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Last active May 18, 2018 06:22
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Save sgtsquiggs/86b2ff622ee4f52281a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Purpose: Rebuilds live all Databases of a replication SLAVE based on a good running MASTER
# This rebuilt action is done without stopping the MASTER MySQL server or even locking the tables
# or the destination server (SLAVE)
# Syntax: MySQL_REBUILD_LIVE_SLAVE_from_MASTER Master:Port Slave:Port {F|P}
# eg. MySQL_REBUILD_LIVE_SLAVE_from_MASTER db1:3306 www1:3306 P
# {F|P} - Dump method F) Uses a full temporary dump file method P) Uses the pipe method
# Note: In some situation where the databases are very big (GB) the Pipe (P) method might not work well
# In these case it is recommended to use the File(F) method
# Changes: 05 Dec 2008 First implementation of script
# 10 Oct 2013 Added the File(F) transfer method, added --skip-lock-tables to the dump command, added the manual entry of root PW
# Notes 1: In the case of using the Dump file method, the file will be transferred via rsync to the slave for importing.
# Therefore the key of the user running the script must be already installed in slave before running the script
# Some constants:
# Resync the databases except the following Databases
EXCEPTIONS="information_schema mysql test"
# Functions
# Syntax: testhost addr port. Returns: hostOK=1
testhost () {
if (nmap -n --unprivileged --host-timeout 1600ms --max_rtt_timeout 1600ms -p $2 -P0 $1 2>/dev/null | grep -q "open" &>/dev/null); then
usage () {
echo "ERROR: Somethig is wrong with the given arguments"
echo "Syntax: MySQL_REBUILD_LIVE_SLAVE_from_MASTER Master:Port Slave:port {F|P}"
echo " eg. MySQL_REBUILD_LIVE_SLAVE_from_MASTER master1:3306 slave1:3306 P"
exit 1
# Check the command syntax
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
# Get the mysql root password
read -s -p "Please enter the MySQL root password: " rootpw
#- Check the hosts info validity
if ! (echo $1 | grep ':'); then
echo "ERROR: The 2nd parameter(master) must be the combination 'host:port'"
exit 3
if ! (echo $2 | grep ':'); then
echo "ERROR: The third parameter must be the combination 'host:port'"
exit 4
# Check the hosts connectivity of master host
Mhost=$(echo $1 | cut -d: -f1)
Mport=$(echo $1 | cut -d: -f2)
testhost $Mhost $Mport
if [ $hostOK = "0" ]; then
echo "ERROR: The master $Mhost:$Mport does not respond"
exit 5
# Check the hosts connectivity of slave host
Shost=$(echo $2 | cut -d: -f1)
Sport=$(echo $2 | cut -d: -f2)
testhost $Shost $Sport
if [ $hostOK = "0" ]; then
echo "ERROR: The slave $Shost:$Sport does not respond"
exit 6
# Stop and reset the slave
echo "STOP SLAVE; RESET SLAVE;" | mysql --host=$Shost --port=$Sport --user=root --password=$rootpw
for DB in $(echo "show databases;" | mysql --host=$Shost --port=$Sport --user=root --password=$rootpw | grep -v Database) ; do
# Only delete/add the databases that are not in the Exceptions list
if ! (echo $EXCEPTIONS | grep -q $DB); then
# here I was deleting the databases one by one before recreating them in slave
# I replaced this by the option --add-drop-database in mysqldump
#echo "Deleting database $DB on Slave $Shost:$Sport"
#echo "DROP DATABASE $DB;" | mysql -h $Shost --port=$Sport -u root --password=$rootpw
# Corrected. Thanks to Dorian Kavaja
if [ "$databases" == "" ]; then
databases="$databases $DB"
# The following lines is thanks to Dorian Kavaja
#because sometimes the log file on the master was changed before the dump was finished
echo "FLUSH LOGS; RESET MASTER;" | mysql -–host=$Mhost –-port=$Mport --user=root –password=$rootpw
# Now do the transfer
# Added “–routines –triggers” to the mysqldump command, so triggers and functions were included in the dump.
# Thanks to Dorian Kavaja
case $method in
P) # Transfer all databases from master to slave directly using a pipe(P)
echo "Transfering the all databases from master $Mhost:$Mport into slave $Shost:$Sport directly"
mysqldump --host=$Mhost --port=$Mport --user=root --password=$rootpw \
--single-transaction --flush-logs --master-data=2 --skip-lock-tables \
--add-drop-database --delete-master-logs --hex-blob –-routines –-triggers --databases $databases \
| mysql --host=$Shost --port=$Sport --user=root --password=$rootpw
F) # Transfer the databases using a dump file
echo "Dumping the all databases from master $Mhost:$Mport into file $DUMPFILE"
mysqldump --host=$Mhost --port=$Mport --user=root --password=$rootpw \
--single-transaction --flush-logs --master-data=2 --skip-lock-tables \
--add-drop-database --delete-master-logs --hex-blob –-routines –-triggers --databases $databases > $DUMPFILE
echo "Transferring the dump file $DUMPFILE from Master $Mhost to slave $Shost via compressed rsync"
rsync -vz $DUMPFILE $Shost:$DMPFILE
echo "Importing the dump file ($DUMPFILE) into slave MySQL server $Shost"
ssh $Shost "mysql --host=$Shost --port=$Sport --user=root --password=$rootpw < $DUMPFILE"
*) usage ;;
# Find out the master binlog file name
masterlogfile=$(echo "SHOW MASTER STATUS\G;" | mysql --host=$Mhost --port=$Mport --user=root --password=$rootpw | grep "File:" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d" " -f2)
# Sync the slave with master binlog position 4
echo "CHANGE MASTER TO master_log_file='$masterlogfile',master_log_pos=4;" | mysql --host=$Shost --port=$Sport --user=root --password=$rootpw
# Start the replication on slave
echo "START SLAVE;" | mysql --host=$Shost --port=$Sport --user=root --password=$rootpw
sleep 3
# Show slave status to see if all is in sync
echo "SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G;" | mysql --host=$Shost --port=$Sport --user=root --password=$rootpw
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Thank you for your really good job, this is usefull.

I add some stuff for my personnal usage, new script can be found here :

Many Thanks !

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