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Last active May 19, 2016 20:04
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like,1,General advice,100,1,"""Pass your hope <b>like</b> a bad check."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
know,2,General advice,85,1,"""Everything I Need to <b>Know</b> in Life I Learned on My Way to a Humiliating Audition"" -- Bradley Whitford"
day,3,General advice,69,1,"If today were the last <b>day</b> of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? -- Steve Jobs"
dont,4,General advice,85,1,"""<b>Don't</b> let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."" -- Toni Morrison"
say,5,General advice,49,1,"""Believe that what you and your friends have to <b>say</b>... that the way you're saying it -- is something new in the world."" -- Robert Krulwich"
world,6,General advice,62,1,"""Cynicism is a self-imposed blindness, a rejection of the <b>world</b> because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us."" -- Stephen Colbert"
go,7,General advice,54,1,"""The Dean leans into me, shakes my hand and says, ""I'm sorry."" I have no idea what she means. So I <b>go</b> back to my seat and I open it up. And, instead of having a diploma inside, there's a scrap -- a torn scrap of paper -- that has scrawled on it, ""See me."" "" -- Stephen Colbert"
way,8,General advice,75,1,"""It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a <b>way</b> that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating."" -- Steve Jobs"
people,9,General advice,95,1,"""Most <b>people</b>, as they age, become less selfish and more loving."" --George Saunders"
one,10,General advice,96,1,"""So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was <b>one</b> of the best decisions I ever made."" -- Steve Jobs"
make,11,General advice,44,1,"""Fall down. <b>Make</b> a mess. Break something occasionally. Know that your mistakes are your own unique way of getting to where you need to be. "" -- Conan O'Brien"
want,12,General advice,55,1,"""You've got to <b>want</b> to act more than you want to be an actor. You've got to want to do whatever you want to do more than you want to be whatever you want to be."" -- Bradley Whitford"
now,13,General advice,70,1,"""<b>Now</b> that's a heavy burden to be placed on one generation by a member of another generation because it's a responsibility we ought to share, not save the world, but simply to love it..."" --Toni Morrison"
can,14,General advice,96,1,"""The exact same experience <b>can</b> mean two totally different things to two different people"" -- David Foster Wallace"
time,15,General advice,59,1,"""You'll see things collapse in your <b>time</b>, the big houses, the empires of glass. "" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
just,16,General advice,98,1,"""Please don't think that I'm giving you moral advice, or that I'm saying you are supposed to think this way, or that anyone expects you to <b>just</b> automatically do it. Because it's hard."" -- David Foster Wallace"
think,28,General advice,72,1,"""humans can learn and understand, without having experienced. They can <b>think</b> themselves into other people's places."" -- JK Rowling"
good,17,General advice,47,1,"""So let me tell you a feel-bad story that should make you feel <b>good</b>."" --Robert Krulwich"
attention,18,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",17,2,"""The really important kind of freedom involves <b>attention</b> and awareness and discipline, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad petty, unsexy ways every day."" -- David Foster Wallace"
arts,19,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",22,2,"""I have come gradually to understand that the liberal <b>arts</b> cliché about teaching you how to think is actually shorthand for a much deeper, more serious idea: learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. "" -- David Foster Wallace"
experience,20,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",28,2,"""You are your own stories and therefore free to imagine and <b>experience</b> what it means to be human without wealth."" -- Toni Morrison"
thing,21,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",38,2,"""Now, one useful <b>thing</b> you can do with an old person, in addition to borrowing money from them, or asking them to do one of their old-time "dances," so you can watch, while laughing, is ask: "Looking back, what do you regret?""" -- George Saunders"
liberal,22,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",26,2,"""I have come gradually to understand that the <b>liberal</b> arts cliché about teaching you how to think is actually shorthand for a much deeper, more serious idea: learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. "" -- David Foster Wallace"
selfish,23,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",20,2,"""How might we become more loving, more open, less <b>selfish</b>, more present, less delusional, etc., etc?"" -- George Saunders"
education,24,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",19,2,"""If I did that, I would assume your <b>education</b> had been in vain and that you were incapable of deciding for yourself what your responsibilities should be."" -- Toni Morrison"
