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Last active February 21, 2023 11:19
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Command line option (argument) parsing example for Windows batch file.
:: Command line option (argument) parsing example
:: Written by Suguru Yamamoto
:: <>
:: LICENSE: Public Domain
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
:: Parse arguments
set _LEVEL=0
set _QUIET=0
set _FILES=
set _=%~1
if "%_:~,1%" == "/" (
if /i "%~1" == "/Q" (
set _QUIET=1
) else if /i "%~1" == "/H" (
set _HELP=1
) else if /i "%~1" == "/L" (
set _LEVEL=%~2
) else (
echo Unknown option: %~1
goto :EOF
) else (
set _FILES=%_FILES% %1
set _=
if not "%~1" == "" goto ARGPARSE
if defined _HELP (
echo Usage: %0 [/L LEVEL] [/Q] [/H] FILES
echo Parameters:
echo /L LEVEL Level of the operation.
echo /Q Do not prompt on operations.
echo /H Show this help and quit.
goto :EOF
:: Using command line arguments
echo QUIET: %_QUIET%
echo LEVEL: %_LEVEL%
echo FILES: %_FILES%
for %%I in (%_FILES%) do (
echo [%%I]
if not %_QUIET% == 1 (
echo dirpath: %%~dpI
echo fullpath: %%~fI
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