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Created February 18, 2015 17:45
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Raw Sockets and sniffing
import socket
import os
import struct
import threading
from netaddr import IPNetwork,IPAddress
from ctypes import *
# host to listen on
host = ""
# subnet to target
subnet = ""
# magic we'll check ICMP responses for
magic_message = "PYTHONRULES!"
def udp_sender(subnet,magic_message):
sender = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
for ip in IPNetwork(subnet):
sender.sendto(magic_message,("%s" % ip,65212))
class IP(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("ihl", c_ubyte, 4),
("version", c_ubyte, 4),
("tos", c_ubyte),
("len", c_ushort),
("id", c_ushort),
("offset", c_ushort),
("ttl", c_ubyte),
("protocol_num", c_ubyte),
("sum", c_ushort),
("src", c_ulong),
("dst", c_ulong)
def __new__(self, socket_buffer=None):
return self.from_buffer_copy(socket_buffer)
def __init__(self, socket_buffer=None):
# map protocol constants to their names
self.protocol_map = {1:"ICMP", 6:"TCP", 17:"UDP"}
# human readable IP addresses
self.src_address = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("<L",self.src))
self.dst_address = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("<L",self.dst))
# human readable protocol
self.protocol = self.protocol_map[self.protocol_num]
self.protocol = str(self.protocol_num)
class ICMP(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("type", c_ubyte),
("code", c_ubyte),
("checksum", c_ushort),
("unused", c_ushort),
("next_hop_mtu", c_ushort)
def __new__(self, socket_buffer):
return self.from_buffer_copy(socket_buffer)
def __init__(self, socket_buffer):
# create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface
if == "nt":
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_IP
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_ICMP
sniffer = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket_protocol)
sniffer.bind((host, 0))
# we want the IP headers included in the capture
sniffer.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
# if we're on Windows we need to send some ioctls
# to setup promiscuous mode
if == "nt":
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
# start sending packets
t = threading.Thread(target=udp_sender,args=(subnet,magic_message))
while True:
# read in a single packet
raw_buffer = sniffer.recvfrom(65565)[0]
# create an IP header from the first 20 bytes of the buffer
ip_header = IP(raw_buffer[0:20])
#print "Protocol: %s %s -> %s" % (ip_header.protocol, ip_header.src_address, ip_header.dst_address)
# if it's ICMP we want it
if ip_header.protocol == "ICMP":
# calculate where our ICMP packet starts
offset = ip_header.ihl * 4
buf = raw_buffer[offset:offset + sizeof(ICMP)]
# create our ICMP structure
icmp_header = ICMP(buf)
#print "ICMP -> Type: %d Code: %d" % (icmp_header.type, icmp_header.code)
# now check for the TYPE 3 and CODE 3 which indicates
# a host is up but no port available to talk to
if icmp_header.code == 3 and icmp_header.type == 3:
# check to make sure we are receiving the response
# that lands in our subnet
if IPAddress(ip_header.src_address) in IPNetwork(subnet):
# test for our magic message
if raw_buffer[len(raw_buffer)-len(magic_message):] == magic_message:
print "Host Up: %s" % ip_header.src_address
# handle CTRL-C
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# if we're on Windows turn off promiscuous mode
if == "nt":
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)
import socket
import os
# host to listen on
host = ""
# create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface
if == "nt":
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_IP
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_ICMP
sniffer = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket_protocol)
sniffer.bind((host, 0))
# we want the IP headers included in the capture
sniffer.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
# if we're on Windows we need to send an IOCTL
# to setup promiscuous mode
if == "nt":
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
# read in a single packet
print sniffer.recvfrom(65565)
# if we're on Windows turn off promiscuous mode
if == "nt": 
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)
import socket
import os
import struct
from ctypes import *
# host to listen on
host = ""
class IP(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("ihl", c_ubyte, 4),
("version", c_ubyte, 4),
("tos", c_ubyte),
("len", c_ushort),
("id", c_ushort),
("offset", c_ushort),
("ttl", c_ubyte),
("protocol_num", c_ubyte),
("sum", c_ushort),
("src", c_ulong),
("dst", c_ulong)
def __new__(self, socket_buffer=None):
return self.from_buffer_copy(socket_buffer)
def __init__(self, socket_buffer=None):
# map protocol constants to their names
self.protocol_map = {1:"ICMP", 6:"TCP", 17:"UDP"}
# human readable IP addresses
self.src_address = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("<L",self.src))
self.dst_address = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("<L",self.dst))
# human readable protocol
self.protocol = self.protocol_map[self.protocol_num]
self.protocol = str(self.protocol_num)
# create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface
if == "nt":
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_IP
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_ICMP
sniffer = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket_protocol)
sniffer.bind((host, 0))
# we want the IP headers included in the capture
sniffer.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
# if we're on Windows we need to send some ioctls
# to setup promiscuous mode
if == "nt":
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
while True:
# read in a single packet
raw_buffer = sniffer.recvfrom(65565)[0]
# create an IP header from the first 20 bytes of the buffer
ip_header = IP(raw_buffer[0:20])
print "Protocol: %s %s -> %s" % (ip_header.protocol, ip_header.src_address, ip_header.dst_address)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# if we're on Windows turn off promiscuous mode
if == "nt":
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)
import socket
import os
import struct
import threading
from ctypes import *
# host to listen on
host = ""
class IP(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("ihl", c_ubyte, 4),
("version", c_ubyte, 4),
("tos", c_ubyte),
("len", c_ushort),
("id", c_ushort),
("offset", c_ushort),
("ttl", c_ubyte),
("protocol_num", c_ubyte),
("sum", c_ushort),
("src", c_ulong),
("dst", c_ulong)
def __new__(self, socket_buffer=None):
return self.from_buffer_copy(socket_buffer)
def __init__(self, socket_buffer=None):
# map protocol constants to their names
self.protocol_map = {1:"ICMP", 6:"TCP", 17:"UDP"}
# human readable IP addresses
self.src_address = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("<L",self.src))
self.dst_address = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("<L",self.dst))
# human readable protocol
self.protocol = self.protocol_map[self.protocol_num]
self.protocol = str(self.protocol_num)
class ICMP(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("type", c_ubyte),
("code", c_ubyte),
("checksum", c_ushort),
("unused", c_ushort),
("next_hop_mtu", c_ushort)
def __new__(self, socket_buffer):
return self.from_buffer_copy(socket_buffer)
def __init__(self, socket_buffer):
# create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface
if == "nt":
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_IP
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_ICMP
sniffer = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket_protocol)
sniffer.bind((host, 0))
# we want the IP headers included in the capture
sniffer.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
# if we're on Windows we need to send some ioctls
# to setup promiscuous mode
if == "nt":
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
while True:
# read in a single packet
raw_buffer = sniffer.recvfrom(65565)[0]
# create an IP header from the first 20 bytes of the buffer
ip_header = IP(raw_buffer[0:20])
print "Protocol: %s %s -> %s" % (ip_header.protocol, ip_header.src_address, ip_header.dst_address)
# if it's ICMP we want it
if ip_header.protocol == "ICMP":
# calculate where our ICMP packet starts
offset = ip_header.ihl * 4
buf = raw_buffer[offset:offset + sizeof(ICMP)]
# create our ICMP structure
icmp_header = ICMP(buf)
print "ICMP -> Type: %d Code: %d" % (icmp_header.type, icmp_header.code)
# handle CTRL-C
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# if we're on Windows turn off promiscuous mode
if == "nt":
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)
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