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Last active February 25, 2017 08:48
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enum BiriyaniType {
case veg
case nonveg
class Biriyani {
let count: Int
let size: OrderSize
let spiceRange: SpiceRange
let type: BiriyaniType
init (count: Int, size: OrderSize, spiceRange: SpiceRange, type: BiriyaniType) {
self.count = count
self.size = size
self.spiceRange = spiceRange
self.type = type
convenience init(size: OrderSize, spiceRange: SpiceRange, type: BiriyaniType) {
self.init(count: 1, size: size, spiceRange: spiceRange, type: type)
convenience init(spiceRange: SpiceRange, type: BiriyaniType) {
self.init(count: 1, size: .medium, spiceRange: spiceRange, type: type)
convenience init(spiceRange: SpiceRange) {
self.init(count: 1, size: .medium, spiceRange: spiceRange, type: .nonveg)
convenience init(type: BiriyaniType) {
self.init(count: 1, size: .medium, spiceRange: .spicy, type: type)
class Restaurant {
var biriyaniOrder1 = Biriyani(size: .medium, spiceRange: .hot, type: .veg)
var biriyaniOrder2 = Biriyani(spiceRange: .extraHot, type: .veg)
var biriyaniOrder3 = Biriyani(spiceRange: .extraHot)
var biriyaniOrder4 = Biriyani(type: .veg)
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