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Python script to copy AWS SecretsManager Secrets
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- main ---
def copy_secrets(config):
dry_run = config["global.dryrun"]
if dry_run:
print(f"dry run enabled")
src, dst = compile_config(config)
src_secrets = pull_secrets(src["aws.session"], src["ssm.prefix"])
dst_secrets = tranform_secrets(src["ssm.prefix"], dst["ssm.prefix"], src_secrets)
results = push_secrets(dst["aws.session"], dst_secrets, dry_run)
return results
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- fns ---
def pull_secrets(session, prefix):
secrets = list_sm_secrets(session, prefix)
for secret in secrets:
secret_value = get_sm_secret_value(session, secret["Name"])
yield secret_value
def push_secret(session, secret, dry_run):
current_secret = get_sm_secret_value(session, secret["Name"])
result = {"action": "nochange", "name": secret["Name"]}
if current_secret is None:
result["action"] = "created"
if not dry_run:
create_sm_secret(session, secret)
elif current_secret["SecretString"] != secret["SecretString"]:
result["action"] = "updated"
if not dry_run:
put_sm_secret_value(session, secret)
return result
def push_secrets(session, secrets, dry_run):
results = []
for secret in secrets:
result = push_secret(session, secret, dry_run)
return results
def tranform_secrets(old, new, secrets):
for secret in secrets:
new_name = secret["Name"].replace(old, new)
secret["Name"] = new_name
yield secret
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- aws ---
def create_sm_secret(session, secret):
sm = session.client("secretsmanager")
params = {"Name": secret["Name"]}
if "SecretString" in secret:
params["SecretString"] = secret["SecretString"]
params["SecretBinary"] = secret["SecretBinary"]
response = sm.create_secret(**params)
return response
def get_sm_secret_value(session, name):
sm = session.client("secretsmanager")
secret = None
secret = sm.get_secret_value(SecretId=name)
except ClientError as err:
if err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException":
pass # ignore if secret is missing
raise err
return secret or None
def list_sm_secrets(session, filter_prefix):
sm = session.client("secretsmanager")
pages = sm.get_paginator("list_secrets").paginate()
for page in pages:
secrets = page["SecretList"]
for secret in secrets:
if not secret["Name"].startswith(filter_prefix):
yield secret
def put_sm_secret_value(session, secret):
sm = session.client("secretsmanager")
params = {"SecretId": secret["Name"]}
if "SecretString" in secret:
params["SecretString"] = secret["SecretString"]
params["SecretBinary"] = secret["SecretBinary"]
response = sm.put_secret_value(**params)
return response
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ config ---
def compile_config(config):
src = config["src"]
dst = config["dst"]
if src.get("ssm.prefix") is None or dst.get("ssm.prefix") is None:
raise Exception("Must define source and destination namespace!")
src["aws.session"] = boto3.Session(
region_name=src["aws.region"], profile_name=src["aws.profile"]
dst["aws.session"] = boto3.Session(
region_name=dst["aws.region"], profile_name=dst["aws.profile"]
return src, dst
def get_default_config():
config = {
"global.dryrun": int(os.environ.get("DRY_RUN", "1")) == 1,
"src": {
"aws.region": os.environ.get("SRC_AWS_REGION", "us-east-1"),
"aws.profile": os.environ.get("SRC_AWS_PROFILE"),
"ssm.prefix": os.environ.get("SRC_SSM_NAMESPACE"),
"dst": {
"aws.region": os.environ.get("DST_AWS_REGION", "us-east-1"),
"aws.profile": os.environ.get("DST_AWS_PROFILE"),
"ssm.prefix": os.environ.get("DST_SSM_NAMESPACE"),
return config
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- handlers ---
def script_handler(args):
config = get_default_config()
# same account copy: <src_prefix> <dst_prefix> [nodryrun]
if len(args) in [3, 4]:
config["src"]["ssm.prefix"] = args[1]
config["dst"]["ssm.prefix"] = args[2]
# cross-account copy: <src_profile> <src_prefix> <dst_profile> <dst_prefix> [nodryrun]
elif len(args) in [5, 6]:
config["src"]["aws.profile"] = args[1]
config["src"]["ssm.prefix"] = args[2]
config["dst"]["aws.profile"] = args[3]
config["dst"]["ssm.prefix"] = args[4]
# pass 'nodryrun' as last arg to disable dry run (or use env; see top)
if sys.argv.pop() == "nodryrun":
config["global.dryrun"] = False
def lambda_handler(event, context):
raise Exception("Not implemented yet!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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sgtoj commented Dec 8, 2019


Very simple script to copy Secret Manager secrets. It can be used to sync secrets within the same account or between two different accounts. The script assumes the secrets are namespaced (aka has static prefix). However, if your secrets are not namespaced, just pass an empty string -- "" -- as the respective parameters.

Usage: Script w/o Environment Variables

script runs in dry-run mode by default; add nodryrun as last parameter to disable dry-run mode

# copy list of secrets from source namespace to destination namespace in the same account
python <src_prefix> <dst_prefix> [nodryrun]

# copy list of secrets from source namespace from one account to destination namespace to another account
python <src_profile> <src_prefix> <dst_profile> <dst_prefix> [nodryrun]

Example Usage

copying my-app's secrets in dev's namespace to its qa's namespace within the same aws account

python3 "/my-app/dev-secrets/" "/my-app/qa-secrets/" 


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