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Created February 17, 2021 04:14
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from scipy.fftpack import fft
from matplotlib import pyplot
N = 65536
f_s = 48000
f_c = 1000
prng_lfsr = 0x32B71700
prng_tap = 0xb874
def prng_lfsr_next():
global prng_lfsr
lsb = prng_lfsr & 1
prng_lfsr >>= 1
if (lsb):
prng_lfsr ^= prng_tap
return prng_lfsr
prng_xorshift_state = 0x32B71700
def prng_xorshift_next():
global prng_xorshift_state
x = prng_xorshift_state
x ^= (x << 13) & 0xffffffff
x ^= (x >> 17) & 0xffffffff
x ^= (x << 5) & 0xffffffff
prng_xorshift_state = x
return x
def sample(fn):
return ((fn() & 0xffff) - 0x7fff) / 0x8000
def filter(input, f_s, f_c, integer = False):
RC = 1.0 / (2 * 3.1415926 * f_c)
dt = 1.0 / f_s
a = dt / (RC + dt)
if integer:
# There's a missing 65536/f_s term, but it's so small it's not worthwhile
# ... and also should probably round-to-nearest on the // operation
a = int(2 * 3.1415926 * 65536) * f_c // f_s
x = 0
y = []
for x_n in input:
x += (x_n - x) * a
return y
def freq(input):
f = fft(input)
N = len(f)
scale = N ** -0.5
return [abs(x) * scale for x in f[:N // 2]]
xordata = [sample(prng_xorshift_next) for _ in range(N)]
lfsrdata = [sample(prng_lfsr_next) for _ in range(N)]
bins = [i * f_s / N for i in range(N //2)]
pyplot.loglog(bins[10:], freq(xordata)[10:])
pyplot.loglog(bins[10:], freq(lfsrdata)[10:])
#pyplot.loglog(bins[10:], freq(filter(xordata, f_s, f_c, False))[10:])
#pyplot.loglog(bins[10:], freq(filter(xordata, f_s, f_c, True))[10:])
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