checkout,25,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",23,2,"""Or I can choose to force myself to consider the likelihood that everyone else in the supermarket's <b>checkout</b> line is just as bored and frustrated as I am, and that some of these people probably have harder, more tedious and painful lives than I do."" -- David Foster Wallace"
default,26,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",33,2,"""It's a matter of my choosing to do the work of somehow altering or getting free of my natural, hard-wired <b>default</b> setting which is to be deeply and literally self-centered and to see and interpret everything through this lens of self."" -- David Foster Wallace"
setting,27,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",30,2,"""It's a matter of my choosing to do the work of somehow altering or getting free of my natural, hard-wired default <b>setting</b> which is to be deeply and literally self-centered and to see and interpret everything through this lens of self."" -- David Foster Wallace"
think,28,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",72,2,"""Because I don't <b>think</b> we can any longer rely on separation of powers, free speech, religious tolerance or unchallengeable civil liberties as a matter of course."" -- Toni Morrison"
adult,29,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",23,2,"""There happen to be whole, large parts of <b>adult</b> American life that nobody talks about in commencement speeches. One such part involves boredom, routine, and petty frustration. "" -- David Foster Wallace"
stuff,30,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",21,2,"""None of this <b>stuff</b> is really about morality or religion or dogma or big fancy questions of life after death."" -- David Foster Wallace"
cliché,31,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",16,2,"""So let's talk about the single most pervasive <b>cliché</b> in the commencement speech genre, which is that a liberal arts education is not so much about filling you up with knowledge as it is about quote teaching you how to think."" -- David Foster Wallace"
end,32,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",18,2,"""The great Syracuse poet, Hayden Carruth, said, in a poem written near the <b>end</b> of his life, that he was "mostly Love, now.""" -- George Saunders"
worship,33,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",36,2,"""But the insidious thing about these forms of <b>worship</b> is not that they're evil or sinful, it's that they're unconscious."" -- David Foster Wallace"
day,34,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",69,2,"""One <b>day</b> she was there, next <b>day</b> she wasn't."" -- George Saunders"
meaning,35,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",22,2,"""Now that's a heavy burden to be placed on one generation by a member of another generation because it's a responsibility we ought to share, not save the world, but simply to love it, <b>meaning</b> don't hurt it, it's already beaten and scoured and gasping for breath. "" -- Toni Morrison"
freedom,36,"David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Toni Morrison on Happiness and the Frustrations of Daily Life",11,2,"""Our own present culture has harnessed these forces in ways that have yielded extraordinary wealth and comfort and personal <b>freedom.</b> "" -- David Foster Wallace"
isolation,37,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",16,3,"""That growing up means leaving the herd, starting up the long <b>escalator</b> to isolation."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
hope,38,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",22,3,"""The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you <b>hope</b> for. The most you can do is live inside that <b>hope</b>, running down its hallways, touching the walls on both sides."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
joy,39,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",12,3,"""All we need is for you to find <b>joy>/b> in your journey, to find satisfaction in hard work, to be aware of what is happening around you, to free yourself from your imagined limitations, to listen, and finally, to act -- not to play make believe."" -- Bradley Whitford"
whatever,40,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",18,3,"""when people love a book, <b>whatever</b> they say about it, what they really mean is: it was wise."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
lives,41,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",18,3,"""In short, my obnoxiously young friends, you don't just get democracy -- you have to make it happen. I urge you to extend that call to action to every aspect of your <b>lives</b>."" -- Bradley Whitford"
need,42,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",29,3,"""As we track the unfolding disruption of natural and global stabilities, you will be told to buy into business as usual: You <b>need</b> a job. Trade your future for an entry level position."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
show,43,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",45,3,"""This isn't a television <b>show</b>. The choices are difficult and the consequences are real."" -- Bradley Whitford"
