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Last active November 11, 2023 18:42
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A series of pedagogical
Letter Words
A apple, ant, anchor
B ball, banana, butterfly
C cat, cup, carrot
D dog, duck, dolphin
E elephant, egg, eagle
F fish, frog, flower
G goat, grape, giraffe
H hat, horse, house
I igloo, insect, ice
J juice, jellyfish, jacket
K kite, kangaroo, key
L lion, leaf, lamp
M monkey, moon, mouse
N nest, nose, nut
O octopus, owl, orange
P pig, penguin, pineapple
Q queen, quilt, question
R rabbit, rainbow, rose
S sun, snake, star
T turtle, tree, tiger
U umbrella, unicorn, up
V vase, volcano, violin
W whale, window, watermelon
X x-ray, xylophone, xenops
Y yarn, yak, yellow
Z zebra, zoo, zipper
Consonant Sound Example Words
B bat, ball, bubble
C cat, cup, circus
D dog, door, duck
F fish, fan, fluff
G goat, game, gap
H hat, happy, house
J jump, juice, jaguar
K kite, key, kangaroo
L lion, leaf, lamp
M moon, mouse, milk
N nest, night, nose
P pig, pen, puddle
Q (qu) queen, quill, quilt
R rabbit, run, ring
S sun, snake, sugar
T tree, top, turtle
V van, violet, vote
W wind, whale, window
X box, fox, ax
Y yellow, yes, yarn
Z zebra, zoo, zipper
Ch chair, cheese, cherry
Sh ship, shell, shine
Th (voiced) this, that, there
Th (unvoiced) think, three, thumb
Ng ring, long, singing
Homophones Meaning
to, too, two Preposition, also, number
there, their, they're Location, possessive, contraction of "they are"
your, you're Possessive, contraction of "you are"
by, buy, bye Preposition, purchase, farewell
see, sea, C Visual perception, large body of saltwater, letter C
sun, son Star at the center of the solar system, male child
flower, flour Part of a plant, ground grain
night, knight Time after sunset, medieval warrior
know, no To be aware, negative response
write, right, rite To record, correct or direction, ceremony
peace, piece Tranquility, part of something
rain, reign, rein Water from clouds, rule, horse control
ate, eight Past of eat, number
wear, where, ware To put on, location, goods
our, hour Possessive, unit of time
tale, tail Story, end part of an animal
brake, break Device to stop, to fracture or pause
blue, blew Color, past tense of blow
new, knew Not old, past tense of know
hole, whole Opening, entire, complete
principal, principle Head of a school, fundamental belief
mail, male Correspondence, gender
fair, fare Equitable, payment for transport
bored, board Feeling uninterested, flat piece of wood
deer, dear Animal, beloved or expensive
Part of Nonfiction Text Description Examples
Title The name of the text, indicating its topic Example: "A Brief History of Time"
Table of Contents Lists the chapters or sections and their page numbers Example: Contents page in an encyclopedia
Introduction Introduces the subject and purpose of the text Example: Preface in a biography
Headings/Subheadings Titles of sections or chapters within the text to organize content Example: "Early Life," "The Discovery" in a biography
Main Body The core content of the text, providing detailed information Example: Chapters in a history book
Text Features Elements like bullet points, sidebars, or diagrams to highlight information Example: Infographics in a science textbook
Photographs/Illustrations Visual elements to support or enhance the text Example: Photos in a travel guide
Captions Descriptions of photographs or illustrations Example: Captions under images in a documentary book
Conclusion Summarizes the text or provides a final viewpoint Example: Closing chapter in a research study
Glossary A list of terms and their definitions Example: Glossary in a technical manual
Index Alphabetical listing of topics with page numbers for easy reference Example: Index in a reference book
Bibliography/References List of sources and additional readings Example: Bibliography in an academic paper
Appendices Additional materials or data related to the text Example: Surveys or questionnaires in a research report
Part of Speech Definition Example Words
Noun Names a person, place, thing, or idea dog, city, beauty
Pronoun Replaces a noun he, they, which
Verb Shows action or state of being run, is, become
Adjective Describes or modifies a noun/pronoun happy, blue, tall
Adverb Modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb quickly, very, well
Preposition Shows relationship between a noun/pronoun and another word in, on, at
Conjunction Connects words, phrases, and clauses and, but, or
Interjection Expresses emotion wow, ouch, hooray
Article Defines a noun as specific or unspecific a, an, the
Prefix Meaning Example Words
un- not, opposite of unhappy, unlock, unsure
re- again, back redo, return, rewrite
pre- before predict, preface, prepay
dis- not, opposite of disagree, disappear, disintegrate
mis- wrongly mislead, misplace, misunderstand
non- not nonstop, nonsense, nonfiction
over- excessive, too much overeat, overdo, overreact
under- too little underpaid, underestimate, underground
sub- under, below subway, submerge, subtitle
inter- between, among interact, international, interstellar
super- above, beyond superstar, supernatural, supervise
semi- half, partly semicircle, semifinal, semiannual
anti- against, opposite antifreeze, antidote, antisocial
fore- before, front forecast, forehead, foremost
de- opposite, remove defrost, devalue, deactivate
trans- across, change transport, transatlantic, transform
co- with, together cooperate, coexist, coordinate
ex- former, out of ex-president, exclaim, extract
bi- two bicycle, bilingual, binary
tri- three triangle, tricycle, trio
post- after postgame, postpone, postwar
poly- many polygon, polytheistic, polygamous
mono- one, single monologue, monogamy, monochrome
auto- self, own automatic, autobiography, autopilot
tele- distance telephone, television, telepathy
Punctuation Mark Function Examples
Period (.) Ends a sentence Example: She loves to read.
