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package main

import (


func main() {
	child, err := gexpect.Spawn(fmt.Sprintf("/usr/local/opt/mysql-client/bin/mysql -h -u %s -p", "root"))
	if err != nil {
	child.Expect("Enter password")
	fmt.Printf("Done \n")
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sh7ning commented Oct 25, 2019

package gauth

import (

type GoogleAuth struct {

func NewGoogleAuth() *GoogleAuth {
	return &GoogleAuth{}

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) un() int64 {
	return time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000 / 30

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) hmacSha1(key, data []byte) []byte {
	h := hmac.New(sha1.New, key)
	if total := len(data); total > 0 {
	return h.Sum(nil)

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) base32encode(src []byte) string {
	return base32.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(src)

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) base32decode(s string) ([]byte, error) {
	return base32.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s)

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) toBytes(value int64) []byte {
	var result []byte
	mask := int64(0xFF)
	shifts := [8]uint16{56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0}
	for _, shift := range shifts {
		result = append(result, byte((value>>shift)&mask))
	return result

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) toUint32(bts []byte) uint32 {
	return (uint32(bts[0]) << 24) + (uint32(bts[1]) << 16) +
		(uint32(bts[2]) << 8) + uint32(bts[3])

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) oneTimePassword(key []byte, data []byte) uint32 {
	hash := googleAuth.hmacSha1(key, data)
	offset := hash[len(hash)-1] & 0x0F
	hashParts := hash[offset : offset+4]
	hashParts[0] = hashParts[0] & 0x7F
	number := googleAuth.toUint32(hashParts)
	return number % 1000000

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) GetSecret() string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	binary.Write(&buf, binary.BigEndian, googleAuth.un())
	return strings.ToUpper(googleAuth.base32encode(googleAuth.hmacSha1(buf.Bytes(), nil)))

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) GetCode(secret string) (string, error) {
	secretUpper := strings.ToUpper(secret)
	secretKey, err := googleAuth.base32decode(secretUpper)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	number := googleAuth.oneTimePassword(secretKey, googleAuth.toBytes(time.Now().Unix()/30))
	return fmt.Sprintf("%06d", number), nil

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) GetQrcode(user, secret string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("otpauth://totp/%s?secret=%s", user, secret)

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) GetQrcodeUrl(user, secret string) string {
	qrcode := googleAuth.GetQrcode(user, secret)
	return fmt.Sprintf("", qrcode)

func (googleAuth *GoogleAuth) VerifyCode(secret, code string) (bool, error) {
	_code, err := googleAuth.GetCode(secret)
	fmt.Println(_code, code, err)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	return _code == code, nil

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sh7ning commented Oct 25, 2019

ssh 有个小bug...跳板机不能展示出有权限的服务器列表....

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