number,44,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",14,3,"""<b>Number</b> One: Fall in love with the process and the results will follow."" -- Bradley Whitford"
climate,45,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",20,3,"""Even the architecture of our planet is collapsing under the weight of our efficient productivity. Our <b>climate</b>, our oceans, migratory paths, things we believed were independent of human affairs."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
pass,46,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",8,3,"""Make no mistake about it -- if you choose not to participate at the ballot box or in the urgent discussion about the world that we will one day <b>pass</b> on to the next generation, you no longer live in a democracy."" -- Bradley Whitford"
kind,47,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",24,3,"""I see our dream-houses standing alone, the idealized life taking place in a <b>kind</b> of bubble. "" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
action,48,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",15,3,"""But I do want you to be an actor in your own life. Infuse your life with <b>action</b>. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. "" -- Bradley Whitford"
rules,49,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",17,3,"""And every time it took a terrible fight between people who could not imagine changing the <b>rules</b>, and those who said, ""We already did. We have made the world new."""" -- Barabara Kingsolver"
emissions,50,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",13,3,"""To stabilize the floods and firestorms, we'll have to reduce our carbon <b>emissions</b> by 80 percent, within a decade."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
food,51,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",14,3,"""This could be your key to a new order: you don't need so much stuff to fill your life, when you have people in it. You don't need jet fuel to get <b>food</b> from a farmer's market."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
wisdom,52,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",12,3,"""For a lot of history, many nations said exactly the same thing about abolishing slavery. We can't grant humanity to all people, it would hurt our cotton plantations, our sugar crop, our balance of trade. Until the daughters and sons of a new <b>wisdom</b> declared: We don't care. You have to find another way. Enough of this shame."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
carbon,53,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",13,3,"""Now we can either shift away from a <b>carbon</b>-based economy, or find another place to live. Imagine it: we raised you on a lie."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
community,54,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",15,3,"""We acquired food from farmers. We listened to music in groups, in churches or on front porches. We danced. We participated. Even when there was no money in it. <b>Community</b> is our native state."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
nations,55,"Barbara Kingsolver, Bradley Whitford on Politics, Community and Social Issues",15,3,"""For a lot of history, many <b>nations</b> said exactly the same thing about abolishing slavery. We can't grant humanity to all people, it would hurt our cotton plantations, our sugar crop, our balance of trade. Until the daughters and sons of a new wisdom declared: We don't care. You have to find another way. Enough of this shame."" -- Barbara Kingsolver"
failure,56,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",36,4,"""The fears that my parents had had for me, and that I had had for myself, had both come to pass, and by every usual standard, I was the biggest <b>failure</b> I knew."" -- JK Rowling"
past,57,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",28,4,"""Maybe the <b>past</b> offers a better venue. You already share an old tradition of an uncompromisingly intellectual women's college, and that past and that tradition is important to both understand and preserve. It's worthy of reverence and transmission. "" -- Toni Morrison"
without,58,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",22,4,"""I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, <b>without</b> being homeless."" -- JK Rowling"
first,59,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",27,4,"""It was the <b>first</b> computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts."" -- Steve Jobs"
never,60,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",53,4,"""Failure gave me an inner security that I had <b>never</b> attained by passing examinations."" -- JK Rowling"
death,61,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",19,4,"""No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet <b>death</b> is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life."" -- Steve Jobs"
truly,62,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",13,4,"""Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was <b>truly</b> above the price of rubies."" -- JK Rowling"
