-extend 0.3
↘ downgrade ppx_tools_versioned 5.0beta1 to 5.0alpha
∗ install react 1.2.0
∗ install reason 1.13.3
∗ install reason-parser 1.13.2
↘ downgrade topkg 0.9.0 to 0.8.1
∗ install utop 1.19.3
∗ install zed 1.4
=-=- cstruct.2.4.0 troobleshooting =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 🐫
=> This package relies on external (system) dependencies that may be missing. `opam depext cstruct.2.4.0' may help you find the correct installation for your system.
# Installed packages for ribbit2:
base v0.9.1 Full standard library replacement for OCaml
base-bigarray base Bigarray library distributed with the OCaml
base-bytes base Bytes library distributed with the OCaml com
base-threads base Threads library distributed with the OCaml c
base-unix base Unix library distributed with the OCaml comp
base64 2.1.2 For OCaml
camomile 0.8.5 A comprehensive Unicode library
cmdliner 1.0.0 Declarative definition of command line inter
conf-m4 1 Virtual package relying on m4
cppo 1.4.1 Equivalent of the C preprocessor for OCaml p
fieldslib v0.9.0 Syntax extension to define first class value
fmt 0.8.0 OCaml Format pretty-printer combinators
ipaddr 2.7.2 IP (and MAC) address manipulation
jbuilder 1.0+beta6 Fast, portable and opinionated build system
lambda-term 1.10.1 Terminal manipulation library for OCaml
logs 0.6.2 Logging infrastructure for OCaml
lwt 2.7.1 Monadic promises and concurrent I/O
magic-mime 1.0.0 Convert file extensions to MIME types
menhir 20170101 LR(1) parser generator
merlin-extend 0.3 A protocol to provide custom frontend to Mer
ocaml-compiler-libs v0.9.0 OCaml compiler libraries repackaged
ocaml-migrate-parsetree 0.7 Convert OCaml parsetrees between different v
ocamlbuild 0.11.0 OCamlbuild is a build system with builtin ru
ocamlfind 1.7.1 A library manager for OCaml
ocplib-endian 1.0 Optimised functions to read and write int16/
ppx_ast v0.9.1 OCaml AST used by Jane Street ppx rewriters
ppx_core v0.9.0 Standard library for ppx rewriters
ppx_deriving 4.1 Type-driven code generation for OCaml >=4.02
ppx_driver v0.9.0 Feature-full driver for OCaml AST transforme
ppx_fields_conv v0.9.0 Generation of accessor and iteration functio
ppx_metaquot v0.9.0 Write OCaml AST fragment using OCaml syntax
ppx_optcomp v0.9.0 Optional compilation for OCaml
ppx_sexp_conv v0.9.0 Generation of S-expression conversion functi
ppx_tools 5.0 Tools for authors of ppx rewriters and other
ppx_tools_versioned 5.0alpha A variant of ppx_tools based on ocaml-migrat
ppx_traverse_builtins v0.9.0 Builtins for Ppx_traverse
ppx_type_conv v0.9.0 Support Library for type-driven code generat
re 1.7.1 RE is a regular expression library for OCaml
react 1.2.0 Declarative events and signals for OCaml
reason 1.13.3 Reason: Meta Language Toolchain
reason-parser 1.13.2 Reason Parser: Meta Language Toolchain
result 1.2 Compatibility Result module
sexplib v0.9.1 Library for serializing OCaml values to and
stdio v0.9.0 Standard IO library for OCaml
stringext 1.4.3 Extra string functions for OCaml
topkg 0.8.1 The transitory OCaml software packager
uchar 0.0.1 Compatibility library for OCaml's Uchar modu
uri 1.9.2 RFC3986 URI/URL parsing library
utop 1.19.3 Universal toplevel for OCaml
zed 1.4 Abstract engine for text edition in OCaml
# Existing packages for ribbit2:
bap-future -- Library for asynchronous values
beluga -- A Language for programming and reasoning using Higher-Ord
bindlib -- OCaml Bindlib library for bound variables
conduit -- Network connection library for TCP and SSL
dns -- DNS client and server implementation
gles3 -- OCaml GLES 3.0 bindings
immutable -- Pure Reason implementation of persistent immutable data s
ml2mxml -- Generate musicxml files from OCaml
promela -- Library to create, manipulate and reason about PROMELA da
reactiveData -- Functional reactive programming with incremental changes
reason 1.13.3 Reason: Meta Language Toolchain
reason-parser 1.13.2 Reason Parser: Meta Language Toolchain
rope -- Ropes ("heavyweight strings")
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