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sh4dowb /
Last active October 14, 2024 15:31
tronapi python mass USDT payment - send mass USDT payments with python
import time
from tronapi import Tron
full_node = ''
solidity_node = ''
event_server = ''
pkey = "private_key_hex"
payments = [
sh4dowb / phpkoru-deobfuscate-2.php
Last active October 12, 2024 17:14 v1.0.6 (new) deobfuscator. Make sure to run it isolated, to prevent any attacks from eval'd code
// put encrypted code in encrypted.php, or use it like:
// $ php phpkoru-deobfuscate-2.php encryptedfilename.php
// for decrypting advanced version contact me on telegram
function decrypt($fn, $try=0){
$onfr64_qrpbqr = 'base64_decode';
sh4dowb / turkey_city_county_list.json
Created July 6, 2019 18:50
Türkiye İl ve İlçe Listesi Plakalı JSON Güncel 2019 - Turkey City and County List with Plate Numbers JSON 2019
"city": "Adana",
"plate_code": 1,
"counties": [
sh4dowb /
Created September 17, 2021 19:41
Decrypt crypto-js default AES encryption with OpenSSL KDF in Python 3
# I absolutely hated crypto-js for this. non-standard configurations, weird algorithms, ...
# well obviously you can encrypt it with a better configuration which people will not
# go crazy figuring out its implementation, but in this case I wasn't encrypting the data.
import base64
from Crypto.Hash import MD5
from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# generated using: CryptoJS.AES.encrypt('test 123456 plaintext', 'some password').toString()
sh4dowb / phpkoru-deobfuscate-3.php
Last active February 19, 2024 21:14 v1.0.7 deobfuscator. Make sure to run it isolated, to prevent any attacks from eval'd code
// put encrypted code in encrypted.php, or use it like:
// $ php phpkoru-deobfuscate-3.php encryptedfilename.php
// UPDATED v1.0.7 , if you are getting error "IV passed is only 15 bytes long", try this
// for decrypting advanced (.dll/.so) version contact me on telegram
function trydecrypt($fn, $b64='fge_ebg13‎‎‎‎', $rot13='bcraffy_qrpelcg‎'){
sh4dowb /
Last active February 7, 2024 23:17
workaround for selenium to save the goddamn session / profile completely on firefox / geckodriver --- selenium firefox geckodriver persistent profile
# Selenium does not use the given profile, but copies it, and uses a temporary profile.
# As a result, new cookies and sessions etc. are not saved.
# To fix it, we get the actual profile firefox is using, kill firefox manually so geckodriver
# doesn't delete profile data. Copying the profile when it's being used is generally not a good idea.
# After killing firefox profile and databases are unlocked, we copy the "temporary" profile
# to our old profile.
# driver.profile doesn't provide the actual temporary profile, but another copy of it. And firefox
# does not use that one. that's why I got it from process list.
sh4dowb / phpkoru.deobfuscate.php
Last active October 17, 2023 21:36 deobfuscator. Make sure to run it isolated, to prevent any attacks from eval'd code
// FOR NEW VERSION (1.0.6):
// FOR 1.0.7:
$input = file_get_contents("untitled.php");
//edit this filename
// for decrypting advanced version contact me on telegram
sh4dowb /
Last active July 19, 2023 18:55
linux spotify media keys are sometimes not working after another media is played, and spotify is restarted. this command fixes it
dbus-monitor | grep --line-buffered interface=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player | grep --line-buffered -v spotify | awk -W interactive -F'member=' '{print $2}' | xargs -L1 -I {} dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.{}
# when you play another media, and restart spotify, media keys get sent to another destination.
# in my case, it was VLC. output from dbus-monitor:
# method call time=1586780292.910122 sender=:1.58 -> destination=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.vlc serial=1878 path=/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2; interface=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player; member=PlayPause
# so I piped together a few commands, which got the wrong dbus output, and forwarded it to spotify.
# run:
# bash &
sh4dowb /
Created May 15, 2023 18:09
decode/unmarshal Ruby Date in python
from datetime import date, timedelta
from rubymarshal.classes import UsrMarshal
from rubymarshal.reader import loads
data = b'\x04\x08U:\tDate[\x0bi\x00i\x03\xe5R%i\x00i\x00i\x00f\x0c2299161'
# 1984-12-18
data = loads(data)
if isinstance(data, UsrMarshal):
# data._private_data[1] is days since Julian Day (November 24, 4714 BC)
data = (date(1900, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=data._private_data[1] - 2415021)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
sh4dowb /
Last active March 21, 2023 16:49
EBA canlı ders için Linux ve Mac desteği (Zoom)