power,63,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",21,4,"""The <b>power</b> of human empathy, leading to collective action, saves lives, and frees prisoners. "" -- JK Rowling"
apple,64,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",26,4,"""But something slowly began to dawn on me Ñ I still loved what I did. The turn of events at <b>Apple</b> had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over."" -- Steve Jobs"
learned,65,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",19,4,"""Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I<b> learned</b> about serif and sans serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating."" -- Steve Jobs"
life,66,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",97,4,"""I had no idea what I wanted to do with my <b>life</b> and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK."" -- Steve Jobs"
live,67,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",20,4,"""And as long as I <b>live</b> I shall remember walking along an empty corridor and suddenly hearing, from behind a closed door, a scream of pain and horror such as I have never heard since."" -- JK Rowling"
graduation,68,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",20,4,"""I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college <b>graduation</b>."" -- Steve Jobs"
might,69,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",37,4,"""...a sort of a wish, that you go out and save the world. That is to suggest to you that with energy and right thinking you can certainly improve, certainly you <b>might</b> even rescue it."" -- Toni Morrison"
stories,70,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",13,4,"""You are your own<b> stories</b> and therefore free to imagine and experience what it means to be human without wealth."" -- JK Rowling"
parents,71,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",27,4,"""So my <b>parents</b>, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" "" -- Steve Jobs"
happiness,72,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",14,4,"""I know that <b>happiness</b> has been the real, if covert, target of your labors here, your choices of companions, of the profession that you will enter."" -- Toni Morrison"
lives,73,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",18,4,"""They will say anything, promise anything, do everything to turn the planet into a casino where only the house cards can win-little people with finite <b>lives</b> love to play games with the infinite."" -- Toni Morrison"
future,74,"Toni Morrison, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling on Failure, Success and Happiness",27,4,"""I'm not certain that somehow, perhaps, a burgeoning ménage à trois of political interests, corporate interests and military interests will not prevail and literally annihilate an inhabitable, humane <b>future</b>."" -- Toni Morrison"
thesis,75,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",13,5,"""That's nice. A lot of hard work went into that <b>thesis.</b> And no one is ever going to care."" -- Conan O'Brien"
happy,76,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",13,5,"""And a positive is that globalization helps us understand and learn from otherwise foreign cultures. For example, I now know how to ask for a <b>Happy</b> Meal in five different languages. In Paris, I'd like a ""Repas Heureux"" In Madrid a ""Comida Feliz"" In Calcutta, a ""Kushkana, hold the beef."" In Tokyo, a ""Happi- Shokuji "" And in Berlin, I can order what is perhaps the least happy-sounding <b>Happy</b> Meal, a ""Glückselig Mahlzeit."""" -- Stephen Colbert"
four,77,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",13,5,"""She would just open the back of her Town & Country--stack us like cord wood:<b> four</b> this way, <b>four</b> that way."" -- Stephen Colbert"
knox,78,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",23,5,"""And it is fitting, most fitting, that I should speak at <b>Knox</b> College today because it was founded by abolitionists."" -- Stephen Colbert"
harvard,79,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",70,5,"""The last time I was invited to <b>Harvard</b> it cost me $110,000. So I was reluctant to show up."" -- Conan O'Brien"
show,80,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",45,5,"""I gathered all my funny friends and poured all my years of comedy experience into building the <b>show</b> over the summer. "" -- Conan O'Brien"
house,81,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",16,5,"""I soon learned that a frat <b>house</b>-oops-divided against itself cannot stand."" -- Stephen Colbert"
today,82,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",36,5,"""I left the cocoon of Harvard, I left the cocoon of Saturday Night Live, I left the cocoon of the Simpsons. And each time it was bruising and tumultuous. And yet every failure was freeing, and <b>today</b> I'm as nostalgic for the bad as I am for the good."" -- Conan O'Brien"
lot,83,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",32,5,"""Needless to say, I took a <b>lot</b> of criticism, some of it deserved, some of it excessive, and, to be honest with you, it hurt like you would not believe. But I'm telling you all this for a reason. I've had a lot of success. I've had a lot of failure. I've looked good. I've looked bad. I've been praised. And I've been criticized. But my mistakes have been necessary."" -- Conan O'Brien"
