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Last active July 6, 2024 23:40
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The perils of shared database connections and cursors
import asyncio
import asqlite
async def shared_cursor():
Expected result:
Each `fetchone` should return a row with a `user_id` matching the passed value.
Actual result:
The first `SELECT` result is discarded when the second `SELECT` is ran,
the first `fetchone` receives the result of the second `SELECT`, giving incorrect data.
passed user_id = 1
row = (2, 'banana')
passed user_id = 2
row = None
Get a new cursor inside the function.
Fixed output:
passed user_id = 1
row = (1, 'apple')
passed user_id = 2
row = (2, 'banana')
conn = await asqlite.connect(":memory:")
conn._conn.row_factory = None # hack just for example output, don't do this
await conn.execute("CREATE TABLE test (user_id INT, fruit TEXT)")
await conn.executemany(
"INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?)", ((1, "apple"), (2, "banana"))
cur = await conn.cursor()
async def command(user_id):
await cur.execute("SELECT * FROM test WHERE user_id = ?", user_id)
row = await cur.fetchone()
print(f"passed {user_id = }\n{row = }")
await asyncio.wait({asyncio.create_task(command(1)),
import asyncio
import asqlite
async def shared_connection():
Expected result:
Guild and relevant members both exist or neither exist.
Actual result:
Guild is deleted, but members still exist for some time.
Deleting guild and members...
guilds = []
members = [(1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7)]
Done deleting guild and members.
guilds = []
members = []
Connect in each function where you need a connection.
Fixed output:
Deleting guild and members...
guilds = [(1,)]
members = [(1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7)]
Done deleting guild and members.
guilds = []
members = []
conn = await asqlite.connect(":memory:")
conn._conn.row_factory = None # hack just for example output, don't do this
# a real DB should use foreign keys, this is just for example
await conn.execute("CREATE TABLE guilds (guild_id INT)")
await conn.execute("CREATE TABLE members (guild_id INT, user_id INT)")
await conn.execute("INSERT INTO guilds VALUES (?)", (1,))
await conn.executemany(
"INSERT INTO members VALUES (?, ?)", ((1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7))
async def command_one():
print("Deleting guild and members...")
await conn.execute("DELETE FROM guilds WHERE guild_id = ?", (1,))
# this sleep is to reliably reproduce the example
# normal bot things outside your control would cause the same issue
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
await conn.execute("DELETE FROM members WHERE guild_id = ?", (1,))
await conn.commit()
print("Done deleting guild and members.")
async def command_two():
... # do something unrelated that you need to commit
await conn.commit()
cur = await conn.execute("SELECT * FROM guilds")
guilds = await cur.fetchall()
cur = await conn.execute("SELECT * FROM members")
members = await cur.fetchall()
print(f"{guilds = }\n{members = }")
await asyncio.wait({asyncio.create_task(command_one()),
await command_two()
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