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Created February 9, 2018 06:56
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confirming a theorem regarding the asymptotic expectation and variance blah blah blah
# linear algebra utilities
# quadratic form x' A x
qform <- function(A,x) { t(x) %*% (A %*% x) }
# quadratic form x A x'
qoform <- function(A,x) { qform(A,t(x)) }
# outer gram: x x'
ogram <- function(x) { x %*% t(x) }
# A kron A
AkronA <- function(A) { kronecker(A,A,FUN='*') }
# matrix trace
matrace <- function(A) { matrixcalc::matrix.trace(A) }
# duplication, elimination, commutation, symmetrizer
# commutation matrix;
# is p^2 x p^2
Comm <- function(p) {
Ko <- diag(p^2)
dummy <- diag(p)
newidx <- (row(dummy) - 1) * ncol(dummy) + col(dummy)
# Symmetrizing matrix, N
# is p^2 x p^2
Symm <- function(p) { 0.5 * (Comm(p) + diag(p^2)) }
# Duplication & Elimination matrices
Dupp <- function(p) { matrixcalc::duplication.matrix(n=p) }
Elim <- function(p) { matrixcalc::elimination.matrix(n=p) }
# vector function
fvec <- function(x) {
dim(x) <- c(length(x),1)
# compute Theta from mu, Sigma
make_Theta <- function(mu,Sigma) {
stopifnot(nrow(Sigma) == ncol(Sigma),
nrow(Sigma) == length(mu))
mu_twid <- c(1,mu)
Sg_twid <- cbind(0,rbind(0,Sigma))
Theta <- Sg_twid + ogram(mu_twid)
Theta_i <- solve(Theta)
zeta_sq <- Theta_i[1,1] - 1
# construct four parts of Omega_0 from the Theorem;
Omega_bits <- function(mu,Sigma,kurtf=1) {
tvals <- make_Theta(mu,Sigma)
Nmat <- Symm(tvals$pp1)
P1 <- (kurtf-1) * ogram(fvec(tvals$Sg_twid))
P2 <- (kurtf-1) * 2 * Nmat %*% AkronA(tvals$Sg_twid)
P3 <- 2 * Nmat %*% AkronA(tvals$Theta)
P4 <- 2 * Nmat %*% AkronA(ogram(tvals$mu_twid))
Omega_0 <- function(mu,Sigma,kurtf=1) {
obits <- Omega_bits(mu=mu,Sigma=Sigma,kurtf=kurtf)
obits$P1 + obits$P2 + obits$P3 - obits$P4
# construct matrices F and H and vector h
FHh_values <- function(mu,Sigma,R=1) {
tvals <- make_Theta(mu,Sigma)
zeta_sq <- tvals$zeta_sq
zeta <- sqrt(zeta_sq)
mp <- t(t(-tvals$Theta_i[2:tvals$pp1,1]))
Fmat <- (1 / R^2) * ((ogram(mu) / zeta) - (zeta * Sigma))
H1 <- - cbind(cbind((1 / (2 *zeta_sq)) * mp,
(R / zeta) * diag(tvals$p)),
matrix(0,nrow=tvals$p,ncol=tvals$p * tvals$pp1))
H2 <- - AkronA(tvals$Theta_i)
Hmat <- H1 %*% H2 %*% Dupp(tvals$pp1)
hvec <- - AkronA(tvals$Theta_i[1,,drop=FALSE]) %*% Dupp(tvals$pp1)
list(Fmat=Fmat, Hmat=Hmat, hvec=hvec)
# compute the expected bias and variance
# in two ways, one directly from the identity of
# H, F, h and Omega_0
# the other from the theorem
# then compute relative errors of the theorem's approximation.
testit <- function(mu,Sigma,kurtf=1,R=1) {
p <- length(mu)
tvals <- make_Theta(mu,Sigma)
OmegMat <- Omega_0(mu,Sigma,kurtf=kurtf)
Omega <- qoform(A=OmegMat,Elim(p+1))
FHh <- FHh_values(mu,Sigma,R=R)
# now test corollary 'true' values
HtFH <- qform(A=FHh$Fmat,x=FHh$Hmat)
Vari <- as.numeric(qoform(Omega,FHh$hvec) / (4 * tvals$zeta_sq))
Eb1 <- as.numeric((1/2) * matrace((HtFH) %*% Omega))
Eb2 <- Vari / (2 * tvals$zeta)
Ebias <- Eb1 + Eb2
# Theorem says:
T_Vari <- (((3 * kurtf - 1) / 4) * tvals$zeta_sq + 1)
T_Eb1 <- ((kurtf * tvals$zeta_sq + 1) *
(1 - tvals$p)) / (2 * tvals$zeta)
T_Ebias <- ((kurtf * tvals$zeta_sq + 1) *
(1 - tvals$p) + T_Vari) / (2 * tvals$zeta)
ERR_Ebias <- T_Ebias - Ebias
ERR_Vari <- T_Vari - Vari
max(c(max(abs(ERR_Ebias)) / (abs(Ebias)),
max(abs(ERR_Vari)) / (abs(Vari))))
# create a population
myp <- 5
mu <- matrix(rnorm(myp,1),ncol=1)
ZZ <- matrix(rnorm(100,myp),ncol=myp)
Sigma <- t(ZZ) %*% ZZ
# test it:
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