graduation,84,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",20,5,"""So you really know what's in store for you after Harvard, I have to tell you what happened to me after <b>graduation.</b> I'm going to tell it simply, I'm going to tell it honestly"" -- Conan O'Brien"
picture,85,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",9,5,"""And, let me tell you, when your whole family shows up and you get to have your <b>picture</b> taken with them -- and instead of holding up your diploma, you hold the torn corner of a yellow legal padÑthat is a humbling experience."" -- Stephen Colbert"
network,86,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",16,5,"""In desperate need of work, I put together some sketches and scored a job at the fledgling Fox <b>network</b> as a writer and performer"" -- Conan O'Brien"
television,87,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",16,5,"""I was fired. I hadn't saved any money. So I tried to get another job in <b>television</b> as best I could and couldn't find one. So with nowhere else to turn-true story -- I went to a temp agency and filled out a questionnaire."" -- Conan O'Brien"
car,88,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",18,5,"""I don't know if you're tough enough to handle this. You are the most cuddled generation in history. I belong to the last generation that did not have to be in a <b>car</b> seat."" -- Stephen Colbert"
bad,89,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",12,5,"""So that's what I wish for all of you--the <b>bad</b> as well as the good. Fall down. Make a mess. Break something occasionally. Know that your mistakes are your own unique way of getting to where you need to be. "" --Conan O'Brien"
yes,90,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",36,5,"""So, say <b>""yes.""</b> In fact, say <b>""yes""</b> as often as you can."" -- Stephen Colbert"
going,91,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",50,5,"""And I gotta say--I'm <b>going</b> to go out on the limb here--I believe slavery was wrong. No, I don't care who that upsets."" -- Stephen Colbert"
comedy,92,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",14,5,"""That book fascinated me because in it these people are killed for trying to get out of this library a book about comedy, Aristotle's Commentary on <b>Comedy</b>. And what's interesting to me is one of the arguments they have in the book is that <b>comedy</b> is bad because nowhere in the New Testament does it say that Jesus laughed. It says Jesus wept, but never did he laugh."" -- Stephen Colbert"
jesus,93,"Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien on Comedy, Television",23,5,"""That book fascinated me because in it these people are killed for trying to get out of this library a book about comedy, Aristotle's Commentary on Comedy. And what's interesting to me is one of the arguments they have in the book is that comedy is bad because nowhere in the New Testament does it say that Jesus laughed. It says <b>Jesu</b>s wept, but never did he laugh."" -- Stephen Colbert"
cbs,94,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,,0,"""Which is only to say that the notion that if you could get yourself into the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, <b>CBS</b>, NBC, Time, Newsweek, they'd take you in, teach you, protect you...."" -- Robert Krulwich"
convention,95,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,43,0,"""I'd rush from ballrooms to the <b>convention</b> pressroom and type like crazy, what exactly I don't remember, cos nobody had sent me there; I was writing nothing to nobody. It was a pantomime, the whole thing, but I was in heaven."" -- Robert Krulwich"
station,96,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,19,0,"""Why I did my impeachment lesson as a sportscast, I have no idea. It was not a... uh... big success, But one radio <b>station</b>, a community, underground, lefty kind of station, found it curiously plausible. And that's all it took, one. That tape got me my first job..."" -- Robert Krulwich"
news,97,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,22,0,"""<b>News</b>, after all, is a spin of words and pictures. It's a kind of music."" -- Robert Krulwich"
guy,98,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,25,0,"""It took 10 years for those Greeks to figure a way into Troy...ten years on the friggin' beach until finally the cleverest <b>guy</b> in the group -- the wily Ulysses -- figured out a way, involving an oversized horse, which makes you wonder: how wily do you have to be to get a job?"" -- Robert Krulwich"
days,99,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,24,0,"""When I went home, by total chance, I was seated on the plane back to New York (which cost, by the way, in those <b>days</b>, 30 dollars if you were under 22) next to none other than Dr.Benjamin Spock, the now anointed vice presidential nominee. So I had an exclusive interview with THE GUY!"" -- Robert Krulwich"
wasn't,100,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,19,0,.
