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ISPConfig Icingia2 HTTP Service Plugin
* ISPConfig Icingia2 HTTP Service Plugin for ISPConfig Version 3.1.2 and above.
* This class extends ISPConfig's vhost management with the functionality to manage icingia2 HTTP services.
* This Plugin requires Icinga2 (
* The config files add a variable named "vars.http_vhosts" to an existing icinga2 host.
* With the matching icinga2 service configuration a icinga2 service will be added for each entry contained in "vars.http_vhosts".
* If "Rewrite to HTTPS" is enabled in the ISPConfig website configuration, a second check for certificates will be added.
* Setup:
* 1) Set icinga2_config_path to your prefered icinga2 config location
* 2) Set icinga2_restart_cmd to the correct value if your system is not using init.d
* 3) Create path set in icinga2_config_path
* 4) Create a host in icinga2 to which the generated website configs should get attached
* 5) Include icinga2_config_path in your host configuration.
* Example: In /etc/icinga2/conf.d/hosts/ add following line at the end of your existing configuration:
* include "vhosts/*.conf"
* This will include all configurations sotred in the folder /etc/icinga2/conf.d/hosts/vhosts/
* 6) Download "check_ssl_certificate"-Plugin and place it your plugin folder (
* 7) Add the following configuration to your /etc/icinga2/conf.d/commands.conf to register ssl_certificate as CheckCommand in icinga2:
* object CheckCommand "ssl_certificate" {
* import "plugin-check-command"
* command = [PluginDir + "/check_ssl_certificate" ]
* arguments = {
* "-H" = "$http_address$"
* "-w" = "29"
* "-c" = "10"
* }
* }
* 8) Add the following configuration to your /etc/icinga2/conf.d/services.conf to add services:
* apply Service "http - " for (http_vhost => config in host.vars.http_vhosts) {
* import "generic-service"
* check_command = "http"
* vars += config
* }
* apply Service "ssl-cert - " for (http_vhost => config in host.vars.http_vhosts) {
* import "generic-service"
* check_command = "ssl_certificate"
* check_interval = 24h
* retry_interval = 6h
* vars += config
* assign where config.vars.http_ssl == "1"
* }
* 9) Place this file in your icinga2 "plugins-available" directory (/usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-available)
* 10) Activate plugin with a symlink: ln -s /usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-available/ /usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-enabled/
* 11) Ensure File is readable by webserver
* Usage:
* Every time you add or edit a website in ISPConfig, a icinga2 config file for this website will be written.
* If you delete a website in ISPConfig, the icinga2 config file for this website will be deleted.
* After icinga2 configs are updated, the icinga2 system service will be restarted to reload config.
* @author Christoph Mueller <>
class icingia2_http_service_plugin {
* Stores the internal plugin name.
* @var string
private $plugin_name = 'icingia2_http_service_plugin';
* Stores the internal class name.
* Needs to be the same as $plugin_name.
* @var string
private $class_name = 'icingia2_http_service_plugin';
* Stores where icinga2 config files are stored
* Absolute path with trailing slash
* @var string
private $icinga2_config_path = '/etc/icinga2/conf.d/hosts/vhosts/';
* Stores icinga2 restart command
* For applying config changes
* @var string
private $icinga2_restart_cmd = '/etc/init.d/icinga2 restart 1>/dev/null 2>&1';
* Stores the current vhost action.
* When ISPConfig triggers the vhost event, it passes either create,update,delete etc.
* @see onLoad()
* @var string
private $action = '';
* ISPConfig onInstall hook.
* Called during ISPConfig installation to determine if a symlink shall be created.
* @return bool create symlink if true
public function onInstall() {
global $conf;
return $conf['services']['web'] == true;
* ISPConfig onLoad hook.
* Register the plugin for some site related events.
public function onLoad() {
global $app;
$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_insert', $this->plugin_name, 'insert');
$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_update', $this->plugin_name, 'update');
$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_delete', $this->plugin_name, 'delete');
* ISPConfig insert hook.
* Called every time a new site is created.
* @uses update()
* @param string $event_name the event/action name
* @param array $data the vhost data
public function insert($event_name, $data) {
global $app, $conf;
$this->action = 'insert';
$this->update($event_name, $data);
* ISPConfig update hook.
* Called every time a site gets updated from within ISPConfig.
* @see insert()
* @see delete()
* @param string $event_name the event/action name
* @param array $data the vhost data
public function update($event_name, $data) {
global $app, $conf;
if ($this->action != 'insert') {
$this->action = 'update';
$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web');
$checkSSL = 0;
if($data['new']['rewrite_to_https'] == 'y') {
$checkSSL = 1;
$config = '
vars.http_vhosts["'.$data['new']['domain'].'"] = {
http_address = "'.$data['new']['domain'].'"
vars.http_ssl = "'.$checkSSL.'"
file_put_contents($this->icinga2_config_path.'ispconfig_domain_id_'.$data['new']['domain_id'].'.conf', $config);
$this->action = '';
* ISPConfig delete hook.
* Called every time, a site get's removed.
* @uses update()
* @param string $event_name the event/action name
* @param array $data the vhost data
public function delete($event_name, $data) {
global $app, $conf;
$this->action = 'delete';
$var_str = var_export($data, true);
* ISPConfig internal debug function.
* Function for easier debugging.
* @param string $command executable command to debug
private function _exec($command) {
global $app;
$app->log('exec: '. $command, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
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