Comma (,) Separates items, clauses, or phrases Example: I need milk, eggs, and bread.
Exclamation Mark (!) Shows strong emotion or surprise Example: Wow! That was amazing!
Question Mark (?) Ends a question Example: Are you coming to the party?
Colon (:) Introduces a list or explanation Example: I need the following: butter, sugar, and flour.
Semicolon (;) Connects closely related independent clauses Example: I went running; it was refreshing.
Dash (–) Indicates a range or interruption Example: Read pages 45–50. — Wait, what did you say?
Hyphen (-) Joins words or parts of words Example: Mother-in-law, twenty-five
Apostrophe (') Indicates possession or a contraction Example: It's John's book.
Quotation Marks (" ") Encloses direct speech or quotations Example: She said, "Hello there."
Parentheses (()) Encloses additional information Example: He finally answered (after several minutes).
Brackets [ ] Encloses clarifications or corrections Example: He likes [prefers] to swim.
Ellipsis (...) Indicates omission or pause Example: I don't know... I'm not sure.
Slash (/) Separates alternatives or fractions Example: and/or, 1/2
Part of the Story Description Examples
Setting The time and place in which the story occurs Example: Medieval castle, 1940s New York
Characters The individuals in the story Example: A young wizard, a detective
Plot The sequence of events in the story Example: Quest for a magical artifact, solving a mystery
Conflict The main problem or struggle in the story Example: Battle between good and evil, personal struggle with identity
Rising Action Events that build up the story leading to the climax Example: Discovering clues, training for a big event
Climax The most intense or exciting part of the story Example: Final showdown, moment of truth
Falling Action Events that occur after the climax Example: Consequences of the climax, beginning of resolution
Resolution The end of the story where conflicts are resolved Example: Return home, realization of a new understanding
Theme The underlying message or meaning Example: The importance of courage, the effects of love
Point of View The perspective from which the story is told Example: First-person, third-person omniscient
Suffix Meaning Example Words
-able capable of, able to readable, washable, enjoyable
-less without hopeless, endless, careless
-ness state of being happiness, darkness, kindness
-ment action or process agreement, treatment, movement
-tion, -sion state of, act of action, session, completion
-ful full of hopeful, careful, joyful
-ly in the manner of quickly, softly, happily
-er, -or one who, that which teacher, actor, creator
-ist one who artist, scientist, pianist
-ology study of biology, psychology, geology
-ize, -ise to make, to become realize, harmonize, criticize
-ing action or process running, singing, playing
-ed past tense walked, jumped, asked
-ive having the nature of creative, active, sensitive
-ship position held friendship, leadership, membership
-ance, -ence state or quality of importance, dependence, silence
-dom state or quality of freedom, kingdom, boredom
-y characterized by snowy, lucky, happy
-ous, -ious full of, having dangerous, curious, joyous
-al relating to musical, regional, natural
-en made of, to make wooden, golden, shorten
-ic relating to historic, poetic, public
-ity quality of activity, reality, possibility
-graphy field of study photography, geography, calligraphy
-phobia fear of arachnophobia, claustrophobia, agoraphobia
Vowel Sound Example Words
Short A cat, hat, apple
Long A cake, make, day
Short E bed, pet, ten
Long E tree, bee, sea
Short I sit, lip, hit
Long I kite, light, pie
Short O hot, pot, rock
Long O boat, coat, snow
Short U cup, pup, duck
Long U cube, use, unicorn
Short OO book, look, foot
Long OO moon, spoon, food
Short OU out, shout, cloud
Long OU soul, bowl, crow
Short AU autumn, pause, cause
Long AU August, fault, taught
Short AI plaid, said, again
Long AI rain, tail, main
Short EA bread, head, dead
Long EA eat, seat, heat
Short IE field, shield, priest
Long IE lie, pie, tie
Short UE guess, success, bury
Long UE cue, due, blue
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