new,101,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,21,0,"""I am here to tell you, that you are stepping into a world that is riper, more pregnant with newness, <b>new</b> ideas, <b>new</b> beats, new opportunities than most generations of journalists before you. You are lucky to be you, very lucky, though you may not be feeling it at the moment."" -- Robert Krulwich"
murrow,102,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,44,0,"""And he knew how lucky he was...because at that first job interview, as he walked from the elevator to the guy he was supposed to talk to, on his way down the hall, he passed a door -- it was closed, but on it, lettered in gold, were the words ""Mr. <b>Murrow</b>"", as in Edward R. <b>Murrow</b>, who was at that moment the anchor of the evening newscast. "" -- Robert Krulwich"
maybe,103,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,26,0,"""And <b>maybe</b>, for your generation, the Trojan Horse is what you've got, your talent, backed by a legion of friends. Not friends in high places. This is the era of Friends in Low Places. The ones you meet now, who will notice you, challenge you, work with you, and watch your back. <b>Maybe</b> they will be your strength."" -- Robert Krulwich"
write,104,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,36,0,"""Suppose, instead of waiting for a job offer from the New Yorker, suppose next month, you go to your living room, sit down, and just do what you love to do. If you </b> you<b> write</b>."" -- Robert Krulwich"
kuralt,105,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,26,0,"""I'm not saying CBS was always honorable. It wasn't. I'm not saying it was always noble. It wasn't. But it did offer men like <b>Kuralt</b> a deal: It said to you: ""Give us your heart, give us your best years, and we will protect you. We will pay you. We will keep you. And you will part of us. And you will be proud to be part of us."""" -- Robert Krulwich"
love,106,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,52,0,"""Journalism doesn't have to be your first <b>love</b>... or your only <b>love</b>."" -- Robert Krulwich"
chicago,107,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,40,0,"""So at age 20, I think it was, and this is just really kind of crazy behavior, I decided I'd just go. There was a political convention in <b>Chicago</b> in 1967, one year before the riots in 68. It was a political convention for left wing anti-war activists planning to nominate Dr. Martin Luther King and Dr. Benjamin Spock the world famous baby doctor/pediatrician as President and Vice President... it was called The New Politics Convention. And I thought, I'm going to go and "cover" that convention."" -- Robert Krulwich"
different,108,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,17,0,"""When you talk or write or film, you work with the music inside you, the music that formed you. <b>Different</b> generations have <b> different</b> musics in them, so whatever they do, it's going to come out differently and it will speak in beats of their own generation."" -- Robert Krulwich"
seen,109,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,31,0,"""I've also<b> seen</b>, in my most recent area, science journalism, I've seen people do just what I've proposed. I've seen people, literally, go home, write a blog about dinosaurs (in one case), neuroscience, biology. Nobody asked them. They just did. On their own. By themselves."" -- Robert Krulwich"
journalism,110,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,34,0,"""How these days does anybody get a good job in <b>journalism</b>, a job where you are surrounded by good people, people you envy and admire, people like the folks you just spent two years with at this school?"" -- Robert Krulwich"
room,111,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,36,0,"""If you choose to go this way, you won't have Charles Kuralt's instant success. It will take time. It will probably be very lonely. A living <b>room</b> is not a news <b>room</b>. It doesn't feel like one. You know you're alone. And on the way, you might get scarily close to not being able to afford a living <b>room.</b>"" -- Robert Krulwich"
charles,112,Robert Krulwich on the State of Journalism,24,0,"""And for you, the generation after me, I'll say to you what I said to my hero,<b>Charles:</b> You can't trust big companies to keep you safe."" -- Robert Krulwich"
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