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Created May 1, 2016 04:43
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minesweeper implemented in R
# /usr/bin/r
# Created: 2016.04.26
# Copyright: Steven E. Pav, 2016
# Author: Steven E. Pav <>
# Comments: Steven E. Pav
# generate a new state of the board
generate_one <- function(nrow,ncol=nrow,nbombs = 10) {
stopifnot(nbombs <= nrow*ncol)
board <- matrix('_',nrow,ncol)
locs <- sample(nrow*ncol,size=nbombs,replace=FALSE)
loc <- matrix(FALSE,nrow,ncol)
loc[locs] <- TRUE
flags <- matrix(FALSE,nrow,ncol)
retv <- list(board=board,loc=loc,flags=flags)
class(retv) <- 'minesweeper'
print.minesweeper <- function(x) {
toshow <- x$board
toshow[x$flags] <- 'F'
board <- generate_one(10)
bool_neighbors <- function(board,mrow,mcol,dst=1) {
return (pmax(abs(row(board$board) - mrow),abs(col(board$board) - mcol)) == dst)
# count # of bombs in the neighborhood...
count_neighbors <- function(board,mrow,mcol) {
brow <- nrow(board$board)
bcol <- ncol(board$board)
rowidx <- max(1,mrow-1):min(brow,mrow+1)
colidx <- max(1,mcol-1):min(bcol,mcol+1)
outsum <- sum(as.integer(board$loc[rowidx,colidx]))
insum <- as.integer(board$loc[mrow,mcol])
return (outsum - insum)
# suppose you 'ping' a spot on the board
# and find that it does *not* have a bomb.
# you need to update the picture of the board.
# do this by a breadth-wide search. here
# newdf will be a data frame that has the
# 'new' rows and columns to check. it will call
# itself recursively (ugh) to fan out
# and update the board.
b_updates <- function(board,mrow,mcol) {
dst <- 0
# invariant is that
# checkset is boolean matrix where characters are '_'
# and where they are brought in by an exploration in a neighboring
# reveal.
distset <- bool_neighbors(board,mrow,mcol,dst=dst)
checkset <- distset
while (any(checkset)) {
rnum <- row(board$board)[checkset]
cnum <- col(board$board)[checkset]
for (iii in seq_along(rnum)) {
rnii <- rnum[iii]
cnii <- cnum[iii]
if (board$board[rnii,cnii] == '_') {
nneigh <- count_neighbors(board,rnii,cnii)
board$board[rnii,cnii] <- as.character(nneigh)
if (nneigh == 0) {
# add to the set to check next.
is_neigh <- bool_neighbors(board,rnii,cnii,dst=1)
checkset <- (checkset | is_neigh)
dst <- dst + 1
distset <- bool_neighbors(board,mrow,mcol,dst=dst)
checkset <- checkset & distset
return (board)
# checks if in the winning configuation: all the
# bomb locations have flags and no flags on
# non-bomb locations.
check_win <- function(board) {
return (all(board$flags == board$loc))
# assume the move is already parsed
# moves are of the form
# 'F row col'
# 'U row col'
# 'P row col'
move <- 'F 5 3'
update_f <- function(board,move) {
mtype <- substr(move,1,1)
mrow <- as.numeric(gsub('^[A-Za-z]+\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$','\\1',move))
mcol <- as.numeric(gsub('^[A-Za-z]+\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$','\\2',move))
## input checking#FOLDUP
if (! mtype %in% c('F','U','P')) {
warning('unknown move. should be of form "[FUP] rownum colnum". no change')
return (board)
# check for out of bounds.
if ((min(mrow,mcol) < 1) || (mrow > nrow(board$board)) || (mcol > ncol(board$board))) {
warning('move out of bounds. no change')
return (board)
if (mtype == 'F') {
# check if there's a flag there already.
if (board$flags[mrow,mcol]) {
warning('already flagged that spot. no change')
return (board)
if (board$board[mrow,mcol] == '0') {
warning('should not flag a zero spot. no change')
return (board)
board$flags[mrow,mcol] <- TRUE;
# check if there are too many flags, raise a warning.
if (sum(board$flags) > sum(board$loc)) {
warning('too many flags. there should be at most ',sum(board$loc))
# fall through and check for winning condition...
} else if (mtype == 'U') {
# check if there's a flag there already.
if (!board$flags[mrow,mcol]) {
warning('no flag on that spot. no change')
return (board)
if (board$board[mrow,mcol] == '0') {
warning('should not unflag a zero spot. no change')
return (board)
board$flags[mrow,mcol] <- FALSE;
# fall through and check for winning condition...
} else if (mtype == 'P') {
if (board$loc[mrow,mcol]) {
stop("YOU DIE!")
} else {
board <- b_updates(board,mrow=mrow,mcol=mcol)
# fall through and check for winning condition...
if (check_win(board)) {
warning('YOU WIN!')
return (board)
board <- generate_one(10,nbombs=5)
board <- update_f(board,'P 5 7')
board <- update_f(board,'F 4 9')
board <- update_f(board,'P 2 9')
board <- update_f(board,'P 4 10')
board <- update_f(board,'F 3 3')
board <- update_f(board,'F 7 3')
board <- update_f(board,'P 3 1')
board <- update_f(board,'P 2 3')
board <- update_f(board,'P 1 3')
board <- update_f(board,'P 7 2')
board <- update_f(board,'P 8 2')
board <- update_f(board,'P 7 1')
board <- update_f(board,'P 10 1')
board <- update_f(board,'P 8 3')
board <- update_f(board,'F 9 3')
board <- update_f(board,'P 10 3')
board <- update_f(board,'F 9 2')
#for vim modeline: (do not edit)
# vim:fdm=marker:fmr=FOLDUP,UNFOLD:cms=#%s:syn=r:ft=r
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I can't believe I had to do this for an interview. sigh.

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