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Beyond Code - Expose - systemd & nginx reverse proxy setup
return [
| Host
| The expose server to connect to. By default, expose is using the free
| server, offered by Beyond Code. You will need a free
| Beyond Code account in order to authenticate with the server.
| Feel free to host your own server and change this value.
'host' => '',
| Port
| The port that expose will try to connect to. If you want to bypass
| firewalls and have proper SSL encrypted tunnels, make sure to use
| port 443 and use a reverse proxy for Expose.
| The free default server is already running on port 443.
'port' => 443,
| Auth Token
| The global authentication token to use for the expose server that you
| are connecting to. You can let expose automatically update this value
| for you by running
| > expose token YOUR-AUTH-TOKEN
'auth_token' => '',
| Default TLD
| The default TLD to use when sharing your local sites. Expose will try
| to look up the TLD if you are using Laravel Valet automatically.
| Otherwise you can specify it here manually.
'default_tld' => 'test',
| Maximum Logged Requests
| The maximum number if requests to keep in memory when inspecting your
| requests and responses in the local dashboard.
'max_logged_requests' => 25,
| Maximum Allowed Memory
| The maximum memory allocated to the expose process.
'memory_limit' => '128M',
| Skip Response Logging
| Sometimes, some responses don't need to be logged. Some are too big,
| some can't be read (like compiled assets). This configuration allows you
| to be as granular as you wish when logging the responses.
| If you run constantly out of memory, you probably need to set some of these up.
| Keep in mind, by default, BINARY requests/responses are not logged.
| You do not need to add video/mp4 for example to this list.
'skip_body_log' => [
* | Skip response logging by HTTP response code. Format: 4*, 5*.
'status' => [
// "4*"
* | Skip response logging by HTTP response content type. Ex: "text/css".
'content_type' => [
* | Skip response logging by file extension. Ex: "", ".min.js", ".min.css".
'extension' => [
* | Skip response logging if response size is greater than configured value.
* | Valid suffixes are: B, KB, MB, GB.
* | Ex: 500B, 1KB, 2MB, 3GB.
'size' => '1MB',
'admin' => [
| Database
| The SQLite database that your expose server should use. This database
| will hold all users that are able to authenticate with your server,
| if you enable authentication token validation.
'database' => getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'expose.db', // CHANGED
//'database' => ':memory:',
| Validate auth tokens
| By default, once you start an expose server, anyone is able to connect to
| it, given that they know the server host. If you want to only allow the
| connection from users that have valid authentication tokens, set this
| setting to true. You can also modify this at runtime in the server
| admin interface.
'validate_auth_tokens' => true, // CHANGED
| Maximum connection length
| If you want to limit the amount of time that a single connection can
| stay connected to the expose server, you can specify the maximum
| connection length in minutes here. A maximum length of 0 means that
| clients can stay connected as long as they want.
'maximum_connection_length' => 0,
| Subdomain
| This is the subdomain that your expose admin dashboard will be available at.
| The given subdomain will be reserved, so no other tunnel connection can
| request this subdomain for their own connection.
'subdomain' => 'admin', // CHANGED
| Subdomain Generator
| This is the subdomain generator that will be used, when no specific
| subdomain was provided. The default implementation simply generates
| a random string for you. Feel free to change this.
'subdomain_generator' => \App\Server\SubdomainGenerator\RandomSubdomainGenerator::class,
| Users
| The admin dashboard of expose is protected via HTTP basic authentication
| Here you may add the user/password combinations that you want to
| accept as valid logins for the dashboard.
'users' => [
'username' => 'password', // CHANGED
| User Repository
| This is the user repository, which by default loads and saves all authorized
| users in a SQLite database. You can implement your own user repository
| if you want to store your users in a different store (Redis, MySQL, etc.)
'user_repository' => \App\Server\UserRepository\DatabaseUserRepository::class,
| Messages
| The default messages that the expose server will send the clients.
| These settings can also be changed at runtime in the expose admin
| interface.
'messages' => [
'message_of_the_day' => 'Thank you for using expose.',
'invalid_auth_token' => 'Authentication failed. Please check your authentication token and try again.',
'subdomain_taken' => 'The chosen subdomain :subdomain is already taken. Please choose a different subdomain.',

This guide will help you to run expose as a systemd service while using nginx as webserver.

  1. Checkout Repo git clone /opt/expose

  2. Change Version cd /opt/expose ; git checkout tags/1.5.1 -b 1.5.1

  3. Install composer deps composer install

  4. Create Linux-User with group for systemd unit useradd -G expose expose

  5. Prepare directory for expose data mkdir /etc/expose chown -R expose:expose /etc/expose/

  6. Create and adjust /etc/expose/.expose.php

  7. Create systemd unit file (/etc/systemd/system/expose.service)

  8. Register service in systemd systemctl daemon-reload

  9. Start service systemctl start expose

  10. Start service on boot systemctl enable expose

  11. Create nginx config file /etc/nginx/sites-available/expose.vhost

  12. Activate nginx config

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/expose.vhost /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/expose.vhost
systemctl reload nginx
ExecStart=/usr/bin/php /opt/expose/expose serve localhost --port 3100
server {
listen *:80;
listen [::]:80;
server_name * ;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3100/;
proxy_read_timeout 60;
proxy_connect_timeout 60;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
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